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Stuck at 7.25" NBP

Stuck at 7.25" NBP

Thus far, I’ve gotten more results from pumping than anything else. After a little break, I resumed pumping at 4 in Hg for 30-60 min about five days per week. I’ve been doing this for over three months… and nothing. I’m still 7.25” NBPEL. I was hoping that after this much time, I would have seen some sign of increase but I took a cold measurement this morning and there was no difference. Can anybody suggest a course of action that could possibly turn things around? I’d appreciate it.

Try something else for a while.

What are your gains from pumping?

Started May 2010- 5.9 BPEL X 5.5 MSEG

January 18, 2011- 7.0 inches/17.7cm BPEL X 5.5 MSEG

Goals- 8.0nbp X some more base girth

Originally Posted by passwurdz
What are your gains from pumping?

Being that I’ve been off and on with PE, I’m not exactly sure but I’d say about 0.5”.


If you want to accurately measure progress I recommend using Bone Pressed measurements. Non-Bone Pressed is subject to wide variations and is not real accurate.

Take care and happy gains,

4Foreskin ;)

Originally Posted by andgrowing
Thus far, I’ve gotten more results from pumping than anything else. After a little break, I resumed pumping at 4 in Hg for 30-60 min about five days per week. I’ve been doing this for over three months… and nothing. I’m still 7.25” NBPEL. I was hoping that after this much time, I would have seen some sign of increase but I took a cold measurement this morning and there was no difference. Can anybody suggest a course of action that could possibly turn things around? I’d appreciate it.

Do you warm up first? And do you pump 30 minutes straight without break?

Why don’t you start with a set at 4 and then pump to 5 to achieve more stretching/expansion?

Originally Posted by chrisone
Do you warm up first? And do you pump 30 minutes straight without break?

No, I pretty much achieve an erection and then just go to it. And yes, I’ll put for 30-60 minutes without a break.

Originally Posted by patchukwurah
Why don’t you start with a set at 4 and then pump to 5 to achieve more stretching/expansion?

Thanks. I’ll try just about anything different.

I agree with going to 5hg. Or go for more time. Maybe even record your workouts. You can always progress with your PE sessions whether its intensity, volume, or density (volume/time). Example: If you pump for 4hg for 30 minutes, go for 5hg for 20 minutes next week. Your volume didn’t increase but your intensity did because you went up to 5hg. Work your way up (slowly!) to 5hg for 30, 45 and eventually 60 minutes maybe. Come to think of it, your volume would be how long you are going since you aren’t really doing reps. Reps x weight (Hg) would equal volume but since you aren’t inflating/deflating constantly (which could be a rep), the “rep” number would always be “1” if you pump and don’t deflate until you take a break.

I’m not a big numbers person but seeing perpetual progress in one way or another would be good! Overload is needed for growth, IMO, but overload doesn’t mean beating the crap out of your dick. It means increasing the volume, intensity or density everytime one way or another in a systematic way.

Hope that helps a little and hope I didn’t confuse you :)

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
Work your way up (slowly!) to 5hg for 30, 45 and eventually 60 minutes maybe.

Isn’t too much 60 minutes? I always thought (especially reading pumping101, that you have to take break every 20 minutes because with pumping, in some way, you cut your blood off.

Yes you are probably right that you need to take a break. I meant to say that overall time for the workout would be 60 minute. Good catch.

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