Back to clamping but with jelqing…

Morning: 10min x 4 sets clamping edging between and during

Evening: 260 wet jelqs at around 90%

Last time I clamped, I took a pic with tape measure and posted on another thread. It read 5 1/4” MSEG post clamping workout. That was a very good sign, hence re-adopting clamping. In the clamp I was 5.5” MSEG, so the expansion seems better than jelqing, adding them together and splitting them into morning/evening sessions. I’m posting my daily workouts and updates mostly on the other thread. All my pics are there as well as I mentioned.

I was/am 5 1/8”, next time I measure I feel as though it’s going to be bigger than that. Flaccid is hanging looser and fatter.

Time for gainzzzzzz!

Start Jun 16" - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Current 6.75" BPEL x 5.4" MSEG

Goal Anything x 5.5" MSEG