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Doing a Mix of PE, want some feedback

Doing a Mix of PE, want some feedback

I’ve done some research, extensively.

Electric Pumping:
I started with an electric pump about 2 months ago
Initially was doing the recommended 3x10
-then tried “interval pumping”
Then I realized that interval pumping is good for EQ, but not giving me gains. And that after a 15 min pump sesh, I gain .25-.5” of length and get quite girthy.

So I’ve done a modification, where I do warmup 3x3mins then 1x15 then 2x2 another 1x15 finally cooldown 3x3
That’s given me the benefit of more length and girth + amazing erections

Then I realized I wanted the benefits of stretching too,
Currently, Before the pump, I warm up with a mix of manual stretches.
BTC stretch for 15 mins, I’ve been using a sock, and rope, where I tie my shaft, and using rope I BTC and tie off around the waist.
Around the worlds
Various versions of the inverted V stretch,
Then jelq
Then pump

Moving forward on mornings that my GF doesn’t stay the night:

I’ll stretch,
Then Clamp for 2x5
Then pump: warmup 3x3mins then 1x15 then 3x3 and 1x15 cooldown 3x3
Then cock ring for a bit.

-IMO If I increase internal pressure, then external pressure I’d be giving my member max volume.
Might even try splitting it up

Clamp 1x5
Pump: 3x3 then 1x15
Clamp 1x5
Pump 3x3 then 1x15

Thoughts on the above please?
Thanks in advance.

On mornings she stays the night, she tends to sleep in,
I stretch, then clamp 3x7-8mins
Then stretch again.

Some Updates

Been at PE for 2-3 months

Current routine
Manual Stretching,
BTC rope tie

Doing a “superset” type PE routine.

-Jelq - 50reps
-Clamp - 5-7 mins
-Pump - 7 mins

-Jelq - 30-40reps
-Clamp - 10 mins
-Pump - 10 mins

-Jelq - 30-40reps
-Clamp - 7 mins

Cooldown, Cock ring for 10 mins + and more manual stretching


I do my PE first thing in the morning,
Upon Waking I dose with liquid Cialis
2.5-3 MG
+ DHEA 50MG oral

Then do my PE some 20-30 mins later.

BPEC when from >6 to 6.5”
Erect Girth from 4.7 to 5.2”

Pretty exciting for a 3 month journey.

Goal for now is 7” and 5.5”

Good gains man!

Keep on the routine if it’s working.

I supplement with DHEA and cialis also.

Cialis does help 5mg a day tablets over here. Sound like you got a system that’s working.

Thank you brothers!

I added Ginkgo and Gotu Kola to the
Supplement stack

Gotu apparently helps with angiogenesis

Ginkgo used to give me rock hard EQ in college.
Figured try to boost supplementation too.

I went 5 days of PE this past week, without seeing the GF

And saw her today, banged twice, feels like I’m stretching her insides in new ways with my gains.

Can’t wait for what next week, month, quarter bring

Just updating
Finally broke 7” in the pump

Current routine is
Compression Hang 20mins, 3-4x in am
Followed by 20 min interval pump
Then cock ring/soft clamp 10 min

Then interval pump 20min in PM
& soft clamp 10 min

I strayed hanging a couple of weeks ago.
Started BTC and straight down. Today I went over the shoulder 10min each side.

7” seemed so far away.
I’ll check back in at 7.25 in pump

Greeting guys. I mostly hang without pumping and take a bit of raw turmeric in my tea. Am excited to combine that with Gotu and Ginko or is that a bit much?

Also what are you guys gains from ciallis?

Help? Anyone?

Ginkgo is a staple for me
Gotu on an off

Cialis is great for blood flow and recovery
Stack that with l-Carnitine 1000mg

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