Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finally Found a Groove



Been 2 whole months since my last post which is kinda insane, but I realize daily progress tracking actually demotivates me because my brain is weird. Regardless, I’ve still been at it since I’ve been away. July was a bit touch and go, not as a consistent a routing as I would like, but I’ve really found a schedule that fits me perfectly at the moment.

Here’s my routine:
- 3 right and left fulcrum stretches using a long cylindrical piece of wood, 3 minutes each side
- 4 SD stretches 5 minutes each, using the same relax into stretch as before.
- 10 Minutes of jelqing

Important Notes and Findings:
- Doing the fulcrum stretches first helps keep me motivated as they are the more finnicky and muscle intensive exercises.
- My routine is now 2 1/2 days on, 1 off. By half day, I mean I only do the straight down stretches after 2 days of my full routine. This has been super helpful in simplifying when I do things as well as the sweet spot for my motivation.
- Finally and possibly most importantly, I will stick to my schedule 100% but will occasionally do 1 less stretch or skip the jelqing. Obviously, this won’t help my gains in the long run, but sometimes when it’s a bad dick day or other factors make me not “feel” it, it’s great for my psyche. It shows I’m in control and I’ve learned how to best handle my PE routine rather than blindly following something.

I’ll be back in a month as September 13th is my 6 month measurement!

Hey man any updates?


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