Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Scariest of all Pumping Sites...

Originally Posted by Marco_187
Act 4 wait a minute? Now who said I dream of being fucked in the ass every time. I do not.

Act 4: Dam it, I forgot. I’ll post it anyway.

Marco, you have never dreamed of being fucked in the ass? Tell the truth, Cmon……

Well in this particular scenario, I choose not to dream. So what you going to do about it?

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Now now boys.

I went on that Newart site. I seen a forum for impotence. You might have to read that if you decide to pump with high pressures, Pump long durations without a break.

People keep it safe.

If you pump too high IT WILL! Cause damage to your privates. I do not even advise anybody to pump their balls or stretch them.

Most of the members on that site are really ‘sick’.


The good thing about pages like this: It makes you feel less like a freak who is spending so much time just for enlarging your penis…

But I totally agree: Most of those guys and especially the women are sick!

“Yeah were not sick hanging stuff off our dicks.”

No we are not sick. Now if you try to hang midget off your dick; That might be a little sick HA HA HA a little sick

Yes, interesting site that.
I am going to use that site as a reference point for when I question why I am doing this. It makes what I do seem so rational.
I want to know how these persons go to work the next day and work comfortably with a football sized ballsack in there crotch?

No offence though its just the logistics don’t gel for me.

The scariest? Take a look to the ball pumping section. Seek the saline injection pictures.

Originally Posted by Marco_187

Well in this particular scenario, I choose not to dream. So what you going to do about it?

Are you posting this to me?

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Are you posting this to me?

Are you posting to me?

Are you posting to - me?

Well there’s nobody else around here, so must be posting to me…. you posting to me?

5 green bottles sitting on the tree…. 5 green bottles sitting on the tree
but if one green bottle should accidentally fall….. la la laaa….
there would be 3 green bottles sitting in the tree… 3 green bottles sitting in… ahhhhh [Bear]…

3 green bottles, sitting in the FUCK IT

Man, its 2/3 am in the morning… I have to be at work at 8. Ha ha ha, I have to be at work? work you say? I’M GOING TO GET FIRED. I’ll tell him where to stick it that cunt.

YEAH! YEAAH! YEAA! [Rock music]

Wait a sec…. I’ll be back…

I buried that thread TNT… let it be gone! Newbe’s - Pay no attention! Its a waist of time. The thread has nothing to do with PE.

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Marco, you need to either take your meds more regularly or stay away from here in the middle of the night.

If I have to start deleting your crap, you aren’t going to like the result.



Originally Posted by avocet8
Marco, you need to either take your meds more regularly or stay away from here in the middle of the night.

If I have to start deleting your crap, you aren’t going to like the result.

Yeah, but this guy has taken a lot of shit just for being honest. Even from me. Marco is definitely cool. Keep rock’n Marco and give them hell>

Originally Posted by Marco_187
Are you posting to me?

Are you posting to - me?

Well there’s nobody else around here, so must be posting to me…. you posting to me?

5 green bottles sitting on the tree…. 5 green bottles sitting on the tree
but if one green bottle should accidentally fall….. la la laaa….
there would be 3 green bottles sitting in the tree… 3 green bottles sitting in… ahhhhh [Bear]…

3 green bottles, sitting in the FUCK IT

Man, its 2/3 am in the morning… I have to be at work at 8. Ha ha ha, I have to be at work? work you say? I’M GOING TO GET FIRED. I’ll tell him where to stick it that cunt.

YEAH! YEAAH! YEAA! [Rock music]

Wait a sec…. I’ll be back…

I buried that thread TNT… let it be gone! Newbe’s - Pay no attention! Its a waist of time. The thread has nothing to do with PE.


What does this say, to anyone’s advantage here? It’s just drizzle and Marco knows better.




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