Thunder's Place

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Tried pumping, wondering if it's worth it


Tried pumping, wondering if it's worth it

I bought a good pump recently and I enjoy the sensation of it, but still every time petechiae (red dots) keep popping up. This happens even after a week of rest and then pumping for 10 minutes on 2.5 HG. I just ordered some creams that should help with restoration, but I’m wondering if it’s really worth all the effort.

So pumping can discolor the skin of the penis, possibly create a Turkey neck, the gains will come quite slow, maybe no length gains at all and some people claim that their gains were only temporary.

So what is your experience with pumping? Is it worth it or not? It seems right now that there are better alternatives such as clamping, extending and hanging.

Hey mate, never achieved any gains with pumping. Only temporary edema and that’s all. Love the process of pumping anyway, and it’s very fun to cum while inside the pump.

Bpel-7.35" , Mseg-5.39"

I had been using a medical grade VED to overcome ED for a number of months before starting on a program to increase size. It took nine months of fairly aggressive pumping before I started to see noticeable gains in girth. After four years I had gained slightly over 1” in girth. I had also gained about 3/4” in length; however, I attribute most of my length gains to my extender. I did slightly increase my Turkey neck and experienced some darkening of my penis, which I feel was worth the sacrifice for the increased size of my erection. I am now starting full package pumping which has increase the size of my scrotum with a lower hang which I feel was aided by the increased Turkey neck.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

If you don’t feel pumping is working for you, don’t pursue it. Trying on and off for a year, it gave me worse EQ, edema, and no gains. It works for some! Hanging with FIRe, Edging and Clamping have given me gains and great EQ.

It’s worth it.

I think everyone goes through a “Break in period” with issues like red dots , darkening, etc.

It’s a long haul process. At this point, about 10 years in I can pump with a lot of pressure at times and aggressively clamp and then pump with no edema or discoloration. Your penis needs to be conditioned to expect results.

Wishing you success.

As with all PE routines, gains come from consistent and determined effort over long periods of time. If you want to gain girth, the pump is probably the best method out there. But you’ll need to measure time in periods no shorter than 6 months. Prepare to commit an hour per day, 4 or 5 days per week to the routine. At the end of that period, if you apply the teachings from the other vets, you’ll gain .25 - .5” in girth.

It doesn’t come fast or easy. But if you put in the time and effort, you will gain permanent girth with pumping. I know I have.

Water pumping was the best in my opinion. I had some of my best gains from this. I worked my way up to 30 minutes in the tube in a hot bath with as much vacuum as I could tolerate. Also used a cock ring during the process. You have to condition yourself for a few weeks by starting with 10 to 15 minute sessions. You will get severe water blisters if you over do this. I hesitate to even recommend this but it gave me amazing results of 1 inch length and .75 inch girth gains in about 6 months.

If you’re sensible and patient (two things that most struggle with) it is one of the best things you can do.

When I settled on focusing on a healthy functioning unit and being in for the long run (years)…

I’m very happy, healthy and growing steadily.

On the endless question on permanence…. My feeling from reviewing the forums over the years and my own 133 days experience - I believe that with a minor maintenance routine you seem to keep what you’ve got. Again when I frame pumping as primarily for health and secondly for gains then a health maintenance routine seems perfectly acceptable for me once (if) I reach a size I want to maintain and not continue with.

(No major discoloration, or spots, or turkey sighted in my vicinity so far).

I personally love pumping, and have been doing it on and off for nearly 10 years now. Following a consistent and safe routine over a few months always brings great results, but they do deteriorate after long periods when I don’t pump. I’ve experienced some permanent girth gains even with long absence. In my early 20s the biggest I saw (before any PE) was 5" in girth but usually less than that. I now regularly go over 5.5" and usually get comments about girth from partners. To be honest, there are few things better than bringing a fat pumped cock to the bedroom.

That said, I also very much enjoy the feeling and actual act of pumping and don’t necessarily do it for permanent gains at this point. The temporary gains from pumping, when done consistently over a couple of months, last long enough for me to enjoy. Once I feel the need to pump again I get right back into it, and at this point I see size increases pretty quickly. When I was very serious about PE about 6 years ago I tried a variety of different techniques; clamping gave me the best results but always felt very risky, so now I just pump (with some stretching thrown in here and there).

