Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Extending with NIR


Extending with NIR

BPEL 17cm
EG (midshaft) 11.8-12cm

I am using the totalman extender with the VLC tugger and the totalman FIR is used in the first 30min of extending, i will switch to NIR in about a month when it arrives.
I also plan to switch to VAC extending once my replacement sleeves arrive.
I have also been using the bathmate every few days, however i haven’t yet decided if i will use it regularly or just every now and then.

My plan is to keep measuring every month (or 2 months tops) and if there is no progress then i will implement changes in my routine.

Now i wrote down a whole essay of my history in PE but i realized no one would really read it so i will just quickly summarize:

October 2022
BPEL 14.5cm
EG (base) 11cm

October 2022 - February 2023
Jes extender (noose) - 140 hours

February 2023 - April 2023
VLC tugger hanging - 70 hours

May 2023
break, bathmate - 1-2 hours

June 2023 - October 2023
VAC hanging - 91 hours

October 2023 - February 2024
Total man extender with VLC tugger - 160 hours

Now according to my measurements it does seem like i gained 2.5 cm BPEL and 1cm in EG, but I think my initial measurements were wrong for a few reasons. However looking at pictures i took at the start and the ones i took today, I am 100% sure I gained EL but either nothing or very minimal EG.
The thing is, my previous routines all failed for various reasons. I always started with very low intensity and worked up to higher loads, but i always run into problems, that forced me to take breaks and start again from the beginning. Injuries, loosing motivation, wrong use of equipment etc.

However, since last year October, i have been using the extender with the VLC tugger without interruption. I did start slow, only about 1 hour per day in the first week, but now im putting in 20 hours per week witch i think is a good amount of time. My plan is to increase this time to about 30 hours or 6 hours per workday when i switch VAC extending. The VLC tugger is good but it has its own problems, and i think i will be able to do more time with VAC extending (VAC hanging did give me blisters multiple times but only when i was hanging more than 2.5kg so with the extender it should be fine).

When i first started I told myself that I would be happy with even 1cm gain. I mean at the time, I went from the common belief that PE is impossible (other than surgeries) to "holly shit, is this for real?" so even 1cm gain seemed unreal.
Now i know its all about how I feel about my dick not about what the ruler says. My goal (in terms of gains) therefore is to have a dick I am happy with.

Congrats and everything looks good, I gained better girth when I started ULI’s with Jelq. Using NIR I think will assist with with everything you mentioned here.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Thank you.

TBH the only reason i use the bathmate is because it gives me temporary girth and a better flacid hang, witch is a really good confidence boost and keeps me motivated. I am a pretty extreme case of a grower, and while PE in general gave me a better flacid hang, sometimes i still get a lot of turtling witch can really be demotivating.
I did hear good things about ULIs from others too, so i will definitely keep it in mind.

A small correction to my first post, turns out the totalman infrared pad is not really a FIR pad but something closer to a NIR? It has wavelengths of 450-850nm. Anyways, already ordered the NIR pad that Rocco25 suggested and was tested by joshua_m so i will switch to that when it arrives.

Update 29-Feb-2024
My NIR pad arrived a couple days ago. It feels good, but there is no way to tell if its producing the same effect as what solvay described. It might not be powerful enough, or it might be too far from the skin (there is about 1-2cm gap).

I decided to stick with the VLC as i made some small changes, that takes away almost all discomfort. I am now able to wear it for as many hours as i want. I take it off every hour, get an erection, and put it back on, so the breaks are not longer than 2-3min usually. My dick does get cold after about an hour, and this fixes that. It also fixes any edemas or swelling that can happen on the glans or foreskin when using the VLC. The VAC attachment might be more comfortable, but it comes with its own negatives, and i never had any injuries with the VLC so i dont want to switch.

My current, slightly revised routine and approach to PE is as follows:
6 hours of extending per weekday, so a total of 30 hours per week. Rest on weekends. NIR pad in the first 30 minutes of extending. If i dont manage 6 hours during work hours or did less then that on one of the days, then i do some extra sets late in the evening, with 15 minutes of NIR during the fist set.
Bathmate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for 15-20 minutes.

I have decided that 1 inch in one year is a reasonable goal. That means about 2mm per month. Now i know gains are not necessarily linear, but since i want to make changes in my routine based on whether i gain or not, i do have to come up with some numbers. 2mm is also something that i think I can accurately measure. My next measuring is on March 10th, but since my routine wasn’t fully formed the first time i measured, i will stick to this routine until April, even if i dont see any gains by March 10th.
If there are still no gains by April, i will implement some changes. The first change will be to increase the time, to probably 8 hours per day / 40 per week.
Next, if im still not successful, i have some other changes lined up (these might change, as i learn more): increasing traction (this will require a change to VAC extending), wearing ADS after extending, adding manual exercises, ULI, stretching, extending on Saturday and or Sunday. Of course i will only implement one of these at a time.

