Extenderjohns Extender Progress Report
I bought my first extender in 2010 but I didn’t even put an hour in before I tossed it away, quite a shame but a few months back I got one again.
Currently 400 hours in and I keep a detailed report in excel including hours per day, gains in total, gains per hour and more.
So far I have succeeded to increase from 13,5 cm to 15 cm (Non BP) and I couldn’t be happier. I hope that this pace will continue. My minimum goal is 16 cm but dream goal is 20 cm which would be just under a 3 inch gain.
I wear my extender for a maximum of 10 hours on good days and all those hours are at work. I have the noose style but with a good additional comfort strap.
I will document my progress here, I have high hopes.