Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Day One, Again


Originally Posted by SuperBad_Man
I don’t know if anyone will care about this next part but for those who like symmetry, I’ve figured out a formula that seems to make a TON of sense for Length to Girth ratio. I know it may seem weird at first because of the programming of the 8x6 being ‘perfect’ idea but just hear it out. So this is what I call the “Golden Girth.” I call it that because it is based on what is considered the ‘golden ratio.’ Here’s the formula and then the numbers that go with corresponding lengths. I’m going to use actual Numbers so that you can see it worked out… just like in math class…

8 (BPEL) / 2 = 4 (BPEL / 2 = X)
4 x 0.618 = 2.472 (X x 0.618 = Z)
8 (BPEL) - 2.472 = 5.528 (BPEL - Z = GG or Golden Girth)

So for an BPEL of 8, the perfect girth for symmetry would be 5.528 (5.5).

There is also some room for variance, a threshold if you will. In this example, the 5.5 is the top end (of course being a little over won’t be noticeable enough to make a difference) but the margin is calculated by using your NBPEL for the low end (since that’s actually going to be what is visible). So you’d do the same calculations, but substitute your NBPEL in for BPEL… which usually about 1/2 an inch lower (that’s an estimate of course but the number I chose to use). So it would be 7.5 NBPEL which gives the low end girth threshold of 5.1825 EG. So the Golden Girth with the margin would be as follows:
BPEL = 8 (NBPEL 7.5)
GG = 5.528 - 5.1825
In other words, if you had an 8 inch BPEL, if you’re girth falls anywhere within the margin, you would have what could be considered the perfect symmetrical girth for the length of your penis. Now, I know, some people will think this isn’t right or just some random number but if you think about it and start comparing it and really visualize the symmetry (that which is naturally beautiful to the eye is symmetrical), you’ll see that these numbers match up very, very well. I think this may give many men a more realistic Girth size to aim for and something more fitting for the length they do or will have moving forward. Anyways… that’s my post for the day.

I’m not sold on it. Isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder? So you may think you or somebody has a beautiful (symmetrical) dick and I may not? I guess I’d have to see a plot showing the symmetry based on triangulation or the rule of thirds etc. (myself I think a fat dick looks good) The next guy might think a skinny one looks good. We all know that the majority of men are attracted to certan symmetry in a woman so you have a valid/supported point. :)

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Well, I’m not selling anything, so that’s okay haha

And, beauty being in the eye of the beholder… I think that there is room for variation as our brains interpret things slightly different. Some of it comes by conditioning throughout life so I’m not saying it’s a ‘one size fits all’ which is why there is a margin. We also have to consider, in this case, the body that the appendage is attached to. There is definitely going to be some type of symmetry needed there as well. If a guy is 6 ft 6 inches tall, then as a 5 1/2 inch BPEL, it’s not gonna look right at all because symmetry is just a mathematical rule our eyes/brain tends to follow. Now if the guy was say 6 ft even and had a 7 1/4 BPEL, and he was lean and fit, it’s going to look pretty good and proportional. Body type & height will play a factor in how the symmetry plays to the eye as well. It’s just a theory, and if you look at the numbers, they do line up pretty well. I mean, 7.5 NBPEL w/ 5.5 girth? I’d venture to say that’s a healthy looking piece right there lol

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Originally Posted by SuperBad_Man

Well, I’m not selling anything, so that’s okay haha

And, beauty being in the eye of the beholder… I think that there is room for variation as our brains interpret things slightly different. Some of it comes by conditioning throughout life so I’m not saying it’s a ‘one size fits all’ which is why there is a margin. We also have to consider, in this case, the body that the appendage is attached to. There is definitely going to be some type of symmetry needed there as well. If a guy is 6 ft 6 inches tall, then as a 5 1/2 inch BPEL, it’s not gonna look right at all because symmetry is just a mathematical rule our eyes/brain tends to follow. Now if the guy was say 6 ft even and had a 7 1/4 BPEL, and he was lean and fit, it’s going to look pretty good and proportional. Body type & height will play a factor in how the symmetry plays to the eye as well. It’s just a theory, and if you look at the numbers, they do line up pretty well. I mean, 7.5 NBPEL w/ 5.5 girth? I’d venture to say that’s a healthy looking piece right there lol

I think DaVinci did something like that with Vitruvian man. He was looking at symmetry and how the body, legs, arms, etc are all symmetrical in the average specimen? I’ve attached the pic.