In your particular case, I would suggest doing a little troubleshooting should you decide to continue. Petechiae after pumping at such low pressures, even for your first time, is abnormal. If your health is otherwise good (no underlying conditions that would cause petechiae) then I would imagine you may have a faulty pressure gauge on your pump. Standard practice dictates that around 5ml is about as high as you should go when starting out, but its important to note that at this pressure you may not actually experience the sensation of a lot of extra "suction" on your penis. This causes a lot of new pumpers to go overboard with pressure resulting in injury. I would suggest buying another pump or getting a replacement gauge if you want to continue. Even still, everyone’s anatomy is different and pumping may not be compatible with you, so its up to you if you want to continue investing in pumping.

Originally Posted by cobra52
I personally love pumping, and have been doing it on and off for nearly 10 years now. Following a consistent and safe routine over a few months always brings great results, but they do deteriorate after long periods when I don’t pump. I’ve experienced some permanent girth gains even with long absence. In my early 20s the biggest I saw (before any PE) was 5" in girth but usually less than that. I now regularly go over 5.5" and usually get comments about girth from partners. To be honest, there are few things better than bringing a fat pumped cock to the bedroom.

That said, I also very much enjoy the feeling and actual act of pumping and don’t necessarily do it for permanent gains at this point. The temporary gains from pumping, when done consistently over a couple of months, last long enough for me to enjoy. Once I feel the need to pump again I get right back into it, and at this point I see size increases pretty quickly. When I was very serious about PE about 6 years ago I tried a variety of different techniques; clamping gave me the best results but always felt very risky, so now I just pump (with some stretching thrown in here and there).

In your particular case, I would suggest doing a little troubleshooting should you decide to continue. Petechiae after pumping at such low pressures, even for your first time, is abnormal. If your health is otherwise good (no underlying conditions that would cause petechiae) then I would imagine you may have a faulty pressure gauge on your pump. Standard practice dictates that around 5ml is about as high as you should go when starting out, but its important to note that at this pressure you may not actually experience the sensation of a lot of extra "suction" on your penis. This causes a lot of new pumpers to go overboard with pressure resulting in injury. I would suggest buying another pump or getting a replacement gauge if you want to continue. Even still, everyone’s anatomy is different and pumping may not be compatible with you, so its up to you if you want to continue investing in pumping.

Nice read and excellent well measured advice. I feel similarly.

Agree with Cobra. First step is to verify accurate gauge reading or simply replace it.

Without confirming vacuum pressure, it’s only a guess, and you may be pumping to a much higher pressure than you intend to.

Never had any gains in either girth or length with pumps for a 15 years period. But this year I tried a different approach and got ahold of around 7mm in one month of a high pressure routine. It was painful, a lot of discoloration and an experiment at my own risk. But the sacrifice yielded some serious results strictly on length, while it didn’t add anything to my girth. The experiment is described in one of my threads, but it’s in spanish.

To be more descriptive, the experiment was ment to last 2 months and I could only bear 1 month. At high pressure the base where the tube hits the pelvis gets so much pressure that it feels as if it will cut through the flesh.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

There is a write up about pumping on pumptoys website, in the library bagman’s article "effective time"

Many pumpers feel that they grow fast in the early part of a pump session, then seem to "Plateau" or reach a point where enlargement either stops or greatly slows down. It would seem logical to say that the longer you pump, the larger you would get. Not necessarily true!

The question is one of effective time. "Effective" means any time when the flow and gain of fluids that cause enlargement is taking place at the desired rate, and that is not something that occurs continually. Effective time also varies in the level of efficiency- as the flow reduces, the level drops. Pumping up faster or larger is a factor of effective time only. Time spent in the pump that’s not effective is totally wasted.

This fluid flow and gain process that creates enlargement is restricted by the pumping operation itself, in these three ways:

As swelling takes place, tissues are engorged- including those of the passageways bringing fluid in, actually reducing the diameters of those passageways.

There is a pinching pressure attempting to close these passageways right at the point where the cylinder entry meets your body. The passageways are part of the tissue being compressed by the sealing surface of the tube.

