Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Weak penis from overpumping?

Originally Posted by Sophomoric
Took me roughly 2 1/2 months to recover from an injury I gave myself; not with a pump however.

Thx for your reply sophomoric, maybe you can answer these questions that I did you injure yourself? And what did you do to be fully recovered, just rest? Also is your EQ back to normal, like it was before you injured yourself?

Because it’s almost been 2 months since I injured myself I think. But for a month and a half I was still masturbating, so maybe that was affecting my recovery

Are you using heat? i.e a heatpad wrapped around the tube?

I use lots of heat and I usually pump at 15hg for about 20 mins. I sometimes pushing it up to 20hg for 30 seconds once every 5 mins. I’m getting amazing growth. but everyone is different. I know if I don’t use heat when i’m pumping even at 10hg I get bad results, my dick comes out almost blue; doesn’t look good!

Get a heat pad off ebay if you don’t already have one, wrap it round the tube and clip it on with the Massive cable clamp.

Apr 2007 BPEL 6.4" -- EG 5.0"

Mar 2009 BPEL 7.6" -- EG 5.6"

Most injuries take much longer to heal than you think or would like think. For example, if you injure a lig it’s similar to spraining an ankle. You wouldn’t walk on that ankle for a week and you certainly wouldn’t be running or jumping on it for a couple more.

Stop jelqing. Stop masturbating.

Apply heat and rest. Also, anxiety certainly isnt helping your situation. It’s proven that stress has a negative impact on healing processes as well as being a factor in ED.

Originally Posted by reach4thelasers
Are you using heat? I.e a heatpad wrapped around the tube?

I use lots of heat and I usually pump at 15hg for about 20 mins. I sometimes pushing it up to 20hg for 30 seconds once every 5 mins. I’m getting amazing growth. But everyone is different. I know if I don’t use heat when I’m pumping even at 10hg I get bad results, my dick comes out almost blue; doesn’t look good!

Get a heat pad off ebay if you don’t already have one, wrap it round the tube and clip it on with the Massive cable clamp.

No I havent really used much heat but I be getting one off ebay.yea I think when I hurt myself I went up to lik 10-15hg and stayed there for 10 mins, then jelqed.thanks for the advice I appreciate it, ill prolly be resting until everything is back to normal

Originally Posted by Freder23
Most injuries take much longer to heal than you think or would like think. For example, if you injure a lig it’s similar to spraining an ankle. You wouldn’t walk on that ankle for a week and you certainly wouldn’t be running or jumping on it for a couple more.

Stop jelqing. Stop masturbating.

Apply heat and rest. Also, anxiety certainly isnt helping your situation. It’s proven that stress has a negative impact on healing processes as well as being a factor in ED.

I like the way you put it as if it were a ankle sprain and such. Makes a lot of sense. I will be abstaining from all masturbation and jelqing. Yeah I know anxiety isn’t helping my situation, it’s just frustrating you know. Like I just wish I could wake up tomorrow morning and my dick is back to normal.

Maybe someone can give me some advice on dealing with this psychologically, like dealing with the anxiety and such, I would really appreciate it. Also thanks to everyone who has replied and given me some advice

The anxiety issue is kinda tough, especially since you’re only 18.

I’m about to be 40, and I’ve injured myself twice. Once was severe bruising in June when I tried to combine exercises, the other I just had a spot of blood from the urethra when stretching on Monday. The blood was actually from just inside the urethra, I could feel a slight sting when I urinated, probably a small tear. Now the way I looked at it was “Oh well, it’s something to deal with, it’s not that bad”. Seems kinda cavalier, I know, but I’ve had a divorce, pay child support, been laid off (still laid off now, but I’m going to school), had speeding tickets, a DUI when I was 20, all kinds of shit. So with all that it’s easier for me to take things in stride.

It’s hard to do, but if you look at it like it’s not bad, but keep in mind that it can be, you can feel better. Don’t focus on how bad it is, because it might not be so bad, at least physically. Psychologically you can actually make yourself physically sick or increase the time it takes to get well. And there are many ED cases that are purely psychological, not physical. It would definitely be better if you can get the mind thing out of the equation, then you can know how bad or not the physical aspect of it is.

Maybe think about the worst shit that ever happened to you, and realize that you came out of it OK, like you’re not dead or something. I know it’s your dick, and who wouldn’t be freaked out about his dick not working right, or like it used to, but try to let that go for the moment. Hell, my ex wife was one of those “got any dreams? I want those, too” kinda women. Might as well have cut my dick off. But the power of the mind can overcome a lot.

Creating my monster. Start (3/01/06): BPEL-7 3/8", EG-5 1/4". Current (11/01/09): BPEL-8", EG-5 7/8". Goal BPEL-8 1/2", EG-6 1/4"

About 14 months total PE time. I'm very inconsistent.

