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Scrotal ache after starting to pump

Scrotal ache after starting to pump

After three months of just stretching and jelqing, I finally got a pump. Actually, a MityVac and an aquarium gravel tube. My Eg is about 5.25”, and the tube is a little less than 2” ID. The first third of my shaft packs the tube. The first try was difficult because the edge of the tube dug in too much. So I used a propane torch to soften the edge and flair it out about 1/8 of an inch. But then in my second attempt, my scrotum started getting sucked up into the tube. I could swear I could feel the epididymis getting pulled in. I tried wrapping the top of my balls, but the velcro wrap was too loose and while my balls didn’t get sucked into the tube, all my scrotal skin did. What skin was left was pulled tight over my balls. My shaft and balls looked rather purple afterward, but an icepack alleviated that. Today (my third pumping attempt) I put the velcro strap on as snuggly as possible and I didn’t have any turkey skin pulling up into the tube; my balls stayed nice and loose while I pumped. However, I now have an ache in my scrotum. It’s either from (1) the edge of the tube hitting too hard below my fat pad; (2) the epididymis has actually been bruised when it got sucked into the tube; AND/OR (3) too much edging—I’ve been doing more of that lately without any “relief.”

The routine I’m trying to do (under an IR lamp) is as follows:
5 minutes warming with IR lamp
5 minutes stretching
5 minutes jelqing
5 minutes pumping (at 5” Hg)
Repeat the jelqing and pumping for two more cycles
Edge for 5-10 minutes

It’s still difficult maintaining a mid-range erection during my routine, so I just go with whatever I have—whether it’s at 30% erect or 95% erect. And to keep the edge of the tube from digging in too much, I jelq (pull) the tube outward a bit. It increases the pressure to ~7” Hg, but it relieves the digging in at the base, it doesn’t bother my shaft and I haven’t had any negative side effects on the skin yet. I’ve tried condom pumping, but that’s not conducive to jelqing in between rounds of pumping. The biggest concern I have right now is getting rid of the ache in my ball sack. Ibuprofen and ice packs don’t seem to alleviate it. But my wife is waiting for me to come to bed. Hmmm.

Try to avoid erect jelking. If your cock isn’t at a stage when it is still somewhat bendable/maleable, the jelking won’t do a whole lot for you because you won’t be moving much blood within it and your skin and tissues will aleady be stretched from the erection.

If you’ve bruised your epididymous, that’ll cause you some scrotal discomfort, more on the bruised side than on both usually but the pain on one side can be “referred” to the other. Watch for blood mixed in with your semen. If you get that, it will usually disappear as the bruise heals. If you get blood for more than a few days, get this checked out with a urologist/internist.

And, Blue Balls has to be a consideration, too. PE/Pumping can be very stimulating and without a release now and then maybe that could happen. Never had it but enough guys complain about it that blue balls is probably more than urban legend.

Anyone here remember posts about neoprene or plastic flanges that will fit a gravel tube of the size he has?




Way back when Tom Hubbard started everything, his plan for the tube was to wrap the opening with many many layers of electrical tape building the opening up and then putting about 4-5” of bicycle tube over it. Part into the tube and part outside thus giving a larger softer seal. Try it but a bicycle tube is way too small. Buy a cheap motorcycle tube about a 2” tube from the cycle shop. They run about $5-6. Save it what you don’t use as most lotions will harden the tube and you’ll need to replace it after about 6 months or so.

Follow Avocet8 and you’ll be OK. You could be stretching those vas defrons a bit also.


Originally Posted by Tennsteven
Way back when Tom Hubbard started everything, his plan for the tube was to wrap the opening with many many layers of electrical tape building the opening up and then putting about 4-5” of bicycle tube over it. Part into the tube and part outside thus giving a larger softer seal. Try it but a bicycle tube is way too small. Buy a cheap motorcycle tube about a 2” tube from the cycle shop. They run about $5-6. Save it what you don’t use as most lotions will harden the tube and you’ll need to replace it after about 6 months or so.
Follow Avocet8 and you’ll be OK. You could be stretching those vas defrons a bit also.

You, know, Steve, you could have just told me to “do a search.” But it would take me days to find this idea in the archives, I think. Amazing stuff guys have already tried. (Gee, let’s reinvent the wheel, too!) So thanks for taking time to help a newbie out.

But let me clarify what’s “inside” and “outside” the pump tube…
You have 2” or so of inner tube inside the pumb tube, and then the “outer” portion of the inner tube would be stretched inside out over the “lip” built up out of electrical tape?

If one did use an inner tube that roughly fit one’s EG, then you could have a longer portion of inner tube (slightly longer than one’s BPEL) inside the pump tube. The inner tube (and one’s shaft) would still expand within the pump tube. That way, there would be a built-in sleeve to help prevent donuts and blisters. It seems simpler than pumping with condoms or various wraps to avoid those nasty side effects. For those of us with a curved cock, a motorcycle inner tube would almost be custom made!


When I first started pumping, I took the same route as you have and built my own with the same components. I found the base to be rather uncomfortable and uneven to begin with, so I sanded that puppy down. I made it smooth and even using sand paper. Don’t get me wrong, it still hurts a little when I dig it in to my fat pad, but it is a minimal feeling and will get use to over time. If you jelq in the tube, you won’t have to worry about it since the tube isn’t digging in.

About your skin getting sucked in….happens to everyone. I jelq the tube upwards, grab the skin, and pull it out. I have to do it 2-3 times during a pump set. When you start filling the tube, it will happen less.

See Homemade pump: more user friendly with innertubes

I think you’re right that when I start filling the tube more, it will suck less of my scrotum (and its contents!) up into the tube. When I’ve tried pumping with less than a full erection is when I really pull the epididymis into the tube. Ouch. (Probably having a vasectomy a few years ago doesn’t help… the vas isn’t anchored any more.) But some of the modifications I’ve done with inner tubes seem to really help—especially creating an extra inner flange to the mouth of the pump tube, using a bicycle inner tube.

Question: When you "jelq" while in the tube, do you actually use an OK grip on any exposed shaft, or do you simply mean that you pull the tube outward from your fat pad? I’ve tried the latter already, but haven’t tried any OK grip in addition to that.

I’m not sure I agree with the reasoning against not erect jelqing, but I think I’ll start another thread on that.

Thanks a lot for your input guys!

I’ve been there. For me at least, it’s simply the pressure of the rim pressing against my epididymis. During the pumping process they get kinda squished, and whilst not immediately painful I find I need a break of a week or so between pumps. If you take it easy you won’t get the pain, but then as they say no pain no gain.

(This doesn’t mean hurt yourself - I’m just saying that putting enough pressure on the stretch things can cause sore balls)

By jelqing in the tube I mean pulling the tube in and out while you’re in it. It helps you fill the tube. Keep doing it and eventually you’ll notice temporary gains…then permanent gains.

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