Building a mens physique package, aesthetics
Hello. So, have begun my journey towards getting a big dick - however I want it to be aesthetic more than anything.
So I’ve set the aim towards reaching 18cm NBP length and 14,5 cm girth as I believe it is the most goodlooking and useful dimensions for a nice overall physique. I’m not trying to be mr olympia but I will be an athletic penis owner.
Furthermore I want supreme EQ, currently my dick and glans foremost is kind of deflated compared to what they could expand into with better pressure. Something I must fix
I also want bigger nuts and will work on that. Going for that goodlooking overall package.
And yea a nice flaccid hang, currently I’m a supreme grower (3-4 times) which makes me look like I have a small penis when not erect which is annoying. I hear fowfers make you get good flaccid results.
To achieve this I have made a routine I aim to follow. What is perhaps suprising with this routine is that I only work out girth once a week - sort of like a bodybuilder and his muscles (its quite common they only work one isolated muscle per week). I believe your dick will grow depending on the quality of work you put in, spending everyday or every other day is a waste of time and maybe even counterproductive as you don’t allow your tissue to grow bigger. I think you get the “marathon runner” effect on your penis if you workout to much which means you get less size and more endurance - which basically means you get less gains and it becomes tougher to do effective work.
Could be a trap that “hard gainers” fall into, they workout too much and get minimal size and then get it harder to deform the penis tissue or “tear the muscle” so to say ,which is what promotes growth. This is something they don’t realize they are doing since their dick is so hardened they simply feel like they have to workout more and more to get an effect when in reality they should rest more and allow their dick to soften up and heal before hitting it again.
I believe the exact same principles for building muscles applies to the penis. This means low frequency but instense workouts (until “failure”), with a lot of rest, should get the best results for size gains.
I won’t follow this principle when it comes to stretching though, in this matter I will exercise every other day.
My routine is
* 30 hard slow oiled up jelqs (5 second strokes), I jelq straight down and sometimes I hold for a bit if I feel I get a particulary good stretch that stroke. I start with 30 since it is currently enough to get my dick to go “plump” or mushroom looking (the head swell up while the shaft remains much thinner) this means I have done good work when my penis look like this after the jelqing. I also pay close attention to sensation, I want it to feel tired when I touch it and a little tingly, thats when the workout has been successful.
Once a week
*20 min of balloning (clamped erect penis) with jelqs and squeezes. This is what I do to try to solve my EQ problem. When jelqing I target the underside of my penis most since this is where blood flow in I believe if I’m not mistaken. With the squeezes I try to max out my penis. To hit all those spots that I may have missed when doing the jelqs.
Once a week
*Fowfers or lazy ass stretches 1h 40min. I do 1 hour of normal LAS and then 40 min of bundled (twisting) LAS. 20 min per side before I switch to the other direction (left side of your balls under your left cheek, then middle and right side same). Every other day
* I do Balls jelqing and massage + stretch. I take one nut and squeeze it out using my thumb and pointy finger to make a circle. Then I use my other hand to jelq it. Repeat with the other nut. Getting good nice pressure, I hold the jelq sometimes to really get that pump.
After that I take my balls in a basegrip and use the palm of my other hand to massage the balls by rubbing them in a circular motion. I use oil for lubrication. 60 circular motions with hard pressure.
Last a take a grip around my nuts and pull down stretching them both, for about 2 minutes.
Every other day.
I have a great feeling so far. My starting stats are 17cm NBP and 13,5 cm girth. So one cm gain in each dimension is all I want. Let’s see if my approach to PE gets results. As for my balls size you pretty much can’t have big enough balls, so I will probably continue increasing their size for the rest of my life. I guess at some point when you get huge balls your package becomes more funny looking than impressive and aestethic since my ball to dick ratio will lag so far behind but we’ll see.
I’m one week into this. By applying these bodybuilder principles maybe I can speedrun this PE journey. I guess 2mm gain per month is fast so in 5 months time I should be done if my theory about dick gains is correct.
Will be interesting.
I’m a long time lurker that haven’t done serious PE yet only experimentation. Now is the time to join the big dick club.
Thanks for reading, will update every month of PE so in about three weeks I will update on any gains.