Alivegeta's Routine

My length before starting PE was 12.8 cm.BPEL
.My girth before i started PE was 11.8.MSEG

Main focus = length ….

This is my current routine.
.Warm up = wash cloth soaked in hot water (wrap on) 5 min …..water temps about 65 to 70c.
.1min holds in all six directions (with kegels+ RK)
.V-Stretch-3min +kegels
.A-stretch-3min kegels + reverse kegels for some extra pull.
.JAI-stretch -3min with kegels and reverse kegels .
.and i jelq for 5 min 2/5 sec per stroke.
.DLD blasters (laying down) i only do its 3 times a week for 5 min.

.{gains made during this period up until now = i will update the numbers …. as i gain…right now i am at ……
BPEL 15.4cm.
MSEG 12.2cm .
I have started using this now /penis-hangers/ light-home-made … -rest-days.html

*Warm up and kegels are the most important things to do in a routine ….
**If you are like me who masturbates every other day then you will not have great EQ .So do kegles ok . "KEGELS" improve your EQ (improved EQ= more gains) ..So while stretching "REVERSE KEGELS" allow u to stretch a bit more helps with length gains….

*focus on length first then go after girth. …

*try to concentrate on one thing ok . don’t be like i want 1 inch in length and 1 inch in girth if u want to do that ok do it .but prioritize like some men want length so go after length .if you want girth go after girth…. but remember many senior member say that girth gains will slow down your length gains so first get the length you want then go after girth …I personally do one thing at a time .Now i am after length so i do exercises that give me length and i do some minimum girth exercises too. to keep things flowing in girth department too. but my main focus is length….

What is a kegel and reverse kegel?
Here is a common way of describing Kegels and reverse Kegels: Next time you go to the bathroom to take a piss, try to stop the flow of urine and hold it back (a few drops may come out, do this a few times and hold for a second or two. That is a Kegel.
Next time you go to the bathroom or on that same trip, try to force the urine out as fast and as hard as possible. It almost feels like tissue, muscles, and blood are being forced to the head of your penis. That is a Reverse Kegel.

Imported from old PE database

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!