Update 08-Mar-2024

Well it finally happened, i got a blood blister using the VLC tugger. First injury after about 280 hours of using it.

It was avoidable too, i just got careless. I had like 10 minutes left from my 1 hours set when i started feeling some mild pinching pain, but i ignored it, as i never had an injury with the VLC. Its so stupid too, as part of the reason why i like the VLC is that i can take it off and put it back on super fast, so i could have just done that and finish the set.

Today is my last day of the week and next week im away for 3 days, so the timing is not that bad, i was going to have 5 rest days anyway, might as well make it a whole week as a mini decon. Will see, based on how it heals.

Update 14-Marc-2024

The blister healed nicely. It was not a big one only 4x3mm, probably that why. The blood drained from it on the next day, and it dried and fell off on the 12th. Now the skin is new where it was, but I decided to continue extending, hope i dont regret it.

I measured yesterday, and its honestly hard to tell, I might have gained 2mm from the last time i measured, making me 17.2cm BPEL, but its not that easy for me to read such small increments. I did not measure EG as i couldn’t find my tape measure, but i dont think i gained anything there.

The past month i have been able to fine tune my routine, and also learned more about PE in general. My goal is still to do 6 hours of extending per work day, but now i wont limit myself to 6 hours, but do as much as i can. I learned that sometimes things happen and you cant do as much as you planned, so its better to do more on days when you can. I will also include manual stretches, as thats something i never really did, and from what i read, it should complement extending nicely. So the idea is that i stretch the ligaments with manuals and then extend, witch targets the shaft. The pumping will remain 3 times 15 minutes per week, I dont think this does much in terms of gains but as i said previously, it helps with my self image.

So my updated routine is as follows:
15min of NIR pad with erection (this way i can get the NIR pad to touch my skin)\
2 sets of 30 sec manual stretches in each direction (will increase the time and number of sets gradually)
15min of NIR pad while wearing the extender (with the extender on, the NIR pad is 1-2cm away from the skin)
6+ hours of extending per weekday
3x15min bathmate per week
rest on weekends

I will measure in 4-6 weeks, hopefully things go smoothly.

How are you liking the NIR so far? I got one recently and learned quickly that it doesn’t produce a lot of heat and therefore makes me feel like it’s not as effective. From what I read on NIR, it just works differently, but still effective. Tonight I noticed good after effects after using it while in my hydromax pump. I didn’t get as much girth as I usually get even though I was in the pump longer than normal. Normally I prefer to get a little more girth, but the good part is I felt more sensitive during sex. I think sometimes with all this PE, it’s easy to dull the nerves and for me, it makes it harder to finish. But I had great EQ tonight. Above normal sensation. I am thinking of getting a FIR in the future to have the feeling of doing my extending and pumping with more effect, but use the NIR to help heal. Hopefully I can continue to repeat tonight’s results.

Yea its not really a heat pad so i think its normal that you dont feel its heat. If i put it directly to my skin it does feel warm, but thats it.

So far im not sure whether its working or not.
When i started this thread on 12-Feb-24 I was BPEL 17cm. I started using NIR on 27-Feb-2024 and next i measured on 15-Mar-2024 at 17,2cm. However 0,2cm is such a small increase that i cant be sure if its real or just circumstantial. I plan to measure again on 14-Apr-2024. If things go well, at that point i will have logged at least 180 hours using the extender with NIR.

Thought i would write an update, i dont want this to be one of those threads that promises updates and then just dies.

I kind of got demotivated because of lack of results and now i have changed my approach to be more focused on what i feel.

My current approach/routine: I switched to VAC extending, witch as much force as i can handle (about 2000g traction). Before i was sticking to around 1200g as that is what is apparently the optimal amount of traction, and it might be true for some, but after more than 350 hours of no results i think it doenst work for me. At 2000g i can actually feel a nice stretch and my penis is bigger right after extending.
I also started using the FIR pad again, I use NIR for about 15 min then put on the FIR pad for about 30min.

I also started doing V stretches like that bennet guy, and I like them. Small 5 minute workouts spread throughout the day are really practical for me. It also eases my mind, as one of my fears with VAC is that i get a blister (every time i take of the vac cup i pray i dont have one lol), and with these V stretches i will still have an exercise to do even if i get a blister.

