Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Day One, Again

Originally Posted by SuperBad_Man
Alright, so in short, I got a good erection today and decided that it was worthy of a measurement, just to see. It measured 7 1/8… not bad. I’m not marking this as a ‘gain’ just yet but it is the longest it’s ever measured and clearly longer than my starting number. Sometimes, it’s just the quality and as you all know, it varies depending on the circumstances. Sometimes you get a “damn, i’m looking good today” one and other times you get a “this just will not do” type. However, salt aside, I have been having better workouts recently and have noticed slight changes in size, just visually. I’m not going to mark this as a victory just yet though. I wanna be sure, so before I ‘pen it in’ I’m going to wait till I hit at least 7 1/4 consistently over the course of a 2 week time frame. As for girth, I hear it’s harder to gain it and that seems to be the case. Visually, it looks fuller and feels more dense, but it really hasn’t changed. If it has, it’s minimal but I’m not fretting about it.

On a side note, I start another round of “Insanity” in about a month’s time and if I get a similar ‘side effect’ as before, I should notice an increase in size. I believe it’s because the high intensity workouts improve your blood pressure dramatically in a short period of time which as we all know, definitely effects erection quality. Coupled with this PE routine, I am interested to see if there is a carry-over effect… I’ll be sure to keep you all posted on the progress both in the short term and throughout the ‘Insane-term.’

Measuring has left me with the same impression. Damn it looks a lot bigger in my hand. I measure and it’s the same. So I really hold to the theory that most of us grow up thinking we’re smaller than we are. “The man in the mirror” is the real PE’er and once you fix that in your head you begin to see your dick in a realistic way. My dick keeps feeling thicker and heavier and longer. So I might be addicted to PE because the measurements aren’t showing it. Of course I haven’t weighed it so it may be heavier. And my wife likes the growth I did put on it. Although she doesn’t know that I did that to myself.

I’m really anxious to see what you find from the “Insanity”. I could use a good workout as I’ve been slipping with all the summer lawn care and projects.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

@MetaMorpho - I tend to concur with your theory. Most of it probably has to do with the fact that we become nearly obsessed with sex and pornography during out teenage years and what’s one of the more common things in porn? A man with a large penis. So then we start thinking to ourselves, “why does mine not look that way? Is something wrong with me?” Then the cycle begins. Then we get into high school, the peer pressure or social pressure associated with sexual expression with classmates. The girls tell each other what they think, and word spreads… or it can. There’s just a stigma that is branded into our brains early on in adolescence, when we are the most vulnerable and susceptible to it.

I’ll be sure to chime in my findings when I start my Insanity session. I still have a few weeks to go on my current workout routine. As I mentioned though, the one time I did it before, I did notice increase in EQ without a doubt. Obviously, the difference this time is I’ll be PE’ing too, so it’ll be a new venture. With the tide going my way, perhaps I stumble onto something that increases effectiveness… We’ll find out soon enough…

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

I continue to have very good sessions on my newly founded routine. “Less is more” really seems to be living up to it’s billing. I’ve really figured out the techniques that work for me. I do a dry-wet jelq combo type deal that just does the trick and is the most effective way I’ve found. For anyone who wants to try it, it’s basically this:
Start with a ‘dry jelq’ grip (member lightly lubricated). You push towards the head about 1/2 way, then allow your hand to slide into the ‘wet jelq’ technique, all the way to the glands, stopping just short of them - then repeat.
As I said, it seems to be the one I can do consistently, as far as pressure, grip and duration of stroke is concerned. I can literally see the the ‘head’ engorge with blood. I’m going to continue this routine for as long as it keeps working. I may increase stretch time in a few weeks, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Off topic… Ran into that girl again and ended up meeting a few of her friends and hanging out last night. It was a great time. There was definitely a vibe between me and her, which prompted her friend to give an analogy of “fighting siblings.” I think it was flawed due to the alcohol level in her bloodstream, but the point was valid. The teasing, poking fun and verbal jabs exchanged definitely brought to light that there is something brewing with our names in it (perhaps bodies? lol)… But, patience and persistence is the key.

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

I found (maybe because I jelq so much) that I can pull a jelq from below my ball sack when I get a good erection going. The base and below seems so much thicker and firmer than I remember it before PE. Thought that interesting tidbit might also interest you.

