Gains Campaign Post 2 Year Decon
Way TL;DR: just read the bolded text.
The Prelude/Mindset
Hi all, I’ve made this thread to record my next ‘macrocycle’ of PE. My intention, as always, is to provide clear outlines of my thought process and research. My goals include providing as accurate information as possible, or at least collect some of my takes on the vast contributions of the PE community at large into this thread in order to potentially organize and add to the broscience of PE. Thanks to the influence of CBateman, editing the first post of progress threads is allowed indefinitely - so I’ll be returning here later to summarize, include further thoughts, and cite.
I come at this from a rather holistic approach, especially in regards to health. Mind arises with the body, one cannot exist without the other. Our penises do not dictate our value as lovers, as people. I encourage you to reflect on your reasons for being here. The Blue Chair, here on Thunder’s, has some absolute phallic poetry to think on.
Since my initial log, I’ve managed to clock and mitigate some less than healthy motivations - however, I do believe merely by practicing PE I am victim to some kind of mental malady. On the surface, I’ve got a thing for massive cocks. Deeper psychological hangups elude me, but I’ll keep an eye out.
Sexual meditation (well, meditation in general, too). Holding your lover close and elevating one another to heights that surprise you both over the course of an hour, two, three or more… I have a tough time thinking about much else.
Anyway, what do I mean about holistic PE, practically? When it comes to the science, I feel blessed to be in a time where there are meaningful connections between verifiable data and PE. I try to defer to what is tested in and outside this space which can feel rather untethered from most of normalcy. As far as penis health in general goes: I’ll start talking about kegels, then reverse kegels, then ballooning, and quickly turn into some kind of penis wizard conspiracy theorist. Seriously though, the mind is a powerful thing operationalized through our body - you’re just a bit of practice away from penis wizardry. Having better EQ, becoming multi orgasmic, hours long love sessions, directional kegels, penile bodybuilding, and more are not only achievable; there’s multiple guides on this very site! You’ll probably find these ideas infused throughout my posts and threads.
The Review
Ok, personal stuff aside, let’s talk about how I’ll be stretching my penis. If you’ve seen me anywhere on the site you’ve probably discovered I’m a Kyrpa fan boy; that is to say I’ll be focused on maximal heating and strain with minimal loads over short gains cycles with a healthy dose of extended deconditioning periods.
With the help of my log here at Thunders, and my more granular excel sheet of individual sessions, I have plenty to refresh and reflect on from my previous campaign around 2021. It is vital to log your sessions, I didn’t even know how valuable these records were until I came back.
The overall timeline and some analysis:
Something that I realized at the end of my last log was that newbie gains halted after 4 months, with a majority happening within the first 2.
-The first ‘Kyrpa’ cycle (timing and focus on heat only, no hanger or US) yielded exactly 30 days of gains in BPFSL, with BPEL gains stalling completely about 2 months later (with a minimal ‘decon’ within these 3 months).
-A very short (~30 day) decon before an attempt at a full on Kyrpa cycle that lasted 60 days - no gains.
-Misguided ‘girth cycle’ that lasted nearly 7 months and yielded nearly missed injuries and no gains.
-A 3 month decon into another proper 45 day Kyrpa cycle - met with a litany of injury scares, lymph buildup, inconsistent technique, US pinching, and no gains.
It was at this point that I finally decided to take ‘decon’ for what it was meant to be: PE abstinence for a minimum of 7-12 months.
What is indicated to me by this?
1) Gains occurred almost exclusively in the newbie phase, which elapsed over about the first 7 months.
2) ‘Decons’ lasting 3 months or less seem to be ineffectual.
Less conducive to the data I’ve collected on myself:
3) I’m not very good at vac hanging.
4) Girth gains might be a totally different beast.
So, here I am after 2 years off PE. Take my experience and learn from it, as I am trying to myself. I made ~70% of my gains in the first 4 months, the remaining 30% in the next 3, then spent the following year+ attempting add gains with increasingly risky maneuvers - to no avail. 640 days of PE, of which >400 were at best learning experiences and at worst flat dangerous. Don’t go chasing the gains fairy, she comes when she comes.
Within a gains campaign:
My best sessions and best (near only) gains occurred while doing strictly manuals, under submerged (bath/shower) or conductive pad heating modalities. I do not know if this is simply because vac hangers and US devices come with a steeper learning curve, or the tissues were highly conditioned by the time I had access to these tools, or some other variety of reasons; but this makes me wonder what my plan this cycle should be.
I do know that (manuals in general, but specifically) cyclic stretches, and the reasoning behind them, are perfectly tactile. You can feel your member eventually give in to gentle loading, then pull back, then release again over the course of a minute or two - just as the theory suggests. Reread: gentle. Far less than 10 kg. Vac hanging provides consistency in load, while manuals provide consistency in feeling. Not equal, by any stretch (heh), but is this a ‘close enough’ for something that may be a small piece of the gains pie?
