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Water pumping question


Water pumping question

I have searched the forums but could not find the answer:

How much water should you put in the tube when water pumping? 25% 45% 100%
When I fill the tube entirely, I get great girth expansion. When I fill it 50% I still get great expansion but I am afraid that the places that have no water covering my penis will expand less?
I have seen posting saying that people suck out the air manually with their mouth and this tells me that they must not be using a 100% water filled tube to begin with or they would be sucking out water not air to begin with??
My pump has a little overflow spout in the top so when I fill the tube 100% the pump sucks the water out of the tube and spouts it up out of the pump.
Thanks guys

8/06 First measured @ (starting over again) BPEL-6.0" X EG-5.25"

10/06 (2 months) BPEL-6.00" X EG- 5.50" BUT NO LENGTH :0(

Second goal to measure on 12/06 (4 months) Bpel-6.25" X EG -5.75"

Originally Posted by Biscuit Head
I have searched the forums but could not find the answer:

How much water should you put in the tube when water pumping? 25% 45% 100%
When I fill the tube entirely, I get great girth expansion. When I fill it 50% I still get great expansion but I am afraid that the places that have no water covering my penis will expand less?
I have seen posting saying that people suck out the air manually with their mouth and this tells me that they must not be using a 100% water filled tube to begin with or they would be sucking out water not air to begin with??
My pump has a little overflow spout in the top so when I fill the tube 100% the pump sucks the water out of the tube and spouts it up out of the pump.
Thanks guys

This is just my thought s on water pumping. and have no scientific proof or otherwise.

But I would guess that if you water pump then you need do it 100% I would hazard a guess that the different pressure on the skin could cause blood spots since the water in incompressable, whereas the air vacuum can vary and would result in possibly large changes of pressure where water meets air

I have noticed the penis head takes up a different shape when using water . So it could be that the ‘pressure’ is more uniform with water.

Sorry I can’t be of more help.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
I have noticed the penis head takes up a different shape when using water . So it could be that the ‘pressure’ is more uniform with water.

I agree with this inference

Start 12/1/06 _ _ _ _ 3 month 3/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 month 4/2/06 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 month 5/2/06

6.6 X 4.75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.25 x 4.90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _7.5 x 4.90 BaseGirth: 5.25 _ _ _ _ 7.75 x 4.90 10 month 9/24/06: Still 7.75 X 4.90 ---- I have focused primarily on girth and have not gained a CM in months.

Journal Pictures

What exactly is water pumping suppose to do? Is it safer?

I would just like to know some of the advantages and disadvantages.

I miss this place.

Old stats: not sure but not much smaller

Currently: BPEL: 7.5 EG: 5 Goal: The holy grail of course. (8x6)

Be careful of getting water blisters when you water pump. They can be avoided; watch your pressure. Under water, what feels comfortable, then to your shaft, may not do good things for your skin. These blisters are very painful and take a long time to heal.



Biscuit and Shagnasty.

There are some ” similar threads” listed at the bottm of the page here, which also contain some links to posts on pumping.

Might be worth a browse through those.


Can I do waterpumping with the LA pump and cylinder or would it destroy the pump?

Water pumping

I seek of the user to have their opinion!
Who employment?

Originally Posted by helloeverybody

Can I do waterpumping with the LA pump and cylinder or would it destroy the pump?

For a definitive answer it would be best to go to the LA site and contact them with your question - do a google search for LA pump.

Originally Posted by taxi04
I seek of the user to have their opinion!
Who employment?

From the video it simply shows a well endowed guy with a flaccid. using a pump to get his usual erection length. ,

Disadvatages would be you can, apparently, only use it in water, There is only one size. it seems.

The price carries a note that there may be other charges. (VAT/ postage) and you only find these after you have given your details.

And the advert has the usual turn-off gimmick (to me) of having doctors with stethoscopes slung around their necks in the advert.

My guess is that it would be worth waiting a while to see whether there are other comments when it has been used for a longer period of time.

How do we understand the pressure inside?

Originally Posted by helloeverybody
How do we understand the pressure inside?

I think you’ll have to be a bit more specific in your question.

Perhaps this link might explain things better :

Sorry, I was referring to the Bathmate pump. It doesnt have a pressure gauge, so I wondered how people would know how much HG they are applying. I feel it is a bit easy to get injured.

Are these things available in North America?

Originally Posted by plustwo

Are these things available in North America?

Click on taxis’ post above They quote prices in $ so presumably they will dispatch to there. Or contact them and ask if they have agents there.

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