So now will just keep doing this, i will keep increasing the traction as my penis adjust, making sure that there is always a nice stretch going on when extending. I am not going to set a timeline this time, hopefully i get some gains in time. If they not appear in a month or two i will probably be disappointed and make changes again.

I got my first blister too with vac extending. I do my extending like a hanging routine, high tension. I have worked up to 10lbs. Lately I’ve been trying to get more time per day, been kinda hard because my privacy window is only about an hour. I stalled when I was at 7lbs and about 40-50 minutes per day. Was doing good. So then I went up to 7-10lbs and saw results again. Now stalled again. Instead of adding more tension I wanted to add more time per day. But now I got to be more careful at higher tension. This past week I pushed past 20 minutes and had two issues. First, I was aiming for 2x25 minute sessions, during the last set I noticed a little red fluid in the vac cup. Scared me. Took it easy the next few days. Then yesterday after my last 25min set, I got a water blister on my gland. Now I’m out for a few days. My take always is I need to limit myself to 20minutes and check on my glands during the sets better. I need to also make sure my breaks are good. I usually take everything off and make sure I can get a nice erection, pushing blood into the head to get some good expansion there. But this week since I was trying to fit 2x25 sets into one hour, I skipped on a good break.

Going forward, I need to maybe get 20x2 during my one hour and try to add in at least one more 20minute set later in the evening. Which means I got to do it in front of my wife. I’m sure she knows. I just don’t like to do it in front of her. But eventually I may need four 20 minute sets daily and doing them even when she is home is the only way I can get that. Both of us are liking the results though. I have 1/4” more EL - I can more easily hit deeper spots that I can tell she likes.

Originally Posted by pantera2994
Update 14-Marc-2024

The blister healed nicely. It was not a big one only 4x3mm, probably that why. The blood drained from it on the next day, and it dried and fell off on the 12th. Now the skin is new where it was, but I decided to continue extending, hope i dont regret it.

I measured yesterday, and its honestly hard to tell, I might have gained 2mm from the last time i measured, making me 17.2cm BPEL, but its not that easy for me to read such small increments. I did not measure EG as i couldn’t find my tape measure, but i dont think i gained anything there.

The past month i have been able to fine tune my routine, and also learned more about PE in general. My goal is still to do 6 hours of extending per work day, but now i wont limit myself to 6 hours, but do as much as i can. I learned that sometimes things happen and you cant do as much as you planned, so its better to do more on days when you can. I will also include manual stretches, as thats something i never really did, and from what i read, it should complement extending nicely. So the idea is that i stretch the ligaments with manuals and then extend, witch targets the shaft. The pumping will remain 3 times 15 minutes per week, I dont think this does much in terms of gains but as i said previously, it helps with my self image.

So my updated routine is as follows:
15min of NIR pad with erection (this way i can get the NIR pad to touch my skin)\
2 sets of 30 sec manual stretches in each direction (will increase the time and number of sets gradually)
15min of NIR pad while wearing the extender (with the extender on, the NIR pad is 1-2cm away from the skin)
6+ hours of extending per weekday
3x15min bathmate per week
rest on weekends

I will measure in 4-6 weeks, hopefully things go smoothly.

Sounds like a good routine - I hope you get some good results out of it!

I’ve started adding 15 minutes of the Bathmate to my routine too… not sure what to make of it though, to be honest. It definitely plumps up the flesh temporarily, but it also tends to leave the skin quite stretchy (or saggy 😬), when it returns to normal. And it seems to take it out of my little fella more than any other exercise… I always ache afterwards or the next morning. So I’m not sure whether to carry on or cut it out. Hmmmm 🤔.

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Originally Posted by chrisla8
I got my first blister too with vac extending. I do my extending like a hanging routine, high tension. I have worked up to 10lbs. Lately I’ve been trying to get more time per day, been kinda hard because my privacy window is only about an hour. I stalled when I was at 7lbs and about 40-50 minutes per day. Was doing good. So then I went up to 7-10lbs and saw results again. Now stalled again. Instead of adding more tension I wanted to add more time per day. But now I got to be more careful at higher tension. This past week I pushed past 20 minutes and had two issues. First, I was aiming for 2x25 minute sessions, during the last set I noticed a little red fluid in the vac cup. Scared me. Took it easy the next few days. Then yesterday after my last 25min set, I got a water blister on my gland. Now I’m out for a few days. My take always is I need to limit myself to 20minutes and check on my glands during the sets better. I need to also make sure my breaks are good. I usually take everything off and make sure I can get a nice erection, pushing blood into the head to get some good expansion there. But this week since I was trying to fit 2x25 sets into one hour, I skipped on a good break.

