Thunder's Place

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What's the deal with pumping in sugar water ?

And they are still having scary results, .

I don’t see many smart ass comments, the wasp thing comes to mind because the sugar. Do you want an explanation on how it could work or how it couldn’t work?
Maybe sugar could help reducing darkening, due to the exfoliating effect of sugar on skin? Too prolonged contact with sugar can irritate the glans and skin badly I guess.

Ok here’s a theory just for the fun of it, this is speculation based on the idea that osmosis can occur through the skin ( I can’t find solid evidence either way )

If osmosis could occur what effect would soaking in a high sugar concentration have ?
It would draw water out of the body, how would that help ?

The water in connective tissue is one reason it resists stretching, as CT is stretched water is slowly forced out of the cells allowing it to elongate . Like stretching a water balloon with a hole in it as water is expelled the balloon can be stretched further.
Water returning to the cells is part of the process of the CT returning to its normal length.

So in theory something which draws water out of connective tissue as it is stretched could speed up the process.

Is that what’s happening here ? like I said just speculation :)

Do the syroup pumpers report being longer in the tube? How much of a difference? I doubt you can draw water out of the skin, but assuming it was possible, I am not sure it would be beneficial - water is required for the life of the cells, as far as I know.

Also, we are not just speaking of the skin here, to reach TA the drawing effect should go very deep. I guess the sole possible effect is due to the denser solution, which allows to reach higher (de)pressure. But pressure isn’t much of a problem when pumping .- even with air pumping you can reach way more pressure than you need.

Syroup pumping is fucking messy for sure.

Originally Posted by firegoat
As some here know, I play the bagpipes. We use sheepskin bags as the air reservoir.

Not everyone! I use a Ross suede/synthetic bag. Less maintenance, but I digress…

I’m betting that if anything they are experiencing a difference because of the viscosity and would probably get more out of using olive oil or the like (it would be good for the skin too).

Not sure you really want to draw too much inspiration for PE from Newart, they aren’t generally concerned with healthy enlargement, just expansion by any means. Definitely crosses the line between PE and fetish.

*You're in the right place – all the information you could ever need about PE is only a forum search away!*

Take your time, pick a simple routine you can stick to, and be consistent in your efforts. Patience is the key.

Originally Posted by marinera
Do the syroup pumpers report being longer in the tube? How much of a difference? I doubt you can draw water out of the skin, but assuming it was possible, I am not sure it would be beneficial - water is required for the life of the cells, as far as I know.

Also, we are not just speaking of the skin here, to reach TA the drawing effect should go very deep. I guess the sole possible effect is due to the denser solution, which allows to reach higher (de)pressure. But pressure isn’t much of a problem when pumping .- even with air pumping you can reach way more pressure than you need.

Syroup pumping is fucking messy for sure.

Not longer or even really larger just the same result but in much less time, you’re probably right and the denser liquid is creating a higher pressure without them realising it.
I agree also that the thought of the mess it would make is enough to put me off trying it.

Maybe it allows for better heat transfer into the penis relaxing the skin and cells and allowing it to grow faster in the tube.

05/01/2012 BPEL 6.000 EG 5.500

10/19/2012 BPEL 6.625 EG 5.500 BPSL 7.2

First Goal BPEL 7 - End of 2012 second goal BPEL 8

Is anyone even willing to try this?

Right now all we are getting is conjecture:

A) It might work because of… (we don’t even know if it works)
B) It probably won’t work because of (we don’t know that it doesn’t work)

I think we need to know one way or the other if this works or not before simply “guessing as to why it does or doesn’t”.

Might give it a try if I get time this week, I guess somebody has to !

Wash thoroughly after. Remember that bacteria feed off sugar, and will reproduce rapidly in the presence of lots of sugar and heat.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

Wouldn’t want to get ants either haha

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Might give it a try if I get time this week, I guess somebody has to !

Good for you capernicus! Kudos for taking the bull by the horns so to speak.

I’ll be following this with great interest. Hey, and if it works you can change your nick to “BigLolipop”.

Good luck!

Originally Posted by DGA2010
Is anyone even willing to try this?

I’ve been pumping for years and I’ve tried lots of different things, but because of the greater potential of a UTI because of the sugar in my urethra, and the mess it’s undoubtedly going to make, I’ll pass.

:_pump: :donatecar

I get it.

There’s a lot of unknowns there.

The consensus seems to be the additional density of sugarwater might help.

Is fluid viscosity a factor also? Has anyone ever tried pumping with a more viscous liquid like olive oil?

Originally Posted by DGA2010
I get it.

There’s a lot of unknowns there.

The consensus seems to be the additional density of sugarwater might help.

Is fluid viscosity a factor also? Has anyone ever tried pumping with a more viscous liquid like olive oil?

Isn’t there something simple that you could add to water to thicken it and hold heat better ?

Here’s a few more thoughts though, we’ve considered the viscosity and the heat retention but how about an optical illusion ?
The sugar would change the refractive index of the water and could create a more pronounced magnifying effect ?

Also what about the effect of the extra stickyness on the skin, would that make a difference ?
Some of the guys who tried it said it worked better if you didn’t use any lube ?

Originally Posted by capernicus1
Isn’t there something simple that you could add to water to thicken it and hold heat better ?

Maybe that is what they are trying to accomplish with the sugar? Maybe the sweetness isn’t even a factor? I don’t know.

Another question comes to mind as well. What would be the best proportion of sugar to water? I am sure no one uses just straight Karo syrup.


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