Good luck with the new girl your rubbing up to. Sounds like the two of you will get to a hot moment that will make it happen. :)

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

I thought of something, sort of at random this morning and it’s this: It seems like when stretching and jelqing are separated, meaning day one is jelqing and day 2 is stretching, and this is done consistently, as I was doing it, the longer flaccid hang tends to be more consistent. Since I’ve gone back to the standard routine of warm-up, stretch & jelq, there doesn’t seem to be as much hang the next day as there was with the other schedule. I started to ponder why this could be and I came up with an theory:

When stretching is done alone, I usually did a 2 to 3 minute, wet cloth cool down, which kept the ligs and tunica in an slightly more elongated state afterwards. This seems to carry over into the night and the next day. In contrast, with both exercises done back to back, and then a warm down (rather than cool down), the post workout state seems to be more of just a standard hang, nothing ‘extra.’ Perhaps it’s there’s an adjustment period to the different type of stress this routine inflicts as opposed to the other, so I’ll keep an eye on this for the next couple of weeks. If this trend continues, (depending on results of course) I may change the scheduling a bit to reestablish the ‘next day hang’ that I was experiencing before but we’ll see. No need to jump the gun here. It’s a marathon, not a sprint…

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Well, I got interrupted this week with some health issues, kinda got under the weather a bit but it’s pretty much passed. It caused me to miss a couple workouts but I don’t see that as an issue. But, what this situation has created is my contemplation of starting Insanity on Monday, which would be about 2 or 3 weeks sooner than originally scheduled. I’ve been getting pretty excited to start as it is, but now I just feel like it’s time. I’m ready to workout harder than I ever have before… and ready to see if it has an effect on PE… I’ll be checking in regularly with updates, much like I already do. So, stay tuned if you’re interested in this experiment…

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

So, to catch anyone who is paying attention up… my health issues turned out to be two-fold: Kidney Infection & Food Poisoning. Both caused, most likely by a strain of E-Coli bacteria from an under cooked burger I had Wednesday evening. You might wonder, how could you get a kidney infection from ‘food poisoning?’ Ah, well, the bacteria was in the burger I ate, which mixed together with several ounces of beer which then would have transported some of the bacteria into my kidneys. During the worst of the illness, I thought it was bad, but in light of this information, I realized that it’s probably the best case scenario because if I wouldn’t have drank as much as I did, the majority of the bacteria would have went into my digestive tract which would have probably made me very sick for 3 days or so, but because some got diluted, and got split up, I had less to deal with which made the symptoms at least tolerable. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been so uncomfortable for such a sustained period of time in my life, but realizing it could have been much worse, well… I feel fortunate. Now, this may not seem PE related but this little note ties it in. Yesterday morning, upon awakening with an erection, I realized that I hadn’t had an erection in about 5 or 6 days!!! For some reason, I hadn’t really noticed, probably because I was too distracted by stomach cramping and lower back pain. So, apparently, this illness effected my ability to get an erection, which I guess isn’t that surprising since my body’s main focus wouldn’t be on getting it’s jollies off, but rather regaining it’s health and equilibrium. On another side note, during my distraction ridden state, I also noticed that I wasn’t thinking about a certain girl that has piqued my interest… which was odd. I’ve never caught myself ‘not thinking’ about someone, but rather the opposite - it makes me wonder if perhaps it means something more than I’m willing to deal with right now??? In any event… I’m feeling much, much better and will continue with my PE once 100% again, which I would imagine will be tomorrow. Peace

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Damn man! E-coli is really dangerous. You are lucky you were in good health until that bug hit you. The poisons it creates can take your kidneys out. Being part of your urinary tract it is not surprising that erections were non-existant. Kidney pain is bad. I’ve had stones and it’s one of the worst & most painful experiences of my life. Liver pains can be more intense for me but they never last more than a minute or two. Make sure you get that e-coli infection out of your body.

Good luck with the bug and your health!

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Hey man, the I know what you mean about trying to attribute gains to EQ. I was the same way. Then I re read my progress thread and remember that I started at 7.3” length and I then I read that I topped out the ruler at 7.5” length then I read that I topped out the ruler at 7.7 with my best erection. Then I topped it out at 7.8” So little by little I might be attributing gains to EQ but who cares that’s about a whole half inch of EQ. If I ever top out at 8” I will know for absolutely sure that PE definitely works. Give my progress thread a read if you ever get a chance and feel inclined and you will see the progression little by little. I hope I can continue making these gains a little bit at a time and I wish the same for you. Hope all is better with that E.Coli.

Starting Measurements 03/03/2012: BPEL: 7.30" MSEG: 5.100"

Previous Measurement 11/19/2012: BPEL: 7.90" MSEG: 5.250"

Current Measurements 01/08/2013: BPEL: 8.0" MSEG: 5.250"

Goal: BPEL: 8.25" MSEG: 6.250" <-- Just a bit above the magic | How I'm getting there --> Routine and progress with pics

Day one of ‘the experiment’ is about to commence. What I am going to do is, not only continue to follow up on PE statistics but also health numbers such as weight, waist size and body fat percentage. I understand that 9 weeks isn’t a very significant time frame to get any clear cut answers, but it may give some insight as to what kind of effect a certain physical exercise program coupled with PE can have on EQ and penis size. So, here are the numbers:

Body Composition
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 187 lbs
Waist: 35 in.
BF: 18.98%

BPEL: 7 in
Mid-EG: 4 5/8 in

Routine: 2 on \ 1 off
10 min Warm-up
45 second stretches - 10 reps (5 directions)
4 sets of 20 jelqs (80 total)
5 min Warm-down
Note: If session is split, an after stretch cool-down rather than warm-down.

