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Which penis pump should I get?


I just want to chime in here! HappyPill if you are still around.

You can ABSOLUTELY water pump with the ThickWall, if you would have looked around their site a bit you would have seen they sell a water catch attachment so you can water pump without getting water into the pump.

I will also argue that water pumping is not a “marketing” ploy designed by Bathmate, as several established pump brands sell attachments and recognize water pumping, not to forget the numerous threads on thunders and elsewhere of water pumping being used sin-bathmate.

Water pumping does have its benefits, and there are more than enough threads out there that get into why. For me is the ease of applying constant even heat through my session, and anecdotally ive noticed a reduced amount of edema when doing similar sessions (hg/time).

Its not a holy grail of course, and pumping without water is still great but I just wanted to dismiss a couple pieces of misinformation in this thread. So HappyPill if your still around, and genuinely want to give water pumping a shot to try it out you can 100% get a water catch for your ThickWall for about 200 SEK.

Edit: I missed the one post HappyPill said he ordered the water trap. Whoops, Im going to leave the post however, for new eyes that might come across this thread as well

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

I got the Bathmate Hydro Max 7 around 2 weeks ago and I was really happy with it and it’s more than tolerable while I’m lying down in a hot bath, but I tried it on full suction standing up and I soon released the suction as I felt like my penis head was going to explode, and not in a good way, I mean literally pop. A gauge would be cool, I didn’t know they made pumps with gauges, but I do have only 2 weeks experience of penis enhancement experience. I’m really enjoying the challenge, my already larger penis feels alien in my pants haha.

Originally Posted by s0me1
Its good for beginners?
https://thickwa … s/starter-kits/

And if i want length more then girth what the diameter to choose ?

Thickwalls are amazing, so yes, beginner or not its a proper pump and cylinder.

Look at their sizing guide on the website. You will need to measure youre self and plug it into the guide they have and the one it suggest should be what you go for. Based on how mine fit when doing the same, it gave me a nice snug fit that allows me to get a good seal and fill the tube; which is really all you should be looking for from a standard cylinder such as these.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."


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