Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Water pumping question


Originally Posted by helloeverybody
Sorry, I was referring to the Bathmate pump. It doesnt have a pressure gauge, so I wondered how people would know how much HG they are applying. I feel it is a bit easy to get injured.

Best to contact them and ask what is the vacuum generated when it is in use, and if there is a safety valve. to guard against high vacuum.

It might be worth publishing it in the forum so everybody can indulge themselves!


Originally Posted by petitfaun

Click on taxis’ post above They quote prices in $ so presumably they will dispatch to there. Or contact them and ask if they have agents there.

That seems to be the mfgr’s site in the UK. They only quote Euros, as far as I can tell, although they will also do a conversion to other currencies.

Originally Posted by plustwo

That seems to be the mfgr’s site in the UK. They only quote Euros, as far as I can tell, although they will also do a conversion to other currencies.

You have to click on the American flag when it shows (disable popup blocker ) and you get a price of $136.01 + P&P and Taxes. Not worth buying at the moment with the dollar About $2 to the £

My fish tank gravel cleaning tube is about 12 inches long so almost double my length. I have it so my flaccid penis and the water fills about 3/4 of the tube or 75%. This gives 100% coverage of my penis with water and not having 100% coverage would defeat most of the purpose. But once you have 100% coverage whats the point of more water? Yet I still have air to suck out with my mouth and as long as their is a good seal the water level does not raise much with buy lowering the pressure.

I have a Mustang Pump Which is made in the UK, and that is OK for Water pumping. The only trouble I found was that the pump itself would need some lubrication as the pump action slowed down after using water. But a couple of drops of vegetable (not household) oil put matters right again.

The manufacturer’s state it is OK for water pumping.

Caution. This is a site dedicated to various items of sexual delight, and some nudes - Naturally I don’t know anything about that


Originally Posted by petitfaun

You have to click on the American flag when it shows (disable popup blocker ) and you get a price of $136.01 + P&P and Taxes. Not worth buying at the moment with the dollar About $2 to the £

Right, that’s why I’d like to find a seller closer to home :-)

I have to find 1 shop on ebay!! The price is the same one as the site! If you buys it to inform us of the product?

That’s still in the UK. I’ll wait until it’s available over here. No hurry :-)

First water pumping session - Smooth!!

Water pumped for the first time last night and this morning. Used a g2” x 10” gravel siphon tube, with a plastic dipped liquid vinyl cushion on the end, hooked up to a MityVac with 5’ of hose. Followed Moorth’s suggestion and filled the tube with warm water till it was about an inch over my cock. This is really easy with the gravel tube, since the entire top seal comes off and you can pour the water in from a small pitcher. Pumped for about 30 - 45 minutes at 5 - 7” Hg. It felt much “smoother” than dry pumping. Watched a Jill Kelly porn movie - quite good quality and it helped to maintain my erection. I love how the girls worship, kiss, and suck the guys penises - very appropriate in this setting. After the sessions, I noticed that my cock was really smooth and soft.

The morning session left me horny as hell, so I sweet talked wifey into giving me a hand job. She said I was 1/3 bigger than usual. I replied that the next time we make love, we’ll need to use lots of lube and go slowly at first. Just checked and I’m still “pleasantly plump”. Boy, this could be addictive.

So … I’m off shopping for a full package cylinder. I’m thinking of getting one of those plastic nalgene quart sports drink containers, sawing off the neck, cushioning it somehow (perhaps with brushed on liquid vinyl, and attaching a conical nipple to the end.

I have a question. If I was just to leave the neck on, would I be able to get my swollen cock and balls out after a pumping session. Anyone ever got stuck? Later. MC

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got."

Originally Posted by Moorth
My fish tank gravel cleaning tube is about 12 inches long so almost double my length. I have it so my flaccid penis and the water fills about 3/4 of the tube or 75%. This gives 100% coverage of my penis with water and not having 100% coverage would defeat most of the purpose. But once you have 100% coverage whats the point of more water? Yet I still have air to suck out with my mouth and as long as their is a good seal the water level does not raise much with buy lowering the pressure.

If the tube is completely full of water, as water can not be compressed, the only thing which will counterbalance the vacuum in the cylinder is going to be the penis expansion in its whole shape, and much more evenly, as water is a far more dense fluid than air. Also, the pressure on the base of the cylinder become much lighter as water, by filling every little space between the shaft and the cylinder makes somehow the base larger and therefore for comfortable.

Perseverance wins

You may have a point in that a longer water column above the penis might provide more even pressure and more overall pressure on the base making it more comfortable. Yet your just plain mistaken in your physics on the other points. Water as a liquid does not expand or contract as much due to pressure changes as gasses but if it could not be compressed then you penis would be immune to pressure as long as its submersed making water pumping absurd. Finally, if their is a point in putting all the “force” of change on the penis rather than the medium it is suspended in then that same point can be reached simply by lower pressures.

Originally Posted by mrconvertable
Anyone ever got stuck? Later. MC

Stuck is a strong word I have had difficulty getting out. I have had to cut my bike inner tube gaskets to get out I recommend making sure cushion remains attached to your cylinder. Particularly sense you are involving the balls you do not want to kill them by cutting off circulation.

Originally Posted by Moorth
…….. but if it could not be compressed then you penis would be immune to pressure as long as its submersed making water pumping absurd. Finally, if their is a point in putting all the “force” of change on the penis rather than the medium it is suspended in then that same point can be reached simply by lower pressures.

Water cannot be compressed, that is a fact.

It is not absurd to water pump as, from the beginning of a session, the only material in the cylinder which receives the negative suction pressure is the flesh of the penis. As one continues creating a vacuum he will have to suck water out of the cylinder.

Pumping at low pressure tends to yield similar results, but is much more time consuming and long sessions tend to make your penis cold, which is bad for every purpose.

Perseverance wins


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