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Low pressure pumping + clamping + long sessions

Low pressure pumping + clamping + long sessions

Gprent, Big Girtha, and others, I’m intrigued with the idea of pumping at low pressure for long periods. I’m well conditioned, so I’m going to start doing it for at least an hour or two a day. Do you think there’s an upper limit to the number of sessions? Could I, for example work up to three or four reps per day at 3 or less hg?

Then I’m also wondering: is anyone combining intense clamping, like Big Girtha does, and long session pumping, like Gprent? A routine might look like this, with heat applied often:

— porn and jelq to an erection
— pump at low pressure for 45 - 60 minutes
— rest, jelq, get a new boner
— clamp for 8 - 10 minutes
— rest for 5 -10 minutes; jelq, get a new boner
— clamp for 8-10 minutes
— rest, jelq, and get yet another woody
— pump at low pressure for 45 - 60 minutes

Rinse. Repeat.

All told, that would be a three hour + girth session, so it would probably require total privacy and having virtually nothing else going on in your life. Since that pretty much describes me, I might try it. For three months I’ve been doing higher pressure, 15 minute-session pumping combined with at least 5 turn key clamp reps a day, so I’m ready to try something slightly new.

Anyway, anyone else doing something like this already?

That’s pretty much my routine. I do 30 minutes in the tube at 4-7 inHg and then clamp once or twice, without repeats.
Low vacuum didn’t do much for me. I need to have at least 4-5 to feel something.
Long low vacuum sessions will just suck in lots of lymph into your dick. You will get considerably thicker but it’s all fluid in the skin.

Also 3 inHG isn’t enough to maintain a good erection level, and it’s unlikely you will be able to do it yourslef for 45-60 minutes straight, meaning more built-up fluid.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

I think your routine to going to end up being too much. You eventually do reach a point of diminishing returns with any physical activity you put your body through.

To start off with I would work up to just one 45-60 minute pump session followed by your clamp routine. After doing that for awhile, you might try one of those sessions in the morning and one at night.

But doing 3 hours in a row? If you try it, just listen to your body feedback, because it will be telling you if it’s too much. First signs will be loss of morning wood, loss of erection strength, or loss of flaccid size. Or, the more obvious one: it looks like you’ve beaten it with a mallet. :)

Maybe do it so now and then?

To scare the shit out of your dick, to stimulate growth.

At least one day rest after it.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Hello Ike


Sorry about the wordy reply, but you know me:

I’m usually the first to opt for aggressive PE however, I’m kind of with gprent on this one, at least on the pumping part. Three hours at the tube sounds a little overkill to me, but this really depends on how conditioned you’ve become to pumping and how often you need your dick for sex. Doing this kind of marathon girth work more than two days a week will definitely do two things; it will give you mega gains in total penile volume, and it will most certainly temporarily weaken your erections for sex. On the up-side, the extra faux girth you obtain from this aggressive girth-work kind of makes up for the lack of hardness with most women, but not all.

Zane, for instance, claims to prefer a thinner dick that is rock hard to a girthier one that is only semi erect. I do know at least one other woman who feels the same, but she is a little bias due to her profession. Mrz G. on the other hand as well as most of the women I’m involved with prefers fat over hard as long as it is hard enough for initial penetration. Once inside, when your faux girth is over 7” your dick really has no where to go but in, thus I’ve gotten by with over-working my dick on girth days and still managed to keep the little woman smiling all weekend, whereas I wouldn’t be able to get by with this if I lived with someone with Zane’s preference. But as far as gains, I do think these all day girth sessions are productive doing them once or twice a week, although you really have to watch things closely. A good gauge for erection quality is fluid buildup and loss of sensitivity in the glands. The doughnut and or numb glands are a better indicator than the clock or the pressure gauge when it comes to knowing when to stop.

Your routine sounds a lot like the girth work I was doing just before I semi-retired to a clamping only routine. For me, toward the end of these all day girth sessions I began to use lymph as an indicator of when to stop rather than time. Between each pump and clamp set massage and wet jelq keeping very vigilant for fluid buildup and numbness. The first hint of a doughnut or loss of sensitivity stop the girth session but continue to ADS and Fowfer all day, Bed Fowfer during sleep and do as many piss pulls as humanly possible.
:) Never Let it Turtle(:

I realize not everyone has time to do these kinds of all day routines, but I honestly feel they are the quickest path to girth and flaccid length gains. I, like you, have unlimited time for PE due to the nature of my work. During the week (Monday through Thursday) while sitting at my desk working locked inside my private office, I’m in an almost perpetual state of engorgement from all day clamping with dry jelqing between 10 minute sets. Fridays I let my dick rest up for the weekend. On the weekends I use my dick for play, that is if haven’t over worked it. Dropping 30mg of liquid Calis (kitsnmore) twice a week I’m fine, otherwise I’d have weak erections on the weekends.

I’ve pretty much given up everything now but clamping, manual stretching, dry jelqs, Fowfers, and wearing the lead weights. Pumping is messy and hanging is just too much trouble, not to mention my dick has gotten too fat for my Bib Starter, and I really don’t want to invest in the production model, due to some of the more innovative hangers being developed at this time like the MaleBridge thing or that other vacuum hanger, I forget the name. The Redi-stretcher also looks interesting if for no other reason merely for the simplicity of application, but for now I’m pretty much happy with my current size, although a little more flaccid length for nudist camp exhibitionism is always in order. :flash:

Otherwise call me semi retired.

Hope this helps

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Last edited by Big Girtha : 09-25-2005 at .

Play it Again Sam

Wasn’t it Boggie who said, “I never knew a dame who didn’t understand a dick-slap in the mouth or a slug from a 48.”

Or was that Woody Allen? (:

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by sparky91
Low vacuum didn’t do much for me. I need to have at least 4-5 to feel something.

Same holds true for me. Although I don’t do marathon sessions.

I start out with 10 min in the 4-5 range, clamp for 10, and hit another 10 minute pump set this time from 6-8hg. My cock is nice and plump after a session, I can really feel the extra pressure stretching the tissues and allowing for maximum expansion…it feels great! :mwink:

Ike, sparkyx and I discussed low-pressure pumping in general. Also see my progress log (link in my signature).

Both of us have pretty tough tunicae. Neither of us have gone for marathon sessions. I’ve considered it, once I get conditioned to normal-length sessions, but for the next few months I lack privacy. Perhaps early 2006 I’ll get to try it out.

I say experiment, but build up carefully. Stop if you have any symptoms of overtraining. Then report back to us.


Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Thanks for the replies. I haven’t had much of a chance to pump and clamp since my first post in this thread, but I am today. I’m basically doing that routine I described, but only one time through. Late at night I have been doing long-term, low-pressure pumping. I find I do need slightly more pressure, like around 4 hg, to stay as erect as I want. My test is comfort more than pressure reading: I suck until I’m full in the tube, but not so much that I feel any pain. The objective, to me, is to be fully engorged for as long as I comfortably can.

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