CroneStranger's Progress Report/Routine Log
Hello to all!
This is my first attempt at keeping a running log of my PE progress since joining back in October 2012; my routine started with the Newbie routine, took a point of advice from Firegoat in one thread about achieving more length gains vs. Girth gains over time, adjusted certain parts of my routine based on observations I was making about my gains over time. Today is the first day starting this routine, so time will tell if there’s room for improvement.
5 minutes warm up with rice sock and light stretches straight out
5 minutes of directional stretching: straight down, down-right, down-left, right, left, up, out
10 minutes of dry jelqing using an OK grip w/three fingers & thumb overhand (fingers over, thumb under)
10 minutes of dry jelqing using an OK grip w/three fingers & thumb underhand (fingers under, thumb under)
5 minutes of dry jelqing using a C-grip w/two fingers & thumb for each hand (thumb over, fingers under)
5 minutes of dry jelqing alternating between all of the aforementioned grips
5 minutes cool down with rice sock and light stretching down, left, and right
10 minutes of kegels
5 minutes cool down in the shower, using Firegoat rolls for 30 seconds-1 minute at a time and warm water
As I was waiting for my rice sock to heat up during the first cool down phase, I went ahead and measured myself (out of curiosity’s sake, since post-exercise gains tend to be inflated) and, to my shock and joy, I came up around 6.25” NBPEL and nearly 5.9” EG! I know it’s the first day of a new routine, so I need to pace myself, make sure to keep an eye out for any problems. Any observations/questions/concerns people see already? I’m open to any input and will gladly furnish more info upon request.