Thunder's Place

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Why no gains?

Why no gains?

I’ve been pumping for a month now, and I really haven’t seen any gains, should I be seeing gains by now. I’m starting week 5 on the pumping 101. 1 20 min. 1 10 min. I usually pump mon-sat and sun off. Is this too much. I notice that it takes between 2 and 4 hg to get my dick to the 7 inch mark on the tube. I’m about 6.5 to 6 3/4 nbp. and about 4.5 to 4.7 in girth. Do you think this is small. If I could make it to a solid 7 nbp by 5, I would be estatic. That is my first goal. Should I encorporate a stretching routine into my program, to attain this. I stretch sometimes, but it is usually half ass. I have Low LOT, so mabey 10 to 15 minutes of stretching upwards, mabey some rotation stretches, and between the cheek, and mabey some stretches where I put pressure on certain points with my other hand might help to speed up my length gains. Are there any supplements I cold by at GNC to help speed up my gains,a nd to help with my flaccid. I wear the thera P also, but I never can get it right to keep a good engorgement. It’s usually too tyte, then too loose. I swear I gotta have the smallest flaccid ou there. It like 3inches at times mabey even less. MAbey 2 inches in girth and I’m black. Usually black guys have larger flaccids, but not me.

Hey waytoobig,

What size tube are you using? I use a slightly higher pressure, maybe 4-6 hg, and I use a condom to pump with to keep down the lymphatic swelling. You may be expecting too much too soon though with only a month or so under your belt. Be patient. You are already way above average on your length and your not small with your girth so with pumping your girth will move up over time. Again, be patient. And good luck with your gains.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

way, you are beginning to make me crazy.

One month only and you are frustrated? PE is a long-term commitment. Nearly everybody who does it says that. Put your brain into that gear and stay with your program.



OK I will,, but what about the stretching routine I mentioned. DO you think I should do it, and could it be benificial, or is it overdoing it.

Also could somebosy comment on the supplements part of my thread also.

you and I are in the same boat as newbie pumpers man , I am in week 8 or 9 right now and I too was getting the feeling I wasn’t making progress but here are two things that helped me see what was actually happening .

1) get a stretchy cock ring if You don’t already have one,if you slap that on right before you come out of the tube you will see your dick bigger than you ever have before,seeing my dick at over 5 7/8 inches from my regular 5 3/16 is a major motivator,granted you take the ring off and it goes away,it still marks progress,you can’t pump your dick up over and over to that much fatter a girth and not know that some of it will stick over time.

2) I find that going for long sets,like 25-30 minutes for one or two sets at 3-5 hg gives me the best stretch. I start packing the bottom up a couple of inches and side to side almost halfway up and I can get wood right after coming out of the tube so I know its not that lymph that everyone talks about. I know the vets recommend a shorter time with more sets,but I find for me so far that the longer set and mild pressure gives the best result,once we get to be vets and really know what the hell we are doing we can start modifying right.

anyway these are my experiences 8 weeks in,give it a shot,hope it helps.

thanx bro

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