To All The Pumping Aficionados :
Greetings gentlemen,
First off, thank you for taking the time to read and consider my question. I have been jelqing on, and off for about three years now, but I have been getting more consistent recently.
I have been focusing on girth building exercises, with clamping and pumping being the front runners. I am following the frequent advice of constant heat and prolonged, low pressure pumping. However, my main question is about what goes on in the tube.
When I pump, I don’t seem to get the expansion that a lot of the guys on here are getting. Even at extremely low pressure, I feel it in my unit and I am very hesitant to push the boundary. It feels very tight, with little expansion. There is no lymph build up at all. At the same time, I feel as though this is preventing me from experiencing the expansion that many guys are getting. I pump at >5 hg for as long as comfortable (usually 10 minutes). This is mainly for conditioning, until I feel more comfortable.
I was wondering if I could get some advice from the guys who have gained from pumping. I have seen how effective it is when done right. I was wondering if any other guys experienced this when they were starting out, and how you overcame it.
Thanks again, this is a great community!