Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

3 Years of PE. Results & a couple of questions


SD85's Progress Report

Hi guys -

Hope you’re all well (and getting results!). I’ve been doing PE for nearly 3 years now. Just thought I’d finally post/share my experiences.

These are my stats:

BPEL 6.7"  MSEG 4.8" BPFL 5.2" MSFG 3.9" BPSPL 6.9"

BPEL 8.3"  MSEG 5.5" BPFL 6.2" MSFG 4.5" BPSPL 8.8"

Original Goal: BPEL 8.0" MSEG 5.5"
New Goal 🤦‍♂️: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

My current routine is:

3-5 hours a day wearing an extender (at a VERY tight stretch!)
45-60 minutes a day double-clamping (sometimes twice a day)
10-15 minutes manual stretching/jelquing (twice a day)
Usually 4-5 days on, 2 days off

Anyway - would you consider these results good/bad/average? Also, I was wondering how long you you guys have been doing PE for? I’m currently at my original goal, but now I’d love to get to 9.0" (is it just a case of no matter what size you are, you always want to get bigger?).

Cheers 🙂

Last edited by SD85 : 04-19-2024 at . Reason: Edited title

I’d consider those results really great, thanks for sharing. I’ve been doing PE for 2 years and I do not have as great results as you, unless they will come within the remaining 1 year.
With such great results I would like to ask you:

1) How much beyond your BPEL do you extend, and are you still increasing rod length/tension and if so by how much and what intervals?
2)Did you ever get EQ issues or other hindrances while clamping?
3)Do you do kegels?
4)Do you jelq at higher or lower erection levels and when during the day are your sessions
5)Finally did you ever pump?

Thanks mate :)

BP x MEG: 7.0" × 5.0"---> 7.6" x 5.3" (2022-2023)

Next Goal: 8.0" x 5.5" (Next deadline: July 2024).

Extender: 1.2k hours (6/5/2024). Goal: 3k hours.

I’d say great results. We started out very similar size but it has taken me many more years to get to your length. I question whether I have reached my limit at this point, although I’d still like another 1/2 inch in length. I’d say you should be happy with the results and see where it goes - I know I am!

Going for 8.75 x 6.25!

Originally Posted by SD85
Hi guys -

Hope you’re all well (and getting results!). I’ve been doing PE for nearly 3 years now. Just thought I’d finally post/share my experiences.

These are my stats:

BPEL 6.7"  MSEG 4.8" BPFL 5.2" MSFG 3.9" BPSPL 6.9"

BPEL 8.3"  MSEG 5.5" BPFL 6.2" MSFG 4.5" BPSPL 8.8"

Original Goal: BPEL 8.0" MSEG 5.5"
New Goal 🤦‍♂️: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

My current routine is:

3-5 hours a day wearing an extender (at a VERY tight stretch!)
45-60 minutes a day double-clamping (sometimes twice a day)
10-15 minutes manual stretching/jelquing (twice a day)
Usually 4-5 days on, 2 days off

Anyway - would you consider these results good/bad/average? Also, I was wondering how long you you guys have been doing PE for? I’m currently at my original goal, but now I’d love to get to 9.0" (is it just a case of no matter what size you are, you always want to get bigger?).

Cheers 🙂

Hi mate!
congratulations, you’ve certainly achieved a lot in those three years of PE, it’s not for everyone to achieve what you’ve achieved :)
You do a very intense and interesting job. To understand better, I wanted to know if you have never suffered any setbacks, stalls or other kinds of things in your journey? I too have been doing EP for almost 3 years with practices not exactly like yours and I have not achieved the results like yours but I am happy with the result and hope to improve.
You have already achieved and surpassed your initial goal, which is a great measure, and the new goal is stratospheric, but then again, the incentive to achieve more is always there, as they say, appetite comes with eating :D
If you have a photo archive of your progress since the beginning, it would be helpful and encouraging to users if you posted it.
I wish you greater gains by always working safely, we look forward to your updates, cheers and see you soon :up:

Thanks so much for your replies and kind words, guys! I’ll try and answer the questions below.

