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sex after to?

sex after to?

help guys!!

I am meeting up with my chick for vacation in 3 weeks and it will be about a month since we’ve been together by that time when we meet up.

I want to give her a little something extra if you know what i mean but am not sure how to retain my pump for sex.I use the stretchy cock rings but they let most of the pump go away in just a few minutes.

so for those of you guys out there that practice the after pump do you do it.

what I am looking for i guess comes down to these three things
-what kind of device or cock ring can I use
-what kind of session should I put in right before sex,like a full session,or a shortened one
-how much bigger should I pump up above normal and still have good sex

I think this:

You are what you are now and it’ll be awhile down the road before you get the dick you are looking for, in your head.

You’ve already been with this woman. She obviously found that good or she wouldn’t dream of spending a vacation with you. So you are good for her, sexually.

You are too early into pumping to get the results that the vets get - long lasting pumps after PE so forget trying to set that up to happen in three weeks.

For sex, you’ll get more girth with a good-fitting cock ring. The best kind, I think, is a flexible one made of rubber or neoprene, most of them are black; flexible so you can take it off easily but not real stretchy. It’s a simple ring, doesn’t look very obvious when you have it on.

When you two have been at foreplay for awhile and you are turned on, lubricate the ring and slip it on. If you two use condoms, put the condom on after the cock ring is in place. The ring at the base of the condom will give you a little extra shaft tension.

Try this at home first to see what you get and to make you comfortable with the routine.

Rule is for a shaft ring used during sex, no more than one half hour with the ring in place. But if you are like most of us, you’ll have already cum and won’t have to worry about oxygenated blood getting back in.

Practice, practice, practice, Gotta. That’s how you get to Carnegie Hall.



thanks Avocet,
I know your right on the too new to see the huge gains yet,but dammit,I want them anyway . I’m going to stop by the ummmm…PE supply store,ie porn shop today and pick up a set of good rubber rings.but will the ring alone have any effect….I just wanted to max out and really rock her world you your saying the ring alone will have some effect? I know when I pump if I throw a stretchy ring on and do a double wrap to make it tight I will have a girth of as high as 5/8 above my normal girth and I was somehow hoping to capture this for a round of wild sex,sounds like your saying you don’t find it to work that way,and if that’s the case I’ll just have to accept ,but i’d be lying if I said I wasn’t going to alteast give it a test run before hand anyway :)

by the way,anyone know of a total routine to gain an inch in both length and girth,have super low hanging balls, and shoot loads across the room that can be done in 21 days or less????????………lol just kidding,lord knows if there was one that worked I’d sign over my next 10 paychecks for the formula.

ok,enough for now,I’m off to walmart for more tube lube,thera-P and a new supplement for bigger loads, I’ll know which one as soon as I run a search.

While he’s at Walmart improving the American economy, I’ll add this:

I think I didn’t say it would not help to use a cock ring, but that it would. Just not the very squooshy kind. Something firm but flexible for easy removal does work.

A good fitting cock ring makes all of us thicker, erect. The cavernosal chambers fill to their capacity, venous (out-going blood) cannot leave the penis as easily as it usually might. Both arteries and veins expand to their full capacity and tend to protrude (where else the blood going to go once it is trapped inside the penis?)

I don’t know if many of you remember Braker. He was a mod here and still comes back to visit, is now a Mod-emeritus or whatever we call them. He says that he always has sex now with a cockring on. He likes the shaft expansion. And he’s careful about timing when he has one on.

Btw, I will be the last to complain about the benefits of the TheraP wrap, but peforeal has found something even better. A special ACE wrap. He will explain, if he hasn’t done so already somewhere else.



Hey Gotta,

If you want a real improvement in a short time, pop some viagra.

You can get it cheap as a generic from overseas.

If you get healthy errections the natural way 25mg of V will give you the biggest raging woody you’ve ever had in your life.

Just be careful and don’t build up a dependence.


Originally Posted by avocet8
Btw, I will be the last to complain about the benefits of the TheraP wrap, but peforeal has found something even better. A special ACE wrap. He will explain, if he hasn’t done so already somewhere else.

I have been pumping for 7 months and have also been using the the Thera-P for about 6 of those months. I have to say it works but takes a while that is for sure.

Anyway I would like to know more about this “ACE” wrap that peforeal knows about. I did a search and came up with nothing.

Gotta - be patient, dick changes are slow to come for most. You will get there with persistence. You will have good days and bad days. Hell even good weeks and bad weeks. Just keep doing but don’t over do it.

BTW: It has been my experience that if I do another set after I pack as good as I can that the results last much longer. It is amazing what another 10 minutes will do at the right time.

G :)

ACE Elbow Strap = TheraP strap Alternative

Originally Posted by GrowingPains
I have been pumping for 7 months and have also been using the the Thera-P for about 6 of those months. I have to say it works but takes a while that is for sure.

Anyway I would like to know more about this “ACE” wrap that peforeal knows about. I did a search and came up with nothing.

Growing Pains,

I just did a new post in my TheraP thread addressing the alternative ACE strap:

ACE Elbow Strap = TheraP Strap Alternative


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Cool. :thumbs:



ok,supposing I was brave enough to take my pump rig on a flight for this rendevous…….can’t you guys pump up and then have sex within a few minutes to 1/2 hr.

I regularly pump to about 5 5/8-5 7/8 base and 5 5/8 mid shaft during a session,thats measured out of the tube right after a session…….isn’t there a way to keep this pump for an hour or so (probably less) to have sex……..I thought lots of guys did this….I never have,she doesn’t even know about the pump or anything….but I was going to try it and don’t want to fuck it up and lose it or who knows what else could happen.

please anyone with experience doing this please chime in.thanks guys.

I know you are right about seeing gains with 3 weeks to go,I’ve accepted that I likely won’t gain anymore in the next 3 weeks,but like I said,i’m already pumping up big and was hoping to use that for some mind blowing sex.

Originally Posted by gottaget8x6
I know you are right about seeing gains with 3 weeks to go,I’ve accepted that I likely won’t gain anymore in the next 3 weeks,but like I said,i’m already pumping up big and was hoping to use that for some mind blowing sex.

It may work, pumping before hand, or it may not.

My bet is that a good-fitting cock ring at your stage of the game will make you plenty big, and you won’t have to pack the pump gear for the flight if you don’t want to.



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