I use a wash cloth to grip my penis. Try it, let me know how it works for you.
I tried today with a small piece of cloth I cut from some socks with a hole too big to be usable anymore. Unfortunately no matter how tight I wrap the cloth it still slips and creates edges, then the pressure from the exercise does weird things near those edges, I have to be quite careful with it.
The link didn’t work for me.:-(
It’s because the website autocorrects lower case ja(-)I to upper case JAI, also in the signature editor, so it breaks the link. I just noticed it even damn happened in the PM I sent memento while I was trying to explain the issue, it literally reads «the signature editor autocorrects “JAI-stretch” to “JAI-stretch”» it was a bit silly. Thankfully he or another mod manually fixed it for me but every time I will change the signature I will run in the same problem again.
Bookmarks: JAI Stretch, ligs tunica terrible diagrams, Jarod Johansen for hanging