Why no gains?
I’ve been pumping for a month now, and I really haven’t seen any gains, should I be seeing gains by now. I’m starting week 5 on the pumping 101. 1 20 min. 1 10 min. I usually pump mon-sat and sun off. Is this too much. I notice that it takes between 2 and 4 hg to get my dick to the 7 inch mark on the tube. I’m about 6.5 to 6 3/4 nbp. and about 4.5 to 4.7 in girth. Do you think this is small. If I could make it to a solid 7 nbp by 5, I would be estatic. That is my first goal. Should I encorporate a stretching routine into my program, to attain this. I stretch sometimes, but it is usually half ass. I have Low LOT, so mabey 10 to 15 minutes of stretching upwards, mabey some rotation stretches, and between the cheek, and mabey some stretches where I put pressure on certain points with my other hand might help to speed up my length gains. Are there any supplements I cold by at GNC to help speed up my gains,a nd to help with my flaccid. I wear the thera P also, but I never can get it right to keep a good engorgement. It’s usually too tyte, then too loose. I swear I gotta have the smallest flaccid ou there. It like 3inches at times mabey even less. MAbey 2 inches in girth and I’m black. Usually black guys have larger flaccids, but not me.