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Some newbie pumping questions

Some newbie pumping questions

1. Is pumping a technique where once the erection and pressure have been established, one can simply set the timer and weight?

2. What are some reputable pump manufactures?

I guess those two are the only onces I’ve got. The rest I’ll have to figure out with experience. My second question is the one I believe to be the most important.

I’m very anxious to give pumping a try. I’ve heard good things about it and it’s one of the few techniques I haven’t tried yet.

You can just set the timer and wait but personally I like to kegel. The first reason for this is because I find it helps me stay erect in the cylinder for longer. Obviously the pump will make you erect but it just feels like I am getting more out of it if my penis is naturally erect as well as being pumped! This also seems to make the head of my penis really inflate nicely too with each kegel.

As for reputable pump manufactures I would say go with a pump that isn’t specifically designed for pumping a penis. I use one that is for testing vacuums on cars and bleeding brakes. They are about the same price or cheaper but they just look like they will take more abuse and last longer. This is what I use Just Off Base - Power Tools And Machinery: Drills, Saws, Nailers And More

I think your best move is to look at the pumper’s forum, and read the members’ opinions of manufacturers. That will give you some idea of what to expect when you consider what to buy

On your first point The answer is No. You should monitor what is happening. As you can easily overdo things, particularly in the early stages of pumping. Again, read what has been members’ experiences of the various techniques. then test what you have read. Observe and improve on what other members are doing related to your reactions.

No-one can tell you what is best for you (except don’t go overboard with the vacuum and time).

In short read what your dick is telling you. And ask questions on things you are unsure of.

It’s up to you really.

Good luck!

(Oopps! I edited out my faux pas on ‘clamping’ (: )

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Last edited by petitfaun : 02-01-2010 at .

Originally Posted by petitfaun

I think your best move is to look at the pumper’s forum, and read the members’ opinions of manufacturers. That will give you some idea of what to expect when you consider what to buy

On your first point The answer is No. You should monitor what is happening. As you can easily overdo things, particularly in the early stages of clamping. Again, read what has been members’ experiences of the various techniques. then test what you have read. Observe and improve on what other members are doing related to your reactions.

No-one can tell you what is best for you (except don’t go overboard with the vacuum and time).

In short read what your dick is telling you. And ask questions on things you are unsure of.

It’s up to you really.

Good luck!

You’re right, and I wasn’t trying to suggest that I would simply pump up and then leave my penis to fend for itself for 20 minutes or so. I was actually wondering if it was something that needed undivided attention or if it was something that I could set up and check on every 60 seconds.

Maybe not every 60 seconds, but at least every 5 minutes. However, in the beginning I found it fun to watch it grow during the first five minutes.

During your first pumping sessions, how far past your natural limit did you go and how long would that increase last before returning to your normal EL X EG?

It depends what you mean by "natural limit."

You can do really odd things to yourself with pumping, so it may be a matter of taste - that is, when it’s not a matter of safety.

However, I’d recommend that you heed petitfaun’s advice and check out The Pumper’s Forum section around here. Avocet8’s thread in particular.

As for the product advice:

Check out Boston Pumps online. They give you a decent product at a decent price - for me it’s all about price these days: cheap is real. So I’d recommend buying a cylinder from them, and I’d also recommend the silicone sleeve called Sleeve Master .

For the pump itself, as you are a newbie, it is recommended that you get a good brass pump with a gauge. Most of the "penis pump" manufacturers jack the price up and have unreliable quality. Even Boston Pumps - though better than most, they still sell a plastic gauge pump for too much money.

I recommend this instead: Harbor Freight brass pump with a gauge. I have one of these and they are pretty durable and accurate.

Once you have a decent amount of experience with pumping, a brass pump from Boston Pumps or some such without a gauge (like this) will be fine.

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God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

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