Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A marathon to a bigger future


A marathon to a bigger future

Howdy all. I’m Pyry from Finland. Fairly new to PE :)

First a bit of background

I originally found out about all of this last September, when I was looking for alternatives to circumcision. Ever since I was young I’ve had problems with tight foreskin and recently (most likely with age) it has started to effect my EQ in a really negative way. The skin cuts off circulation to the glans and I lost erection in no time, and it was painful. My fiance suggested I should maybe go to a doctor and talk about the possibility of getting rid of it, but the very thought terrifies me. Where I’m from practically nobody is cut and I don’t want to be the odd one out, or lose sensitivity etc.

So whilst looking for stuff I came across some health forums, where people were talking about their experiences with stretching the foreskin, and I wanted to give it a try. Some time later I ran into this forum called thundersplace where people were talking about stretching the penis itself! :D I was curious, though skeptical. I could believe stretching the skin, since it’s essentially the same idea as stretching the ears and such, but the penis?

I did some jelqing and manual stretching along with stretching my skin. Didn’t really get any notable results, so my skepticism was reinforced. However the situation changed, when my fiance had to leave town for work this year, and I was left alone with my dong and a whole lot of me time on hand :D I got myself a JES extender and started to use it about 4-8 hours a day and doing manual stuff when I can’t use the extender for whatever reason (like trips etc.)

When I started on January I was 16cm BPEL and 11cm mid girth. When I started I measured almost every day and the frustration was too much. I almost gave up, until I read some posts here and figured that I should be patient, and not measure so often. I set myself to measuring once every 1,5 - 2 months, even though the urge to do so more often is at times excruciating :D

In March I measured myself again and I was truly shocked to discover I had indeed grown!
New measurements were
BPEL 16,8 and mid girth 11,5cm

Of these the girth was the kicker. I’ve always had a very thin penis in comparison to it’s ok length. And I was not expecting any girth gains from using a stretching device :D

In May
BPEL 17 and girth 12cm

BPEL 17 girth 13cm in the mid and 14 at the base! I couldn’t believe it! I had to measure again and again. I still can’t believe it, even though it’s right there! :D
At this point I was starting to wonder, if I’ve done something wrong with the device? I wasn’t gaining any more length, but was getting fatter at an alarming pace. Even stuff like cancer or some other horrific stuff came to mind. I came here to ask for advice and got an answer, that the device can indeed increase girth, so I figured it’s probably safe to continue.

It was at this point, that I also managed for the first time to stretch myself past my erect length (even the increased one). That was almost a month ago now, and I’ve been trying to be as consistent as possible, even though it’s getting more difficult to use the device as it keeps slipping. I used to be able to keep it for about an hour at a time, before taking a break. Now it’s more like 0,5h before it escapes the loop

And yesterday I did my most recent measurement and finally I had more length!
BPEL was 17,7cm and girth was at a bit over 13cm. My glans has increased in size a huge amount too, that I attribute to the noose squeezing right behind it all the time. It’s also now at 13cm when it was barely 10 when I started.

This has been an interesting and exciting year, after discovering this “hobby” :D The thing I’ve gained the most is not size, but confidence!

Thanks to all of you for this, and I hope we all keep gaining :)

Sweet gains those, very lucky!

Congratulations and enjoy!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Lenny
Sweet gains those, very lucky!

Congratulations and enjoy!


It really feels nice to have a larger one, but I’m starting to get a bit nerveous as it has now become noticable by the naked eye too. The thickness is so much bigger, that my fiance actually asked about it the last time she came home.

I came up with some emergency story about bettered circulation due to the skin stretching. She knows about that, but not about the PE stuff, and I don’t think I want her to know either. I used the same line to explain away the discoloration and stretch marks, but if I keep growing, I might not be able to keep it hidden

Managed to fix the issue of slipping. I strap myself to the noose, and tie a piece of blue tac around the base of the noose, that prevents the noose from slipping out of the holes. Not sure if I am explaining it very well, but now I can keep myself strapped in for an hour at a time again. I hope that this gets me back on track of 4+ hours a day, that has been impossible to maintain when I could only go 15-20min at a time before the thing came off

Hi Pyry, nice gains. Congratulations. I’m also a JES user, and would like to ask you how much traction are you using ? I bought my JES many years ago, and it has the springs that were standard then ( max 1500 grams). I see now they sell set of springs up to 4000 grams.

