Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cautiously optimistic.


@Dickershwanz Thanks for the reply. I’ll give that a try and report back. I just want to lessen the curve a bit, not straighten it out completely. There’s little chance of me turning it into an upward curve either, as it just doesn’t sit that way in my pants so I highly doubt I could maintain it in the long run.

I just measured now. +.2 to length and +.1 to girth, with no change to flaccid measurements. To be honest, with the amount and quality of exercises I’ve been doing since the 16th, I’m pleased with those results. I took them as best I could to be as consistent as last time, but there is still a margin for error there.

Could be placebo but it certainly feels different anyway. Here’s hoping I can follow through and keep thing consistent.

Also, I might be getting a hot water bottle sometime soon, which could help drastically with my warm ups and warm downs.

One final question: I am uncut and I find it difficult when stretching to perform a proper stretch. When I try to stretch, it feels more like I’m stretching the skin around my dick, instead of the penis itself. When I try to pull my skin back before I stretch, I can’t get a solid grip and the skin slides forward again anyway.
Should I bother pulling the skin back before I stretch? Is there another way to do it?

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.

Stay consistent and safe, then gains will surely follow you around.

Started:BPEL=5.0" x MEG=4.6 .(actually I was between 4.9 and 5 so I went with 5)

Now:BPEL= 6.3 x MEG=4.8 .. :) Final goal = 7.0 BPEL x 5.2 MEG.

Go watch=There are video's on how to do the exercises here!!!!!!!!

Been a while since last update. Well, nothing substantial has happened, and I don’t expect anything substantial yet. I’m not getting discouraged, but I’m not overly optimistic either.
That being said, my current routine isn’t really viable for me anymore, for a number of reasons.

1) I am uncut, which means doing stretches the way they say in the guides (with the foreskin pulled back) is very difficult. I always end up drawing it forward again. If I don’t bother pulling it back and do stretches, it feels like I’m stretching the skin, and not my penis itself. Is there a way to do stretches with the skin pulled back? Or ways to do it with it forward? I don’t feel like I can progress until I figure this out.

2) I’m unable to do wet jelqing (in the shower) anymore. This is down to my circumstances for the future. I know you can dry jelq, and I plan on trying that. Coupled with my brand new and shiny hot water bottle, I can do proper warm ups and warm downs as well.
Does anyone have any general tips for dry jelqing and stretching?

I’ll probably update my measurements in 2 weeks or so, to stay on my monthly measurement routine. So far it feels fatter, if anything.

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.

Hello again, I have returned. Didn’t update for a month because college work and excuses.
It’s also because of those reasons that I was barely able to keep up a routine and I felt no updates are better than “did nothing lol give me attention”.

Things have quietened down again though for now, so I was able to get a session in this morning. I tried pulling back the foreskin this time while doing the stretches, and while it was awkward and annoying to do (it kept sliding back forward), I got through all 9 directions, 30 seconds each. I think this was better than what I usually do (pulling with the foreskin up), because I could really feel the stretch this time. It felt like I was stretching the whole penis, and not just the skin forward.
I went on the jelqing and that went ok. I did 100 of them before I started feeling quite lightheaded and a little sick. Very strange. There was nothing out of the ordinary for me otherwise, and I felt fine once I got out of the shower. Oh well.

I’ll probably measure myself again on the 9th like usual.

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.

Wow, it’s been too long. Sorry for the lack of updates, college has been extremely hectic, and even after I was done I had plenty of distractions. I’m currently on holiday right now, but I felt I needed to post since I have the time now.
I haven’t been able to measure myself recently, so I’m assuming right now that I’ve probably lost most if not all of my previous gains. They were practically nothing anyway, so I’m not bummed about that. I think I had a total increase of .2” in both measurements over a period of a month. Not even sure if those were terribly accurate measurements.

Anyway, I should be good to by the end of this week, when I return home. I’m going to set reminders and alarms for myself in order to better stick to a schedule. I read some more through the forums here (and others on the internet, for that matter. This place is still the best, be it quality of content or quality of the user-base) and I’ve decided to attempt dry-jelqing.

Wet-jelqing wasn’t good for me. Nothing to do with the technique itself, it’s just my situation, especially now. I simply do not have the time or space to deal with the wet part of the jelq, so trying the dry version is the obvious answer. I am uncut (luckily) and consider myself above the station of a complete beginner, so I do believe I can attempt it without too much fear of making mistakes.

Starting this weekend, the 29th most likely, I will be doing as many dry-jelqs as I can comfortably do in the morning, and then the same at night. I want to establish a baseline of how much I can take, instead of wasting time doing an arbitrary amount someone said in a guide.

I apologize for being afk for so long. It’s probably only myself I let down, but it was really the better option to drop, rather than letting my studies take the hit. Now it’s summer, so roll on the gains!

I will erase my previous chart measurements, since they are months old.

P.S. If you want to know what made me come back, in part it was down to browsing through a thread that had a collection of pictures with user’s genitals. (Don’t ask me why I was there.) Some guy had an 8.5” monster and, well, dayum.

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.

Hey Digger, good luck with the gains. Letting PE take the backseat to school is the wiser move, I don’t think anyone here can fault you for that. We all seem to be a self improvement oriented bunch anyways.

I don’t know what your privacy situation is like at home, but I always found warming up with a hot towel then migrating to my bedroom to be less conspicuous then spending a steadily increasing amount of time in the bathroom/shower. Using a bathmate discreetly is going to be the more interesting task for me haha.

If dry jelqs are working for you then keep it up, but I’ve always used a moisturizing lotion and a bit of water for wet jelqs. Grab something travel sized and say it’s for your hands or face, hell you might even use it there too.

Start 23/05/15: BPEL 7" MSEG 5"

Goal: BPEL 8" MSEG 6"

I’ll be starting next monday, since I’m currently away from home until then. I have a hot water bottle that I can use to warm up, although it’s summer now so maybe it might be hard to get under people’s noses..

I don’t know if I’ll be able to do dry jelqs fully dry or if I’ll need some kind of lotion. I’ll do a few in the bathroom after a shower to try it out, and if I’m able then I’ll just do them in my room.
I’ll probably measure myself when I get home too, as a new starting size.

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.

Alright, it’s Monday.
I updated my measurements so the first entry is from today, and my second entry (which I don’t think I can delete) I set to 0 and for a week from today. I’ll obviously change the zeros to my next measurements in a weeks time.

I’ll be doing dry jelqs, and maybe the odd stretch or so in the shower. I don’t have much time in the shower these days as my family say I already spend too long in there. I tend to take my time with just general showering even before you add on a normal wet-jelq routine.
I’ll see what I can do in regards to warming up. I have a hot water bottle that would be very suitable for the job, only it’s summer and there isn’t much excuse for me to be filling it up with hot water. Oh well.

Not entirely sure how dry-jelqing will go for me. I’m thinking I’ll probably get an erection right away and I’ll have to stop for a while until it goes back down. It could actually be a real problem preventing me from doing full strokes but we’ll see. I’ll just have to to think of rusty nails and open heart surgery while I jelq.

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.

Did 2 separate sessions of dry jelqs since my last post. Not as much as I was hoping to do, but I figured quality over quantity I guess. I did half an hour of good, 3 second strokes each. Obviously not much in the way of perceivable gains as of yet, but it’s not feeling any smaller!

I hope to step it up a little in the coming weeks, doing a session at least every night with the odd night off for a break, it’s just that I’m coming out of some jetlag and other things and it’s not the best jelqing mindset.

I’ll be measuring on Monday, a week after my first measurement.

Current goal: .25" higher than what I currently have.


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