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Originally Posted by rinnegan870
I’d consider those results really great, thanks for sharing. I’ve been doing PE for 2 years and I do not have as great results as you, unless they will come within the remaining 1 year.
With such great results I would like to ask you:

1) How much beyond your BPEL do you extend, and are you still increasing rod length/tension and if so by how much and what intervals?
2)Did you ever get EQ issues or other hindrances while clamping?
3)Do you do kegels?
4)Do you jelq at higher or lower erection levels and when during the day are your sessions
5)Finally did you ever pump?

Thanks mate :)

1. I set the extender about half an inch longer than my BPEL (.it’s around my BPSFL). I still add rods, but nowhere near as much as I used to. I’d say I probably add 1 every few months (1 is equal to 1/5 of an inch, I believe).

2 & 3. No EQ issues while clamping, thankfully. I know some say clamping can be quite tricky or dangerous. I guess you just have to listen to your body (or penis!) though. I usually get as hard as possible, then put a clamp right at the base (as tight as possible, without being painful) - and then 1 further up/around half way, not as tight. And I do kegels throughout. Usually about 10-20, every few minutes.

4. I’ve gotta admit, I don’t do many jelqs these days. Only a few (semi-erect) just before bed. I do sometimes do some squeezing exercises, while clamping

5. I tried the Hydromax 7 Bathmate for a few months early on, but I noticed it only seemed to (temporarily) make my skin/tissue/foreskin swell, rather than have any lasting effect (.maybe I was doing it wrong?). I actually tried it again recently though - and my foreskin swelled up (quite badly!). So I’m not sure whether I’m doing it all wrong - or my old fella is just used to clamping now.

Awesome results. I’ve been using an extender based routine, similar to yours, for two years and I’ve achieved 1.5 inches in length. So, I’d say we are getting similar results. I haven’t added as much girth as you have though.

I’d love to hear how different sex is for you at your new size, from someone going from the 6 inch range into the promised land of 8 inches. For instance, at 7.3x5.25, I’m having more trouble penetrating my wife than I used to, but she’s having better orgasms as a result. Anything like that would be great information as like you, I just want another inch! Hahaha

Originally Posted by SD85
1. I set the extender about half an inch longer than my BPEL (.it’s around my BPSFL). I still add rods, but nowhere near as much as I used to. I’d say I probably add 1 every few months (1 is equal to 1/5 of an inch, I believe).

2 & 3. No EQ issues while clamping, thankfully. I know some say clamping can be quite tricky or dangerous. I guess you just have to listen to your body (or penis!) though. I usually get as hard as possible, then put a clamp right at the base (as tight as possible, without being painful) - and then 1 further up/around half way, not as tight. And I do kegels throughout. Usually about 10-20, every few minutes.

4. I’ve gotta admit, I don’t do many jelqs these days. Only a few (semi-erect) just before bed. I do sometimes do some squeezing exercises, while clamping

5. I tried the Hydromax 7 Bathmate for a few months early on, but I noticed it only seemed to (temporarily) make my skin/tissue/foreskin swell, rather than have any lasting effect (.maybe I was doing it wrong?). I actually tried it again recently though - and my foreskin swelled up (quite badly!). So I’m not sure whether I’m doing it all wrong - or my old fella is just used to clamping now.

Awesome, thanks!

BP x MEG: 7.0" × 5.0"---> 7.6" x 5.3" (2022-2023)

Next Goal: 8.0" x 5.5" (Next deadline: July 2024).

Extender: 1.2k hours (6/5/2024). Goal: 3k hours.

Originally Posted by Dosso

Hi mate!

Congratulations, you’ve certainly achieved a lot in those three years of PE, it’s not for everyone to achieve what you’ve achieved :)

You do a very intense and interesting job. To understand better, I wanted to know if you have never suffered any setbacks, stalls or other kinds of things in your journey?

Apart from the foreskin swelling (see above!), I did reach a point when I thought I’d reached a plateau or my limit. It was about 2 and a half years in (I seemed to be around 8" BPEL for months). I thought that might be it, so I didn’t do any PE for about a month. I started to miss it quite a bit though(!), so started again - and noticed the results quite quickly. I gained another 0.3"/0.4". It doesn’t sound like much, but you can definitely tell when you’ve grown bigger or longer. I added a new rod to my extender too. So I think the break definitely helped.

