Originally Posted by Bathmate
Actually, and this is kind of funny, the Patent for the Bathmate has just been granted in the EU, USA and United Kingdom, and the first sentence of the Patent reads something like this: “A Cylinder device, to use in water to enlarge your penis.” That means that no other product can claim, be recommended or otherwise promoted as such. For you Patent guys, go and search for it in the US Patent Database, it is really a fun read. I’d love to own a broad spectrum Patent like this :D — Agust
I’m not sure you should be quoting a patent application with the words
reads something like this
If you are quoting something- particularly a patent, then you must make sure it is exactly like this.
Also the expression to ‘use in water’ surely means ithe patent only applies - only in water - not simply standing in water - the actual device has to be in water. It is not referring to the person. (unless there is some extra wording you haven’t mentioned.
And of course it can only be sold with that expression it doesn’t stop others from marketing a pump that can be used in or with water
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