Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Billy Green 365 Progress

Billy Green 365 Progress

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has helped to build this very informative forum.
Second, English isn’t my native language, so sorry for any mistake.

I’ll do PE for 1 year, I won’t stop even if it’s not working or if I reach my goals.

I decided to start PE because I think my penis is very small.

My stats:
BPEL: 6,7
Middle Shaft: 5

I have a mushroom, I didn’t measure my head but is a lot wider than the rest of my penis.

My goals: 1 inch in length and 0.5 in wide.

I’ll start with the LINEAR routine 2on 1off and I’ll try keep as much heat as possible.

Thank you all !

Hello Billy Green! Welcome to Thunder’s Place.

You have been deceived: your penis size is well over average. Congratulations :D

Start slow, educate yourself and good luck!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Start slowly and try to use constant heat while doing your routine.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Billy Green
I would like to thank everyone who has helped to build this very informative forum.

This place is special. Happy to have you here. Have fun and wish you all the best!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Thanks for all the support guys!
I will keep updating every 2 weeks.

Stay Safe !

I tried to do my routine in the shower but as I’m cut, I loss all the lub and it’s impossible to do the wet jelq under the shower.
Do you guys have any good idea to keep heat during routine ? Infrared lights ?

Thank you !

Originally Posted by Billy Green
Do you guys have any good idea to keep heat during routine ? Infrared lights ?

Spacer heater that has lamps would be good, they are cheap, durable and don’t emit any noises. Power consumption on these type of heaters varies from 150w to 1200w.

My opinion: totally worth it.

Just don’t stay too close or you could face skin burns (common-sense mostly).

Good luck!

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Lenny
Spacer heater that has lamps would be good, they are cheap, durable and don’t emit any noises. Power consumption on these type of heaters varies from 150w to 1200w.

My opinion: totally worth it.

Just don’t stay too close or you could face skin burns (common-sense mostly).

Good luck!

Good Idea Lenny !! Worth a try!! Thanks brother!

Originally Posted by G263
Good luck and welcome.

Thanks mate !


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