Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gains Campaign Post 2 Year Decon


Early Update

So, 5 days and 3 sessions down. Promising results so far. At this point, I am in the camp: newbies make gains, this can’t be ignored. Ideally, years of total decon allow us to emulate the newbie phase. IR lamps are at least better than nothing. So far, appears so.

I’ve averaged a monstrous 4.5% strain (and even with a preBPSFL * 0.6% correction to account for the conditioning stretch period, still averaged 3.9%).
I’ve broken my all time strain record twice in the last 5 days even with the conditioning correction.
None of these workouts have been longer than 8 minutes of working time (other than the first 20 minute one, which I consider a mulligan for a variety of reasons).

I am quite inspired by these early sessions, but I must temper myself as far as expectations. This could just be pulling out the slack in my pelvic floor, or maybe these are returning gains lost from my previous campaign, maybe I’m still measuring wrong - I can’t be sure yet, far too early.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Messing around with the PE stats page, realized an interesting thing: length is easy to manipulate the measurements of, girth requires at least a focused effort. My girth measurement is barren - the same for months on end and I haven’t measured girth in a long time.

Further wondering if I ever had gains in the first place and was just moving my pelvis well enough to appear so. I did make a post about the length of my shaft extending beyond my palm width in my other log…

I wonder if I am being too skeptical here.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Just spent some time updating my stats page, added some routines and periods for each. In an effort to introduce further helpful and confusing labels and add some color to the waters. Ya know, for clarity.

At least the graph looks a bit cooler.

Also, corrected the BGEG and MSEG swap I achieved on day one.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Originally Posted by Yamb
In an effort to introduce further helpful and confusing labels and add some color to the waters. Ya know, for clarity.

It’s not all that bad if you know what the colors are. At least you are keeping track.

-Stay safe

BPEL measured is with maximizing length in mind, and basically just for vanity now since I have no idea how much BPEL was actual gains since the start.

Hips tilted up, free standing, feet shoulder width, squeezed butt, high EQ, good bone press; the ideal measurement.

"NBPEL" is now the actual measurement I guess as far as Thunder’s PE stats goes.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Originally Posted by 114life
It’s not all that bad if you know what the colors are. At least you are keeping track.

Sarcasm doesn’t go over text well, regardless thanks for the encouragement. Was a long time coming, I have an excel sheet of sessions/measurements and I have been meaning to update the Thunder’s Database after realizing my mistake. The least I could do is provide some decent data.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Good work, Yamb.
Looks very interesting although I would have a different opinion on several things, e.g. the length of your workouts etc.
But the strain is incredible. These are sky-high numbers!
If the gains follow, you are onto something.

I want to preheat my penis and heat it before putting on the US.
What hands-free option provides the most energy/internal heat in your opinion?
I believe my old china NIR-pad is not optimal. I would tremendously appreciate if you could link a product or something for me to buy :-) .

All the best and let the gains come

[before PE] Start BPFSL: 17.6cm (6.93 inches) start BPEL: 16.7cm (6.57 inches)

[currently decon until aug 2024] latest BFPSL: 21.2cm (8.35 inches) latest BPEL: 19.5cm (7,68 inches) latest NBPEL: 17cm (6.69 inches)

Click here to see my amazing US progress report (always updated!Kyrpa's methodology) ;-)

Originally Posted by CBateman
Looks very interesting although I would have a different opinion on several things, e.g. the length of your workouts etc.

Trust me, I am experiencing much FOMO around this current routine - I’ve reserved to emulate the newbie phase including short and simple workouts. The guesses I recall from across the site leave things like workout timing, creep vs stress relaxation, days on:days off, etc. as a handful of 5% optimizations or less. Yet, heat is almost universally recommended and decons are heralded as the only answer for plateaued vets.

I’m curious on your differing opinions!

Originally Posted by CBateman
What hands-free option provides the most energy/internal heat in your opinion?
I believe my old china NIR-pad is not optimal. I would tremendously appreciate if you could link a product or something for me to buy :-) .

