Alright, so in short, I got a good erection today and decided that it was worthy of a measurement, just to see. It measured 7 1/8… not bad. I’m not marking this as a ‘gain’ just yet but it is the longest it’s ever measured and clearly longer than my starting number. Sometimes, it’s just the quality and as you all know, it varies depending on the circumstances. Sometimes you get a “damn, i’m looking good today” one and other times you get a “this just will not do” type. However, salt aside, I have been having better workouts recently and have noticed slight changes in size, just visually. I’m not going to mark this as a victory just yet though. I wanna be sure, so before I ‘pen it in’ I’m going to wait till I hit at least 7 1/4 consistently over the course of a 2 week time frame. As for girth, I hear it’s harder to gain it and that seems to be the case. Visually, it looks fuller and feels more dense, but it really hasn’t changed. If it has, it’s minimal but I’m not fretting about it.On a side note, I start another round of “Insanity” in about a month’s time and if I get a similar ‘side effect’ as before, I should notice an increase in size. I believe it’s because the high intensity workouts improve your blood pressure dramatically in a short period of time which as we all know, definitely effects erection quality. Coupled with this PE routine, I am interested to see if there is a carry-over effect… I’ll be sure to keep you all posted on the progress both in the short term and throughout the ‘Insane-term.’
Measuring has left me with the same impression. Damn it looks a lot bigger in my hand. I measure and it’s the same. So I really hold to the theory that most of us grow up thinking we’re smaller than we are. “The man in the mirror” is the real PE’er and once you fix that in your head you begin to see your dick in a realistic way. My dick keeps feeling thicker and heavier and longer. So I might be addicted to PE because the measurements aren’t showing it. Of course I haven’t weighed it so it may be heavier. And my wife likes the growth I did put on it. Although she doesn’t know that I did that to myself.
I’m really anxious to see what you find from the “Insanity”. I could use a good workout as I’ve been slipping with all the summer lawn care and projects.
Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3
Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00
Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.