Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

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02-12-2024, 12:03 PM - Today by pantera2994

Extending with NIR

BPEL 17cm
EG (midshaft) 11.8-12cm

I am using the totalman extender with the VLC tugger and the totalman FIR is used in the first 30min in of extending, i will switch to NIR in about a month when it arrives.
I also plan to switch to VAC extending once my replacement sleeves arrive.
I have also been using the bathmate every few days, however i haven’t yet decided if i will use it regularly or just every now and then.

My plan is to keep measuring every month (or 2 months tops) and if there is no progress then i will implement changes in my routine.

Now i wrote down a whole essay of my history in PE but i realized no one would really read it so i will just quickly summarize:

October 2022
BPEL 14.5cm
EG (base) 11cm

October 2022 - February 2023
Jes extender (noose) - 140 hours

February 2023 - April 2023
VLC tugger hanging - 70 hours

May 2023
break, bathmate - 1-2 hours

June 2023 - October 2023
VAC hanging - 91 hours

October 2023 - February 2024
Total man extender with VLC tugger - 160 hours

Now according to my measurements it does seem like i gained 2.5 cm BPEL and 1cm in EG, but I think my initial measurements were wrong for a few reasons. However looking at pictures i took at the start and the ones i took today, I am 100% sure I gained EL but either nothing or very minimal EG.
The thing is, my previous routines all failed for various reasons. I always started with very low intensity and worked up to higher loads, but i always run into problems, that forced me to take breaks and start again from the beginning. Injuries, loosing motivation, wrong use of equipment etc.

However, since last year October, i have been using the extender with the VLC tugger without interruption. I did start slow, only about 1 hour per day in the first week, but now im putting in 20 hours per week witch i think is a good amount of time. My plan is to increase this time to about 30 hours or 6 hours per workday when i switch VAC extending. The VLC tugger is good but it has its own problems, and i think i will be able to do more time with VAC extending (VAC hanging did give me blisters multiple times but only when i was hanging more than 2.5kg so with the extender it should be fine).

When i first started I told myself that I would be happy with even 1cm gain. I mean at the time, I went from the common belief that PE is impossible (other than surgeries) to "holly shit, is this for real?" so even 1cm gain seemed unreal.
Now i know its all about how I feel about my dick not about what the ruler says. My goal (in terms of gains) therefore is to have a dick I am happy with.

02-12-2024, 12:03 PM - 02-12-2024 12:03 PM

Extending with NIR

BPEL 17cm
EG (midshaft) 11.8-12cm

I am using the totalman extender with the VLC tugger and the totalman FIR is used in the first 30min in extending, i will switch to NIR in about a month when it arrives.
I also plan to switch to VAC extending once my replacement sleeves arrive.
I have also been using the bathmate every few days, however i haven’t yet decided if i will use it regularly or just every now and then.

My plan is to keep measuring every month (or 2 months tops) and if there is no progress then i will implement changes in my routine.

Now i wrote down a whole essay of my history in PE but i realized no one would really read it so i will just quickly summarize:

October 2022
BPEL 14.5cm
EG (base) 11cm

October 2022 - February 2023
Jes extender (noose) - 140 hours

February 2023 - April 2023
VLC tugger hanging - 70 hours

May 2023
break, bathmate - 1-2 hours

June 2023 - October 2023
VAC hanging - 91 hours

October 2023 - February 2024
Total man extender with VLC tugger - 160 hours

Now according to my measurements it does seem like i gained 2.5 cm BPEL and 1cm in EG, but I think my initial measurements were wrong for a few reasons. However looking at pictures i took at the start and the ones i took today, I am 100% sure I gained EL but either nothing or very minimal EG.
The thing is, my previous routines all failed for various reasons. I always started with very low intensity and worked up to higher loads, but i always run into problems, that forced me to take breaks and start again from the beginning. Injuries, loosing motivation, wrong use of equipment etc.

However, since last year October, i have been using the extender with the VLC tugger without interruption. I did start slow, only about 1 hour per day in the first week, but now im putting in 20 hours per week witch i think is a good amount of time. My plan is to increase this time to about 30 hours or 6 hours per workday when i switch VAC extending. The VLC tugger is good but it has its own problems, and i think i will be able to do more time with VAC extending (VAC hanging did give me blisters multiple times but only when i was hanging more than 2.5kg so with the extender it should be fine).

When i first started I told myself that I would be happy with even 1cm gain. I mean at the time, I went from the common belief that PE is impossible (other than surgeries) to "holly shit, is this for real?" so even 1cm gain seemed unreal.
Now i know its all about how I feel about my dick not about what the ruler says. My goal (in terms of gains) therefore is to have a dick I am happy with.

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