Thunder's Place

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CroneStranger's Progress Report/Routine Log

CroneStranger's Progress Report/Routine Log

Hello to all!

This is my first attempt at keeping a running log of my PE progress since joining back in October 2012; my routine started with the Newbie routine, took a point of advice from Firegoat in one thread about achieving more length gains vs. Girth gains over time, adjusted certain parts of my routine based on observations I was making about my gains over time. Today is the first day starting this routine, so time will tell if there’s room for improvement.

5 minutes warm up with rice sock and light stretches straight out
5 minutes of directional stretching: straight down, down-right, down-left, right, left, up, out
10 minutes of dry jelqing using an OK grip w/three fingers & thumb overhand (fingers over, thumb under)
10 minutes of dry jelqing using an OK grip w/three fingers & thumb underhand (fingers under, thumb under)
5 minutes of dry jelqing using a C-grip w/two fingers & thumb for each hand (thumb over, fingers under)
5 minutes of dry jelqing alternating between all of the aforementioned grips
5 minutes cool down with rice sock and light stretching down, left, and right
10 minutes of kegels
5 minutes cool down in the shower, using Firegoat rolls for 30 seconds-1 minute at a time and warm water

As I was waiting for my rice sock to heat up during the first cool down phase, I went ahead and measured myself (out of curiosity’s sake, since post-exercise gains tend to be inflated) and, to my shock and joy, I came up around 6.25” NBPEL and nearly 5.9” EG! I know it’s the first day of a new routine, so I need to pace myself, make sure to keep an eye out for any problems. Any observations/questions/concerns people see already? I’m open to any input and will gladly furnish more info upon request.


Woke up with my unit feeling a bit fatigued, otherwise fine.

5 minutes warm up/rice sock & light stretches
5 minutes directional stretching
10 minutes dry jelqing underhand
10 minutes dry jelqing overhand
5 minutes dry jelqing c-grip
5 minutes alternating grips
10 minutes cool down/rice sock
10 minutes of kegels
5 minutes cool down/showering and Firegoat rolls

Didn’t measure post-exercise today, but I feel like it was a good session.

6/16/2014: 6" NBPEL 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG, 3" FL, 4.5" FG

Goal For 1 Year: 6.5" NBPEL, 5.75" EG, 3.5" FL

Goal for 4 Years: 8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 4.5" FL

Hello my friend and good luck out there.

I have started this month too and am trying to acquire as much knowledge as I can.

Is your routine separating jelq techniques with some sort of direct objective or are you just trying to do every way possible?

I mean, what’s the difference between 30min c-grip and alternating grips?

Take care and grow it

June14: BPEL 6.5; MSEG 4.9; BEG 4.7. Jan15: BPEL 6.7; MSEG 5.3; BEG 4.9.

First Goal: 7 x 5

Thanks for the well wishes, Goingthedistanc, I wish you much luck in your own gains. I separate the jelq techniques because I’ve noticed, since starting on the Newbie routine back in 2012, that going 30 minutes with only one grip tends to tire out my hand (or hands, if I’m switching hands every five minutes or so) Rather than go 30 minutes with one grip, I find it’s easier to get more jelqs in with alternating grips because my hands aren’t locked into one position. The alternating grips at the end of the workout is my way of getting in that little extra bit of PE before giving my hands a rest. Whether or not the alternating grips has any effect on gains, I couldn’t tell you, but I can tell you that it’s made it easier for me to get more jelqs in over a certain amount of time. I imagine, too, that as I pursue my routine regularly, my hands will get stronger and it will be easier to maintain a grip for longer amounts of time. Hope this explanation helps!

6/16/2014: 6" NBPEL 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG, 3" FL, 4.5" FG

Goal For 1 Year: 6.5" NBPEL, 5.75" EG, 3.5" FL

Goal for 4 Years: 8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 4.5" FL

It does pretty much explain. Haha.
That was a doubt because I am newbie myself and all tips are welcome.

This is my own progress report thread, should you have any tips. Haha.
Goingthedistance’s Routine and progress

Good luck and never give up.

June14: BPEL 6.5; MSEG 4.9; BEG 4.7. Jan15: BPEL 6.7; MSEG 5.3; BEG 4.9.

First Goal: 7 x 5

I’m glad it could help, although I don’t really have any tips to share right now since I’m just starting my new routine. I will check your thread periodically, though, to see if anything comes up which I can help with. :)

Today’s routine wasn’t as good. Woke up feeling fine, no fatigue, but got a late start and had a poor finish.

5 mins. Warm-up
5 mins. Stretching
10 mins. Overhand
10 mins. Underhand
5 mins. C-grip
5 mins. Assorted grips
5 mins. Cool-down

I tried edging at the end there, wasn’t very successful and finished before I really even got a good routine going. Considering that I’m just getting my routine nailed down, I probably will wait to go back to edging for a while, at least until I can feel confident in the regular, day-to-day stuff I’ve been doing already. Skipped kegels altogether, too irritated about the edging not working out. After edging, I took a shower and did some Firegoat rolls to work out any fluid build-up (I have noticed my unit gets darker after jelqing, but Firegoat rolls bring the normal color right back, so I’ve been doing them regularly after each PE session for a month or so now)

6/16/2014: 6" NBPEL 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG, 3" FL, 4.5" FG

Goal For 1 Year: 6.5" NBPEL, 5.75" EG, 3.5" FL

Goal for 4 Years: 8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 4.5" FL

Rest day. I was thinking about doing some light stretches, maybe a few jelqs, but the schedule didn’t really allow for it.

6/16/2014: 6" NBPEL 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG, 3" FL, 4.5" FG

Goal For 1 Year: 6.5" NBPEL, 5.75" EG, 3.5" FL

Goal for 4 Years: 8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 4.5" FL

Normal day, normal routine.

5 mins. Warm-up
5 mins. Stretching
10 mins. Underhand
10 mins. Overhand
10 mins. Underhand
5 mins. Cool-down
10 mins. Kegels
5 mins. Firegoat rolls/cool-down

6/16/2014: 6" NBPEL 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG, 3" FL, 4.5" FG

Goal For 1 Year: 6.5" NBPEL, 5.75" EG, 3.5" FL

Goal for 4 Years: 8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 4.5" FL

Weekend was a no-go for PE routine; work, church, and life stuff kept me going every step of the way. Finally got to settle back into my routine today, although I did note (with a certain degree of surprise and joy) that my measurements seem to be holding steady at 6.125” NBPEL before exercise and around 5.8” EG, mid-shaft. Not bad results for a week on this new routine!

5 mins. Warm-up
5 mins. Stretching
10 mins. Overhand
10 mins. Underhand
5 mins. C-grip
5 mins. Assorted
5 mins. Cool-down
5 mins. Kegels
5 mins. Firegoat rolls/Cool-down

6/16/2014: 6" NBPEL 7" BPEL, 5.5" EG, 3" FL, 4.5" FG

Goal For 1 Year: 6.5" NBPEL, 5.75" EG, 3.5" FL

Goal for 4 Years: 8" NBPEL, 6" EG, 4.5" FL

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