Gains and some pain
I’ve been having some pain in the right side of the base of my penis, and a bit on the shaft, I had this pain in November I think (due to PE), and it passed away.
Now I’m having the same pain again, it started today, but I didn’t PE yesterday, but I masturbated, I don’t remember feeling any pain during the exercises and everything seemed fine.
I think the problem are the ligaments.
Also I’ve gained 0.5 cm (not inches) in length and my penis is much harder due to PE.
But I hate this pain, I want to make my penis a little bigger and I want my erections to be really hard every time I want to have sex, and this year I have loads of free time, but it’s the second time I have the same injury (I must be really stupid).
I wanted to know how long should I rest and what do you think the problem is
Also, my erections are really hard, but my urethra feels a bit irritated when I ejaculate.