Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Scariest of all Pumping Sites...

Why don’t you just fuck the orange while your at it Marco. :)

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

Originally Posted by Shagnasty

Why don’t you just fuck the orange while your at it Marco. :)

That’s sick! Just what kind of a dirty mind do you own Shagnasty.

I'm pissed of with my gains and loses. I've been doing this for more than 4 years. I keep measuring wrong and the next time I update my signature you will see impressive results.

Oh My!

Interesting site! A little short on theory, technique, and safety - but definitely a turn-on. Also nice sharp pics. Looks like there are other weirdos out there that share some of my fetishes. Thanks, Marco MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

I think they Pump all the day and nothing else , Since year i pump 10 - 20 min and result was 20% thicker and feeling of haviness , but yesterday i deside to pump as long as i get thicker then ever i got , so i pumped first 20 min then jelq then again pumped 30 min and jelq then again pumped 75 min

this time i got my penis like balloon and filled all the 2 inch pump inside space , First when i saw out of tube oh i said today i have burst it , but i didnt rush to hospital and waitted to see after an hour ,

Guys really it was thicker when i get measure of it its was 6.7 in width and my normal width is 5.5

what a great looking was it i show it to my lady she screamed OOOOOOOOOOOh.

That mean what we see in the site is true but need to spend days to get bulked penis and might this long time pumping with high pressure damage the penis .


Me myself, not to offend anyone that is in to that stuff, but that has to be one of the sickest things i’ve seen before. Creating all that extra skin

I’d hate to see what that’s gonna look like at the age of 60 or 70. I hope they tell their newbies to do that crap gradually or they might have a minor accident. :bang:

Marco, there are strictly pussy/clit pumping porn sites. Actually there are many sites around. The effects that are in the testimonials on how it feels to a woman are pretty interesting. It’s your decision on how you want to get into them (as they are pay sites).


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