Going forward, I need to maybe get 20x2 during my one hour and try to add in at least one more 20minute set later in the evening. Which means I got to do it in front of my wife. I’m sure she knows. I just don’t like to do it in front of her. But eventually I may need four 20 minute sets daily and doing them even when she is home is the only way I can get that. Both of us are liking the results though. I have 1/4” more EL - I can more easily hit deeper spots that I can tell she likes.

If you’re having problems with vac extending, maybe try one with a noose and see how it goes? I know they’re not as comfortable - but you should easily be able to wear it 1-2 hours at high tension without any issues. And no nasty blisters(!).

Start: BPEL 6.7" MSEG 4.8"

Now: BPEL 8.4" MSEG 5.6"

Goal: BPEL 9.0" MSEG 6.0"

Originally Posted by pantera2994
BPEL 17cm
EG (midshaft) 11.8-12cm

I am using the totalman extender with the VLC tugger and the totalman FIR is used in the first 30min of extending, I will switch to NIR in about a month when it arrives.
I also plan to switch to VAC extending once my replacement sleeves arrive.
I have also been using the bathmate every few days, however I haven’t yet decided if I will use it regularly or just every now and then.

My plan is to keep measuring every month (or 2 months tops) and if there is no progress then I will implement changes in my routine.

Now I wrote down a whole essay of my history in PE but I realized no one would really read it so I will just quickly summarize:

October 2022
BPEL 14.5cm
EG (base) 11cm

October 2022 - February 2023
Jes extender (noose) - 140 hours

February 2023 - April 2023
VLC tugger hanging - 70 hours

May 2023
Break, bathmate - 1-2 hours

June 2023 - October 2023
VAC hanging - 91 hours

October 2023 - February 2024
Total man extender with VLC tugger - 160 hours

Now according to my measurements it does seem like I gained 2.5 cm BPEL and 1cm in EG, but I think my initial measurements were wrong for a few reasons. However looking at pictures I took at the start and the ones I took today, I am 100% sure I gained EL but either nothing or very minimal EG.
The thing is, my previous routines all failed for various reasons. I always started with very low intensity and worked up to higher loads, but I always run into problems, that forced me to take breaks and start again from the beginning. Injuries, loosing motivation, wrong use of equipment etc.

However, since last year October, I have been using the extender with the VLC tugger without interruption. I did start slow, only about 1 hour per day in the first week, but now I’m putting in 20 hours per week witch I think is a good amount of time. My plan is to increase this time to about 30 hours or 6 hours per workday when I switch VAC extending. The VLC tugger is good but it has its own problems, and I think I will be able to do more time with VAC extending (VAC hanging did give me blisters multiple times but only when I was hanging more than 2.5kg so with the extender it should be fine).

When I first started I told myself that I would be happy with even 1cm gain. I mean at the time, I went from the common belief that PE is impossible (other than surgeries) to "holly shit, is this for real?" so even 1cm gain seemed unreal.
Now I know its all about how I feel about my dick not about what the ruler says. My goal (in terms of gains) therefore is to have a dick I am happy with.

Hello Pantera, a question that for me is the most important thing, what tensión do you use in the Jess or in the MAN total extender?

Originally Posted by SD85
Sounds like a good routine - I hope you get some good results out of it!

I’ve started adding 15 minutes of the Bathmate to my routine too… not sure what to make of it though, to be honest. It definitely plumps up the flesh temporarily, but it also tends to leave the skin quite stretchy (or saggy 😬), when it returns to normal. And it seems to take it out of my little fella more than any other exercise… I always ache afterwards or the next morning. So I’m not sure whether to carry on or cut it out. Hmmmm 🤔.

I got a NIR heat pad about a month ago. I started wrapping it around my bath mate when I pump. I usually start in the shower (5minutes) and when I get out I immediately go into the NIR light for maybe another 10minutes. What I notice is that I don’t get the blood blisters (I can’t remember the name of them) and also, I don’t get that soggy plumb girth, I get a better healthier girth increase, of course temporary but better then no light. I don’t know what it is, but for me, it helps. I wouldn’t mind someone else trying it out and seeing if they see the same results.

Since I started using the water trick for my vacuum setup I’ve not had a blister. Search ‘Water protection trick" or similar on this forum. I had a blister every month or so when I was taping.

Rock out with your cock out!

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