Originally Posted by AverageFella
Awesome results. I’ve been using an extender based routine, similar to yours, for two years and I’ve achieved 1.5 inches in length. So, I’d say we are getting similar results. I haven’t added as much girth as you have though.

I’d love to hear how different sex is for you at your new size, from someone going from the 6 inch range into the promised land of 8 inches. For instance, at 7.3x5.25, I’m having more trouble penetrating my wife than I used to, but she’s having better orgasms as a result. Anything like that would be great information as like you, I just want another inch! Hahaha

Yeah, my Mrs has definitely noticed the difference - I have to be a lot more careful now to begin with and get her more "warmed up" (if you know what I mean!). She actually commented the other day when we were changing "OMG - look how big you are!". Which was nice, lol. As a guy, you never think you’re very big or big enough 🤦‍♂️. She’s said I don’t need to be any bigger - but is still supportive of my PE. I said if I get to 9" - or 6" girth, I’ll definitely stop.

Congratulations on your gains.

My questions are, how are you wearing your extender? Are you using noose or vacum cup? Have you taken any decon breaks other than that 1 month you mentioned?

Originally Posted by pantera2994
Congratulations on your gains.

My questions are, how are you wearing your extender? Are you using noose or vacum cup? Have you taken any decon breaks other than that 1 month you mentioned?

Thanks, mate.

I’m using the Quick Extender Pro. (noose). I usually wear it for 1 and a half to 2 hours at a time.

No breaks, other than that month. Sometimes I might take 3 days off, instead of 2 though, lol.

Originally Posted by SD85

Apart from the foreskin swelling (see above!), I did reach a point when I thought I’d reached a plateau or my limit. It was about 2 and a half years in (I seemed to be around 8" BPEL for months). I thought that might be it, so I didn’t do any PE for about a month. I started to miss it quite a bit though(!), so started again - and noticed the results quite quickly. I gained another 0.3"/0.4". It doesn’t sound like much, but you can definitely tell when you’ve grown bigger or longer. I added a new rod to my extender too. So I think the break definitely helped.

Hi mate!

so you’ve experienced the plateau too it happened to me after a year and like you I took a long break and then on resuming I started to see improvements less quickly than before and I think that’s normal, that means the break is beneficial and we still have room for growth. You’re right being away from the EP you miss it has become a way of life for me. I have also used the Hydromax 7 and its drawback is that it has no pressure control and regularly formed the donut effect. Then with experience I realised how far I could go to avoid it and I went ahead with it and now I rarely use it because I mainly do vacuum pumping which also if not done carefully can cause oedema and blisters. Yes you are right it is so rewarding for our ego to be told by your partner how great you are because you see yourself getting smaller and smaller and being able to give them your best.

I’m glad you brought your experience to the forum and as you can see there was a lot of interest in exchanging ideas that help improve our EP, this is the real purpose of the forum.

Cheers and see you again :up:

Originally Posted by Dosso
Hi mate!
So you’ve experienced the plateau too it happened to me after a year and like you I took a long break and then on resuming I started to see improvements less quickly than before and I think that’s normal, that means the break is beneficial and we still have room for growth. You’re right being away from the EP you miss it has become a way of life for me. I have also used the Hydromax 7 and its drawback is that it has no pressure control and regularly formed the donut effect. Then with experience I realised how far I could go to avoid it and I went ahead with it and now I rarely use it because I mainly do vacuum pumping which also if not done carefully can cause oedema and blisters. Yes you are right it is so rewarding for our ego to be told by your partner how great you are because you see yourself getting smaller and smaller and being able to give them your best.
I’m glad you brought your experience to the forum and as you can see there was a lot of interest in exchanging ideas that help improve our EP, this is the real purpose of the forum.
Cheers and see you again :up:

Aww. Thanks, mate 😊.

I read that the days when you don’t do PE are when the actual growth happens, with the cells repairing themselves. Not sure how true it is, but I think it’s definitely beneficial to take some time off occasionally.

And yeah. PE is definitely a way of life, lol. It’s quite addictive. Once you see (or feel) results, you just want more!

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