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Well, before I hit the sack, I figured I’d post a little ‘day one’ report. The workout went very well. Started out strong, at a good pace and was able to keep up till about just past half way, at which point my shoulders were on fire, I was unable to catch my breath & my body was beginning to give in to to the rigorous workout. I did my best and gave it what I could. I look forward to the improvements in endurance that are sure to come my way over the coming days and weeks.

The PE session that followed a few hours later went very well. The erection level was maintained quite easily. One of the better sessions I’ve had. I also noticed that over the past few days, I’ve had a pretty good hang compared to what it was before I did any PE. I’d say it’s close to a full inch longer and also seems to be ‘fuller’ as well. After today, I look forward to seeing what this combination does (if anything). I personally feel and think that there will be a carry over from the exercise to the PE over the coming weeks. Over and out…

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Great! Sounds like a good start. Great for your lungs too. Breathing correctly has a lot to do with endurance. :)

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Originally Posted by MetaMorpho
Great! Sounds like a good start. Great for your lungs too. Breathing correctly has a lot to do with endurance. :)

Breathing correctly definitely helps with many things… but with that said, with this workout, you get to a point where breathing in itself is a workout. It’s very intense and demanding mentally & physically. It works everything: legs, chest, shoulders, core & your cardio-respiratory system. It’s worthy of the title it carries; Insanity!

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Nice! 20 years ago I’d have tried it. It would kill me now. :)

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Four full days in and everything is going very well. Both Insanity and the PE routines have been solid. I noticed something new upon waking during the night and this morning, and that is that my ‘nocturnal erections’ were very hard. I’d say the EQ from them was probably near 10 and actually to the point that it created a bit of an uncomfortable feeling. It wasn’t painful or anything, but just almost as if it was ‘too hard,’ if there is a such thing. That could have been due to the erection pushing up against my boxers and athletic shorts, causing the ligs to be stressed a bit though. I’m not saying it was a negative thing, just trying to give an idea of how strong the erections were.

I also came up with a bit of a theory on how post nocturnal erections work as a ‘recovery’ in PE. We already know that these erections happen and keep the prostate and penis healthy but what’s different when coupled with PE, in my opinion, is this: After PE sessions, your penis has to recover (just like your muscles do after a workout) and this happens when at rest, with one slight difference; nocturnal erections. They work as almost an ‘active recovery,’ but also put slightly added stress on the parts of the penis that enlarge & become in engorged with blood during erections. In fact, it’s quite possible that because you’ve already stretched the tissues, the blood flow from a nocturnal erection (especially if it’s a 9 or 10 in EQ), actually causes the tissue to expand more than they would during a normal erection or during manual PE sessions (not including clamping, etc.). This added stress, when it occurs repeatedly and consistently, is almost a PE session in itself, as well as a positive physiological response. It is during THIS time that the actual growth is encouraged. Muscles recover/grow during rest and your body in general recovers during rest… why would your penis be any different? It’s a little difficult to explain the exact theory but I hope people that read this will at least get the gist of it.

One more thing that I realized last night just after finishing my PE session. For whatever reason, I realized that as I’ve gotten older, I’ve become much more comfortable with my penis and it’s size. Perhaps it’s maturity in general, or maybe it’s due to the personal growth I’ve experienced over the past several years where I’ve learned to become less attached to certain things, as well as accepting what IS in this life. That includes my self. I’ve discovered that everything is subjective to perception and that objective reality is neutral - it just IS. Reality has no bias, no plan, no agenda… it just simply exists. Your perception will generate your reality, which like I said, is subjective. Take a horrific car accident in which you are injured severely. Bad, right? Well, from a certain perspective… but what if during physical therapy, you meet that special someone? And not only that, but the only reason you met them was because you were in that accident. It’s not really looking so bad now, is it? Yes, you are suffering through physical pain, even mental anguish, but if that suffering then leads to something of peace, to love, to joy… what is bad? It’s quite enlightening when you begin to see things not as you think them to be, but as they are in their entirety. Nothing that happens is good or bad, it just is… it is your perception, that labels it as such. I’m very mindful of this and it helps in ways I couldn’t have imagined or understood before learning it.

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)


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