To be honest, radiofrequency or mircowave diathermy machines. Tutt spoke of RF briefly as a hands free alternative to US, but mentioned the prohibitive cost. Easily achieving ~1W/cm^2, more than even US, with essentially 0 opportunity for user error.

My weak alternative here is two 54W 850nm E26/E27 IR bulbs, each advertising ~0.12W/cm^2 @ 0cm - can be found on amazon with a brief search, there’s plenty of em and they’re around 1/100th the price of an RF diathermy machine.

joshua_m has a thread here he tests the irradiance of a china NIR pad, the results are interesting if not slightly disappointing.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Getting pretty excited. Just wrapped up my second session since the early update. Still early, but looking up.

Resolved to measuring from the retro-glandular coronal sulcus (the edge just behind the glans) because my glans fluctuate quite a bit.

Achieved 0.6% and 4.4% strain over these two sessions.

Took two days off after 0.6%, seemed to do the trick. Also observed a notable reduction in strain after the first two days in a row the first week, so I think on : off looks more like 2 : 2 from here out.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Some notes about the last session. I took extra measurements trying to determine if an extra minute of cyclics were worth adding yet, got no strain difference between the third and fourth minutes. However, went to measure after jelqing and was shocked by the measurement: +1cm BPSFL from any other post-heat measurement. Felt easy, too.

Wondering about furthering this research. Strain is a good yardstick it seems, so maybe this can be/has been expanded upon as far as putting the penis into a state of relaxation/pliability/growth.

My guess has to do with the parallel/perpendicularly oriented layers of the tunica. Perhaps jelqing expands the fibers oriented perpendicular to the shaft and, since they are interwoven to a degree, allows for the parallel fibers to reorient further and extend easier.

Anyone seen anything related to this?

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Great stats! From all of us, thank you for the detailed report after a long decon. We are all glued here to see if you experience a second newbie growth.

Originally Posted by kansasontop
Great stats! From all of us, thank you for the detailed report after a long decon. We are all glued here to see if you experience a second newbie growth.

Thanks for your appreciation. Hopefully, this can be a decent collection of resources/ideas. I must again thank the entire forum and those who found the passion to contribute theories and data connected with the sciences and their own experimentation.

I can’t lie, I didn’t really connect that this is what I am ‘advertising’ here. "Swing by and for just the cost of reading a tremendously long initial post, you too can have your second newbie phase!" When in my reality, I am merely hoping that I can provide some evidence to myself that deconditioning breaks work and gains aren’t miraculous, illusory, elusive, or trivial.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Still pondering the jelq strain thing, post #25.

Noticed that my best strain measurements come right after jelqing. Like, 30 seconds to 1 minute after. Like, +5% extra strain total. Like, straight manual stretches reduce the strain overall.

Somehow, hilariously, I feel like I spent months of actual time reading and learning and keeping up with the latest developments in PE to realize that the wheel really is the best way to move things across the ground. Like, yea turns out jelqing just works - who would’ve thunk it?

Wondering now if manual stretches have their place only after an initial jelq. Something to the effect of 2 min jelq, 1 min of cyclic stretching, repeat.

This feels like splitting hairs while standing on assumptions. This routine is providing at least great strain numbers, uncertain absolute BPEL gains to this point. Time to leave well enough alone - for now.

As always, would absolutely love if anyone happened to have a bit more on this; thread, external link, ideas, etc.; and would be willing to share here.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

Two Weeks

Since the next two days will be off days, this technically marks two weeks down for the ‘post decon newbie emulation gains campaign’.

Average strain for these 8 sessions sit around 4.6%, conditioning stretch correction included.

BPEL gains indeterminate so far. Waiting until/if I can report 0.5cm or more, really.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm

0.5cm in the bank

11 sessions over 20 days.
5.6% average strain.
10 minute average working (stretching or jelqing) time.
1.7mm average gained per week.

Honestly, still somehow skeptical. I am the crafter of my own illusions.

Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?

As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.

Goal: 21x15cm


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