(250.8 KB, 4 views)

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

He did, in fact, do that. I’m not sure what his thoughts were on penis size compared to the size of the man though haha I think he figured that there is also something about 2/3 or anything roughly that size compared to the whole of the object. Next time you look at some great pictures, take notice of where the features that your eye is drawn to the most are. Chances are good that they’re roughly about 2/3 up, down or on one side of the picture. It’s pretty crazy how often you see it without realizing it.

So anyways… I did my somewhat ‘new’ routine last night and it went pretty well. There are 2 different ones, A and B we’ll call them and it looks like this:

A) 10 Min Warm Up
Stretching - 60 second holds in all 5 directions (out, right, left, up & down)
Jelqs - 100 (4 sets of 25) (3 to 4 second strokes)
Uli - 3, 30 second squeezes
Cool/warm down - light masturbation for about 3 minutes, ending with quality erection

B) 10 Min Warm Up
Stretching - 45 second holds in all 5 directions, 2 sets
V-Stretch - 5 reps, 30 seconds each
Jelqs - 50 (2 sets of 25)
Cool/warm down - light masturbation for about 3 minutes, ending with quality erections

The cool/warm down with light masturbation makes more sense to me. It gets the blood flowing again in a natural way, while easing down in intensity. I’ve been reading different takes on warm downs and cool downs and so I figured I’d go manually rather than using a wrap. try it out and see how it goes. Also ending with a quality erection means your blood flow is at full strength and it stretches everything out one last time in all directions, length and girth. I actually liked it better than using any wrap…

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

In photography I think it relates to that rule of thirds. DaVinci did have other vitruvian reference to something of a penis size being what is pleasing to a woman with testicles not too large.

Routines look Great! I like the cool down/blood flow theory. (I sometimes do heli-spins and sometimes just gently massage my dick) I change it up.

Pre-PE 11/11 BPEL 5.9 EG 5.3

Started PE: 3/12 BPEL 6.0 EG 5.6 * Current: BPEL 7.0 EG 5.9 BPSL 7.4 Nut Lgth 2.5" * Goal: BPEL 7.3 EG 6.3 BPSL 8.00

Mind over matter. All of life is transitional.

Still slacking a bit, but I’ve had 2 solid workouts this week and the third is tonight. So, last night while both jelqing and during the erection/cool down stage, I noticed or at least it seems that I am noticing a fuller and longer look to my main attraction haha. It would have been a perfect time to measure, but I figured, I’m gonna hold off on that and just go by look and feel for a while. I think that my penis is starting to really respond to the exercises now or maybe it has been, but for whatever reason, the visual gains, however minute, are becoming noticeable, even to the naked eye. Interestingly enough, while I know I did some PE for about 2 months before ‘restarting,’ it’s been about 3 months since my new routine, so to speak and from what I read, that’s about the time you are able to notice more from a visual perspective. That would mean, I’m basically right on schedule with that.

I also remember reading a post that talked about how if it took 1 year to gain an inch in length, that’s less than .1 inches each month that you’d be gaining, which would be unnoticeable for the most part… until about month 3 or 4. And I realized that I had thought this very thing before but it hit me in an ‘ah ha’ type moment. I think it’s something that all PEers should remind themselves of. Everything is going to seem so minimal at first, but to understand that it’s a marathon and not a sprint is important, and also realize that that .1 gain will soon become .2, .5, .75 and then 1 inch…. if you let it.

The easiest way to do anything is not to resist it…

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)

Just needed a place to brag… sex was had last night. And according to her, I am quote “amazing to have sex with.” haha Score some ego points on that one… anyways. that was my night. later gents

Starting - November 12, 2012 || BPEL: 6 7/8in || EG: 4 1/2in

Goal #1 - BPEL: 7 3/8 (+ 1/2 in.) || EG: 4.75 in. (+ 1/4 in.)


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