Originally Posted by DrFrankenstein
The anxiety issue is kinda tough, especially since you’re only 18.

I’m about to be 40, and I’ve injured myself twice. Once was severe bruising in June when I tried to combine exercises, the other I just had a spot of blood from the urethra when stretching on Monday. The blood was actually from just inside the urethra, I could feel a slight sting when I urinated, probably a small tear. Now the way I looked at it was “Oh well, it’s something to deal with, it’s not that bad”. Seems kinda cavalier, I know, but I’ve had a divorce, pay child support, been laid off (still laid off now, but I’m going to school), had speeding tickets, a DUI when I was 20, all kinds of shit. So with all that it’s easier for me to take things in stride.

It’s hard to do, but if you look at it like it’s not bad, but keep in mind that it can be, you can feel better. Don’t focus on how bad it is, because it might not be so bad, at least physically. Psychologically you can actually make yourself physically sick or increase the time it takes to get well. And there are many ED cases that are purely psychological, not physical. It would definitely be better if you can get the mind thing out of the equation, then you can know how bad or not the physical aspect of it is.

Maybe think about the worst shit that ever happened to you, and realize that you came out of it OK, like you’re not dead or something. I know it’s your dick, and who wouldn’t be freaked out about his dick not working right, or like it used to, but try to let that go for the moment. Hell, my ex wife was one of those “got any dreams? I want those, too” kinda women. Might as well have cut my dick off. But the power of the mind can overcome a lot.

Yeah ill try to not think about it as much as I have been because it’s kinda been driving me crazy lol. Ill just look at it like it’s not all bad and that eventually it will get better (just gotta rest).I appreciate the help man thanks

I gave myself an injury trying to do O bends WAY before my unit was ready for such stresses. I’d say it took me around 3 months in total to “fully” recover. My EQ is now perfect again I found masturbation hindered my recovery at almost every turn.

Originally Posted by Sophomoric
I gave myself an injury trying to do O bends WAY before my unit was ready for such stresses. I’d say it took me around 3 months in total to “fully” recover. My EQ is now perfect again I found masturbation hindered my recovery at almost every turn.

Damn 3 months? Thats soooo long, but her atleast ur back to normal now. Yeah it’s been hard fighting the temptation to masturbate lol, but I just gotta make sure to keep resting. How did you deal with it? Like did you let it get to you (anxiety wise)?

I think I’m getting better though because there will be times where I wake up around 2-3 am and I have a boner, which is something that wasn’t happening for a while.

Darrtl, try taking some L-Arginine to help get your EQ back on track.


Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony

Darrtl, try taking some L-Arginine to help get your EQ back on track.

How many grams/mg should I take a day? Or what recommended?

Update.been waking up this whole week with wood, but my eq still isnt up to par (it’s not throbbing like before lol). Seems like I’m geting better though

Faack! How do you guys kill the urge to masturbate? I keep trying to hold off but after a week I keep giving in and go at it. I know I shouldn’t because it hinders my recovery but still this is tough. Sophomoric howd did you not touch it for 3 months? Any advice will be appreciated

Quick questionn about heat long should I apply each day? The last 3 days I’ve been doing it for 20 minutes a day, is that enought or should I do more?

Psychologically, I’d say watch some porn and don’t think for a second that your unit is a second hand damaged one that can’t fully crank instead, think you are the huge cock porn star and the girl is wide eyed and she then you stuff her with it and she loves it.

The seed of doubt can plant a wicked weed, but it will only grow if you give it feed!

Think positively,

Wicked one

Originally Posted by WickedOne
Psychologically, I’d say watch some porn and don’t think for a second that your unit is a second hand damaged one that can’t fully crank instead, think you are the huge cock porn star and the girl is wide eyed and she then you stuff her with it and she loves it.

The seed of doubt can plant a wicked weed, but it will only grow if you give it feed!

Think positively,

Wicked one

Thanks for the advice man. Yeah thats what I have been trying to do, is think positively. It’s just hard when you know that a month or two back you were wielding a monster sword and now it’s like a dagger lol.

Like yesterday I was at the strip club and was getting this lap dance from this carmel-skinned black chick, and my boner was like a 3 from a scale of 1-10 for eq. Man I know back then (before my injury) my dick would have been making a hole it my pants, it would stick rite up. But what I have noticed is when I start touching it and such, the eq gets better but as soon as I stop touchin it, it goes down quickly. Also I have what other people have gotten here, and thats a firm flaccid, it doesn’t feel soft and spongy any more.

I guess it just takes rest and heat to get the firm flaccid back to normal?

I also got a question if anyone can answer - how long should I apply heat each day? So far I’ve been doing it for 20 minutes a day, is that enough or should I do more? Also what do you guys think about applying ice (cold wrap)?


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