The first two years of use, I did an average of 4 hours per day, and did keep track of the hours up to 2400 hours and had gained 3cm in length.

For several reasons I had a break for many years but are back on track stretching my flaccid to 1,5 cm longer than erect.

To avoid the slipping off problem, try to put together the extender so that ( when compressed) is as short that your glans is almost in front of the cradle and the noose is tightening downwards instead of forward « through» the glans. This will allow the noose to be a bit loser and not cut off the blood supply so much. Then you will be able to have longer sessions and better gains.

You are in for the long run so don’t hurry and pay attention to your penis, how he feels, EQ, morning wood and so on. Good luck, keep us posted.

Originally Posted by norwegian wood
Hi Pyry, nice gains. Congratulations. I’m also a JES user, and would like to ask you how much traction are you using ? I bought my JES many years ago, and it has the springs that were standard then ( max 1500 grams). I see now they sell set of springs up to 4000 grams.
The first two years of use, I did an average of 4 hours per day, and did keep track of the hours up to 2400 hours and had gained 3cm in length.
For several reasons I had a break for many years but are back on track stretching my flaccid to 1,5 cm longer than erect.
To avoid the slipping off problem, try to put together the extender so that ( when compressed) is as short that your glans is almost in front of the cradle and the noose is tightening downwards instead of forward « through» the glans. This will allow the noose to be a bit loser and not cut off the blood supply so much. Then you will be able to have longer sessions and better gains.
You are in for the long run so don’t hurry and pay attention to your penis, how he feels, EQ, morning wood and so on. Good luck, keep us posted.


Thanks for your reply :)

Very impressive gains! It’s good to hear that other people using the same device are getting results like that. Keeps the motivation going :D

The manual states that the tension goes up to 1500 g. When I started I kept it somewhere in the middle, since anything higher didn’t feel good. Now I’m able to keep it at maximum tension without discomfort, so I do. At the moment I’m at 713 hours total. I try to do at least 4 hours a day, and on the days when I can’t use the extender, I do manual stretches etc.

Thanks for the tip. For now I managed to solve the slipping noose, by tying a blue tac around the base of the noose once I’m strapped in. This seems to be enough to prevent it from slipping out of the cradle :)

Good luck on getting back on track!

Have been doing ok with putting in 4 or almost 4 hours every day, until yesterday. It seems I may have injured myself a bit :(
As the extension on the length and tension I had been using up till now started to feel too low, I decided to test adding a new piece to the rods.

Didn’t feel like much of a difference at the time, but today when I woke up the bottom right side of my shaft is sore to the touch.
Might not be any severe damage as it’s only hurting when it’s touched, but I’m gonna nonetheless return to the old length, once I start again.

Gonna give it a rest for now, and let it heal. A very unfortunate setback, and my first injury:/

Finally over and done with the injury, and gonna start again with more caution

Almost a month off and I have to say I am a bit bummed about that:/

Feels like I’ve lost good time, that I could’ve been using to stretch. Need to reorient myself and think of it as starting from the beginning. I haven’t dared to measure myself since the injury, and I don’t know if and how much have I lost? I hope not much, cause that would be really disheartening, cause I was off to what felt like a really good start

Only time will tell I suppose

Been out of PE for almost exactly a year. This week I decided, that things have finally calmed down, and I have some free time in my hands again

So it’s time to get back to stretching :D

During my year off it seems that most of my length gains have evaporated, which was a bit of a downer. When I started I stood at 16cm exact, got up to around 17,5cm in about 1100h of stretching with the extender, and now I’m back to around 16,5cm

What was surprising though, was that my girth gains seem to have stayed practically untouched :O

Flaccid gains have also stayed the same, and that’s really nice, since it is nice to sport a proud 13cm shower:D

I started on Monday and have been doing 3-4h a day, aiming at 4h. This time I’ve added a bit of pumping to the routine, since I got myself one last year. Planning on doing 0,5h a day if I have the time, but keeping it more as an extra for now:)

All in all. Pumped to be back!

