So I'm trying pumping.
So I know I don’t post very much but I lurk here almost every day. Last year at this time I started the newbie routine and had terrific results after three months, and even moreso after 5 months. I decided to take a 2 month break during summer as I was very busy and felt happy with my goals as far as PE was concerned.
In mid august I started up again with jelqing and light stretches a couple times a week, which went on for about 3 months, and no real gains to speak of, just a nice strong erection and the ability to perform when called upon, sometimes more than once,(which the mrs. loves)
Anyway, I bought a good pump about 4 weeks ago, with gauge and all, and am 4 weeks into the pumpers 101 routine. 2x 15 min@ 5hg.
After week 2, I started incorperating a 10 minute slow jelq session at the end of pumping.
This week, after my jelq, I am rewrapping for 5 minutes with a hot towel, then doing a 5 minute clamp, followed by a good massage and warm down in the shower.
From the start of my pumping and jelqing to today, I have recorded a gain of 0.35” in length, and 0.2” in girth.
Now I am aware that true measurement should be done after a few days rest, but I feel that with continued jelqing in my routine should help cement everything I gain.
This is more or less an experiment to see if my plateau can be broken by trying something other than my previous routine of manual stretching, jelqing and ulis plus clamping.
So far I love the feeling, and my flaccid stays plump and long almost all day now.
I will keep you all abreast of the results as they happen or not.
'Life is too short to be Grumpy, always look at the silver lining, and stay focussed.'
Starting Stats 6.15" EL 4.5" EG Current 7.25" BPEL 5.9" EG Goal 8.0" EL 6.5" EG