It is further complicated by another easily demonstrated process, that of "vacuum collapse". Take a soft tube, and connect it to your vac pump. With an open end, it will suck indefinitely. Now squeeze the tube down in the middle. As the opening gets narrower, two things happen. One, the flow through the restriction reduces- and two, the vac level on the restricted portion increases. There comes a point where the internal vacuum itself pulls the tube closed- and all flow stops.

All of these conditions combine to either restrict or stop the process of enlargement. The longer the condition lasts, the tighter the restriction can get- and thereby further reducing the level of effectiveness, ultimately ending effective time altogether. The issue is one of making all the time in the pump effective time, and maximizing the level of that effectiveness.

We did an experiment to try and measure the extent of this. To determine exactly what gain was occurring, we went to Displacement Pumping. (Explained in another Advanced Pumping Article) Two pumpers who run close to the same in size and usual enlargement rate provided the comparisons. We selected the one that usually pumped up faster as the control subject; and the slower one as the test subject. Both used STJ’s as cylinders, and both pumped wet with precisely the same level of water in the jar. Both jars were marked for measurement by adding water that had been precisely measured and creating a CC (Cubic Centimeter) scale on the side The scale started with the zero set at the water mark with the jar vertical and inverted, with enough water to cover the pumper. As the enlargement develops, it displaces water and raises the level on the scale- precisely measuring the volume of change. We did this experiment on four occasions using different schedules each time, with substantially different results.

The control subject would pump at a vac level of 5", and hold it for 60 minutes.

The test subject would pump at the same vac level, but would interrupt the session with an alternate state as called for by the experiment schedule.

The result is measured in relative terms:
The change in volume (actual gain) of the test subject, as compared to the control subject expressed as a plus or minus percentage. The volume of the control subject’s gain over the zero mark would always be 100. If the test subject developed 10% less gain, the test score would be 90%. If the gain was identical, the score would be 100%; if the gain was 10% more, the score would be 110%. The "Relative effectiveness" is the score points gained per minute; obtained by dividing the score by the time at level.

Four test schedules were tried, as follows:

Break at 15 minute intervals, exit and massage 2 minutes, return to vac level. (3 breaks)

Reduce vac level to zero once every 15 minutes, hold zero for 1 minute, return to level.

Reduce vac to zero every once every 10 minutes, hold zero for 1 minute, return to level.

Reduce vac to 1" every 5 minutes, hold for 30 seconds, return to level.**********(this method was found to be the best, its #4 on below chart)

Here’s the scorecard of the test subject for these tests:
#1 108 54 MINUTES 2.00
# 2 111 57 MINUTES 194
# 3 121 54 MINUTES 2.24
# 4 133 54 MINUTES 2.46

In every schedule, taking breaks to restore circulation and relieve the closure resulted in faster net gain. Frequent reliefs of vacuum for short intervals are the most effective overall. The indication is that a sort of pulse-pumping with intervals is far more effective than constant pressure. It’s also logical to conclude that if the test had run for a two-hour period, the second hour score increases would have been greater than the first, because the loss of effectiveness in the control subject would be somewhat accumulative or progressive.

One other note- the subjects were sitting and not active during the tests. Activity would help relieve some of the restriction problems. It’s commonly recognized that being erect while in cylinder is more effective than a sitting position. This is due to the weight of the cylinder pulling downward, helping to reduce the pressure the vacuum can exert against the body in the seal area, thereby creating less restriction to fluid flow.

If you feel you have reached your "plateau", try the take-a-break system; get your fluid passages open again, and- pump on!

I guess I’m new to the game of pumping. Started this past February and am pleased with progress thus far. This is the game plan I have settled into two 10 minute sessions 5-6 mmhg followed with 10 minutes of clamping. Once in the morning and again after work. I do incorporate a multiple angle approach jelq200 mid day stretching throughout day & ads 2-3h in evening. I do not have the expectation that anything in life is permanent other than injuries life lessons. My body seems to like this routine. I do have some discoloration & turkey neck goes not bother me, I’ve lived my whole life with a double chin. Gains bpel 5.9” to 6.3 on a good day girth 5.0” to 5.3” . Maybe this is just realized natural potential? Only time will tell as the name says I’m in it for the long run

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