A word of caution of you have been away for a year-

Listen to the feedback of your penis. Watch your PI’s. You may have lost some of your conditioning and may need to work up to the level of PE you were before stopping. Some guys have jumped back in at the same level as before their extended break and were surprised to get an injury. Go slower at first and work your way back up.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
A word of caution of you have been away for a year-

Listen to the feedback of your penis. Watch your PI’s. You may have lost some of your conditioning and may need to work up to the level of PE you were before stopping. Some guys have jumped back in at the same level as before their extended break and were surprised to get an injury. Go slower at first and work your way back up.

Thanks for the tips! :)

I figured that going at it slower might be in order. When I was doing active PE last time, I went too much, too quick and did end up with an injury:/

Took nearly a month to get back to training and had to take it real slow to build back up

I’ve now been doing sets with rods in length to those before the injury, and I do 1h at a time, but I start with the rods unturned, keep it like that for about 10min and start extending them about 1cm, another 10min and only then I screw them the other 1cm to max length I maintain till the 1h is full

So far this feels fine and I hope I can maintain my patience and not get too far ahead of myself this time :D

The pumping is a new thing for me and I’m taking it cautiously. I have a gauge and an emergency valve in the pump, but so far I’ve gone by feel and look, maintaining 5hg as the max, that I won’t cross until I’m sure it’s fine

Been back at it for two weeks now. New routine is:

15min pumping at 5hg when wake up
This makes the extending a lot easier for the rest of the day, unless I go outside for a longer time and get cold and shrink. I’ve done another 15min of pumping if that happens.
The pumping leaves me nice and plump for extending for hours, so the noose doesn’t slip so easily

Before extending I soak my willie in hot water to warm it up thoroughly. I extend an hour at a time, as many times a day as I can. This has been about 4h/d on average

Before going to sleep I do another 15min pump

I do 6 days on 1 off, but I still pump on the off day for 2x15min in the morning and before bed

Will see if this gets results after a month or two. So far it feels great

So now that I’ve gotten a bit more familiar with pumping, I must say it has made a few observations

My EQ seems to have improved quite a bit in just a month. Erections are stronger than before and my libido has improved as well

It has made the extender use a lot easier. The noose doesn’t slip as easily as before, and there’s no coldness or numbing of the glans even at higher tension

So I had to take a 2 week break from PE due to work related stuff. Did nothing. No extender, no pumping, no stretching

Yesterday I took a shower and afterwards was just relaxing on the couch when I noticed my junk. After 2 weeks of paying no attention to it at all I all of a sudden realized, that holy crap has it become bigger or what? I decided to finally measure myself for the first time after re-starting, got myself erect and could not believe my eyes

I was 17,5cm BPEL and 14cm mid girth, 15cm at the base! :O

Still feels crazy. Before I started PE I had a really thin one. Like 11cm at the middle, if even that. When I first started extending and stretching, it increased my girth quite a bit, but this is something else. I think it’s the addition of pumping that’s done it, though I’m not sure of course. Gonna continue now, that the work stuff is done, and I’m back to a more normal schedule

Congrats Pyry, that’s great ! Keep it up.

I have gained some length during the last year, and I am now a 1/4 inch from 8’’ BPEL. ( 5-6 mm from 20,5 cm) and the stretched length in my extender is close to 21 cm. My erect length has almost caught up with the flaccid stretch length now, so there’s only about 1 cm/ half inch in difference. I have been doing some light hanging, around 600 grams for the most part, in 2-3 hour sessions while walking in the forrest, and some short session with up to 3 kg ( 6 pounds). I think it has had an impact on my gains in addition to the extending. I’m not done yet.

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