Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

From Average Asian to Beastly African


March 19, 2015

GettinGrown. Hahaha. Well, yeah. Come to think of it, a lot of things seem to follow the resistance/support/consolidation pattern :>

Today is a rest day. I do believe I have incorporated my PE routine so much into my everyday life that it already feels so natural to do. But, I have to stick to the plan. As suggested by sources I’ve read in the past, I have at least three more weeks to go before I can augment the newbie routine.

PS. So far, I still feel weird doing Kegels. I feel my BC muscle contracting but sometimes it isn’t enough to bring my flaccid penis back to life. Sometimes I think of it like my early days of trying to do a push-up. I really was not able to do at least one but over the years, it simply came natural to me. Maybe what I’m doing wrong is that I lack the accountability of doing Kegels. I do my non-kegel PE routine using time measurement whereas in Kegels, I fail to count the reps that I am able to do each day.

Okay, from now on, I’ll commit to 50 conscious kegels a day, whether it engorges my penis with blood enough to make it erect or not, at least I will have a baseline of measurement.

Signing out,
Peace V^^

One last thought before sleeping.. I don’t feel like I’m stressing my penis enough. I am really horny to the point that I could masturbate 5-10 times a day. In all honesty, I feel like those days were more stressful on my penis than the PE routine that I’m doing to it now. I want to test the limits of my penis but I am cautious of overdoing it. I’m thinking of buying an ADS (Phallosan) or a BathMate water pump.


Originally Posted by bur0indump5
One last thought before sleeping.. I don’t feel like I’m stressing my penis enough. I am really horny to the point that I could masturbate 5-10 times a day. In all honesty, I feel like those days were more stressful on my penis than the PE routine that I’m doing to it now. I want to test the limits of my penis but I am cautious of overdoing it. I’m thinking of buying an ADS (Phallosan) or a BathMate water pump.


Read up on:
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!
The routine should have some impact.
If not then you might increase intensity or time slowly until you notice an impact. If the impact is negative you cut back.

March 20, 2015

Hey dickerschwanz. Thanks! Superb link!

I don’t notice my morning or night wood. Maybe this is because I masturbate by watching porn too much. Maybe I should take porn out of the equation and just masturbate naturally. It’s getting harder to be erect when I get used to the supernormal stimuli of pornographic clips.

I can observe the slightly larger flaccid throughout the day, but it’s hard for me to gain erections lately. Could be due to a lot of factors like lack of sleep, and too much pornography.

Today I’ll try to increase my jelqing time to 15 minutes, just to see how that works out for me. Maybe I deserve an increase in jelqing time, since it’s already been two weeks into PE.

Journal entry: today is 1/3 of the three day cycle.

Signing out, and proceeding to do PE.

March 23, 2015

I have noticed something. Lately I have been experiencing more intense orgasms. This may be due to Kegeling.


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