Thunder's Place

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Thinking of pumping, any advice?

Thinking of pumping, any advice?

I’m hoping that I’ll be able to start hanging this summer, and in fact I believe I will due to the generosity of a fellow here at Thunder’s. After I get used to having hanging in my routine, I’d really like to try out pumping. I have a few reservations, mostly as a result of ignorance. Thus, I come to you guys.

Here are the most daunting questions on my mind:

1.) As an inexperienced pumper with 6” BPEL and 4.5” EG, what kind of tube would be best for someone who would need to be especially careful (as a newbie) and cost efficient? I’m planning on adding pumping around August, if I’ve planned my budget correctly, so there may be that chance that my size will be different.
2.) What does pumping do to the dick? Will I pull my dick out having it looking like I just nuked it in the microwave and it’s about to burst; a normal dick that is bigger than it was before pumping; like I’ve injected it with water; or something else? Basically, I don’t want to scare the shit out of myself if I pull something out of a tube that doesn’t look like the dick I put in.
3.) Does it hurt/feel good/slightly uncomfortable?

Thanks in advance. Also, if there’s something else I should be aware of, feel free to lemme know.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Originally posted by fauven

Here are the most daunting questions on my mind:

1.) As an inexperienced pumper with 6" BPEL and 4.5" EG, what kind of tube would be best

IMO this is a very reputable vendor….

Welcome to

I’ve bought two cylinders from them; have talked with them on telephone and emailed with them.

You can find their size chart at

Cylinder Sizing : and this is part of their size chart relevant to your dick

Penis Outside Measurement (Circumference) Cylinder Order Size (tube inside diameter)
4 3/4 1 1/2

Given that their standard stocked tube is for individuals with larger girth than your dick, I would contact them and get their recommendations. This is their contact information…

Email -
Postal Mail -
Los Angeles Pump Distributing, llc.
4450 California Place, No 377
Long Beach, CA 90807-2229
Phone: (310) 289-7199 Fax: (310) 289-7199

Cylinder length: an 8” or 9” cylinder would serve you well…length is not as critical as cylinder, inside diameter

LAPD does make cylinders custom order.

They have a standard package, lacking vacuum gauge, and a deluxe package with vacuum gauge.

When I bought my first pumping gear in 1989 at an upscale, Chicago, leather shop, pump did not have vacuum gauge. I’ve not sustained any injuries to my dick.

As it turns out that was a fortuitous decision as I can occasionally pump “wet”. But most importantly, I use shave cream as a lube (I don’t have to clean cylinders out that frequently…do bacteria grow on a bar of soap?) Shave cream after couple days foams up and backs up into line….I just immerse line in warm water and pump water through the pump…..I couldn’t do that if my pump had a vacuum gauge.

2.) What does pumping do to the dick?

You’ve already critiqued the “ugly”dicks at

http://www.tige … .com/index.html

Please consider looking again. Tiger has introduced many men to pumping.

Here theory is discussed

http://www.tige … l#Anchor-theory

with some excellent representative images as to what’s going on during the pumping process

With your girth, IMO, your main goal will be to “pack” the cylinder…again discussion by Tiger with cross-sectional drawings and accompanying images…

http://www.tige … #Anchor-packing

I posted that and you replied that “those were some of the ugliest dicks you’ve seen”. At my age of 65, I’ve seen thousands of dicks 3D…there may be some that were marginal, but by far I think majority are quite handsome…..but you did not allow for that.

3.) Does it hurt/feel good/slightly uncomfortable?

I’ve never experienced any discomfort. I’ve read posts here that some men like pumping to stretch/lengthen their dick’s suspensory ligament.

Any changes in your dick during a pump session are usually short lived. Uncut men may develop a donut, I’m cut so I develop a prominent collar behind my coronal ridge…within a couple of hours the collar has disappeared.

After pumping I wrap my dick and nuts in TheraP wrap that Peforeal has introduced us to….i’ll wear that all day.

I think if you want to gain length, it’s unusual that pumping your dick alone will accomplish that….rather adding some other exercises like Jelqing, stretching and Fowlers.

Good luck, keep us posted as goes it how..

Thanks in advance. Also, if there's something else I should be aware of, feel free to lemme know.

OR eon
Very Well Differentiated Gay Man

Re: Thinking of pumping, any advice?

Originally posted by fauven
[B.2.) What does pumping do to the dick? Will I pull my dick out having it looking like I just nuked it in the microwave and it’s about to burst; a normal dick that is bigger than it was before pumping; like I’ve injected it with water; or something else? Basically, I don’t want to scare the shit out of myself if I pull something out of a tube that doesn’t look like the dick I put in.
3.) Does it hurt/feel good/slightly uncomfortable?

Thanks in advance. Also, if there’s something else I should be aware of, feel free to lemme know. [/B]


If you follow the program as outlined in Pumping 101 you will not have any problems with distortion. That was my primary concern also when I was doing research prior to starting to pump. I wanted to end up with exactly the same shape dick as I started with, just more of it.

The only “distortion” I have is some dark discoloration on the underside of my shaft from having been too enthusiastic there for awhile about doing Horses, but those patches are totally unrelated to pumping.

You will, though, very likely develop a very different vein and artery structure on your shaft over time. I’ve always considered this both a visual advantage and proof to me that I have greatly improved my penile vascular system over what it used to be.

I find pumping to be a very pleasureable sensation. The girth/length expansion while in vacuum feels to me a lot like one of those outrageous hard-ons we got when we were 17 but more so, and I don’t remember that ever being a negative feeling when I was a kid. In all, I think pumping is very sensual.




How ironic, I was hoping it would be one or the other of you two who replied to this. I got both!!!

Thanks for the help, the two of you seem to be a trove unto yourselves with pumping. I’ve been reading (lightly) through the pumping threads and have noticed this about the two of you.

Oreon— I’ve been back to Tiger’s several time to examine those pumped dicks. Each time I visit, they look less and less ugly. I should’ve mentioned that I did find a few of them to be particularly nice looking. There were two that stood out to be as being ugly: the one at the very top that had the penis and testicles pumped to unbelievable proportions, and one in the middle that looked like the foreskin was swollen. At first I was a little shocked at what I was seeing, I’d never seen a pumped dick in my life before I visited that site. Also, I didn’t realize I was looking at foreskin with the picture in the middle of the page, I thought I was seeing a dick that had been deformed. I’d like to see pics of those dicks after the swelling subsides. I look at those pumped dicks and I can’t help but thinking it must feel nice to have a dick stretched out like that. I’m eager to give it a shot.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

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