Should I Be Able To Touch The Cylinder Walls With Low Pressure?
Hey guys,
I dropped my bathmate in fear of using too much unknown pressure. Bought a pump with a gauge, consulted the cylinder guide, bought a 1.75 inch diameter as my BPEG is between 4.75 and 5 inches and that seemed right.
Thing is, I’m worried about the expansion I’m getting with water pumping up to 5hg. It fits the cylinder at least at the base with not too many pumps in. So far this feels so much safer than my bath mate though, I’m just having trouble taking it out when I’m done and wondered whether that’s normal or if I should be using a cylinder I can’t fill at safe pressures.
By the way, I think I’ve read 4-7hg is safe for newbies? I know for sure I had to be more than that with the bathmate as 5hg felt comfortable today and I reached the same length with almost no discomfort.
Still, I worry when I see my veins pressed tightly against the glass and that’s really the only thing I didn’t have a problem with in the bathmate. The method recommended here, however, left me with no red dots.
I’ll probably buy the 2” cylinder tonight but figured I’d get some feedback at the same time. If I end up not needing it, it’s there to grow into :)
Thanks in advance!