Additionally, many users including myself report gains in the newbie period. ‘Newbie’ being the operative word, one does not take a very measured approach at this point. Manuals and jelqing, sometimes decent heating - broadly, the KISS method offered by vets and the PE basics forum. I’d be willing to bet most users appear on the scene, learn the basics, apply them with some success, then take their modest gains (or illusions thereof) and newfound confidence to the bank.
Those who make accounts offer that, what, 80% of us successfully gaining length? Does this indicate that the most important aspect of a successful PE career is unconditioned tissues? Perhaps generally pliable collagen? Not the loading, pre and post workout rituals, attachments, schedules, supplements, etc. that we seem to obsess over? These are beginning to feel more like superstitions than anything. Ideally some kind of data may come from my upcoming campaign.
From my excel log, my best recorded gains cycle included 3 sessions in 5 days, or about 4.2 per week.
The Methodology
The Context, Compulsions:
What are we doing? Stretching our dicks. This precedes anything else in terms of decision making. Measuring is the lighthouse on big dick island. Measuring should be a humbling experience, not an ego trip. We want to see the number change exactly because our dicks are getting longer, not because we are getting better at making it appear so.
Go test it out. See how much you can push your dick out, then see how far you can pull it back with nothing other than your hips. I found I can easily manipulate the measurement by 3.8cm/1.5 inches! Take this into account, measure standing against a wall or laying on a bed or however else you can find to lock your pelvis and head into the same place.
We only get one of these things and we care a lot about it. Move accordingly.
On Why within the given Context, the Foundation of Moving Forward:
The crux of my theory of gains revolves around the newbie phenomenon: anyone who is dedicated enough to sit down and pull their dick equipped with only trust and the newbie routine just make gains! Newbies just make gains (usually). Almost every optimization is comparatively optional, essentially down to preference. Heat is the exception, capable of improving any given length gains by a sizeable fraction - including as much as you can manage is a huge buff to any gains.
We seem to have settled on the more effective optimizations and practices for normalizing experience:
Loading styles
Much much more…
But, to me these are tertiary concerns.
On Collagen Remodeling, Decons, and the Newbie Phase:
Thanks to many of the scholarly types around the site, we’ve heard some promising theories around why this may be: penis anatomy and the building blocks of the tunica. This provides us with a direction around collagen, we want to employ the maximal strain with the minimal stress to permanently lengthen the collagen matrix that forms the tunica - in other words: gentle weights with as much heat as you can scrape together in order to stretch without toughening. We want to heed the behavior and features of the structure of the penis.
The collagen realization gives us another wonderful dimension: remodeling. Over time (years at minimum and a decade or more ideally) the collagen matrix begins to rebuild itself in its new, lengthened position. This is not perfect - we can’t return to 100% newbie. This gives a justification to my theory here and forms the how - to emulate the newbie experience, you must take enough time off to remodel the tissues.
These previous notions together form a theory that accounts for most of the main observations made on the site. Untrained dicks make good gains, heat just helps. The phenomenon of vets returning to easy gains after years long hiatus, the general logarithmic gains curve… just trying to justify this to myself now.
Based on my personal experience and informed by various discussions had on the site, I cannot justify a total gains campaign of longer than 4-6 months. After which 2 years off. Depending on this campaign, a proper decon may need to be >2 years. One single, lengthy gains cycle followed by a very extended decon - should this next campaign be anything better than a total failure, this is likely how I will continue. (Probably shoulda listened to Titleist nearly 4 years ago…)
My personal rules of thumb: be very suspicious after month 3, when pre and post session BPFSL begin to close in on one another, or when BPFSL or BPEL repeat itself on the week.
On heat:
We are attempting to reach the ‘therapeutic’ heat range. 40-43C yields a sizable increase in plastic (permanent) deformation, increasing with further temperature increases. 43C is the upper limit due to protein denaturing, some very negative effects begin at around ~30 minutes (if I recall properly) in combination with the <60min max workout length and <30min US exposure recommendation leaves us with this maximal temp.
Ultrasound seems to be the behemoth of heat these days (aside from RF, but I don’t have that kind of money), with mountains of therapeutic evidence supplemented by our brave members’ members verifying for our specific applications. I continue to fight with this method, being unverified for gains in my single experience within my imperfect applications and conditions. US regularly achieved >40C in under 10 minutes.
As far as details go for the US, I’ll leave that to the mountain range of threads developed on these ideas (and go reread many of them myself).
MIR/FIR seems like the only potential alternative while a weak alternative at that, while being hands free.
Nuts and Bolts, the tertiary concerns:
From my excel log, my best recorded gains cycle included 3 sessions in 5 days, or about 4.2 per week. I will likely follow the general PI guidelines for adding rest days, otherwise aiming to repeat this kind of structure within the gains cycle.
I’ll continue to follow something akin to or at least inspired by Kyrpa’s loading methods: conditioning pre stretch, followed by a heated stretch to achieve collagen remodeling if at all possible, followed by a slightly higher load during a cooling down stretch, all of which takes place within the hour. Likely doing some ballooning variation and erect s2s etc once cooldown is complete, since (ideally) I won’t be abstinent during the cycle I’ll consider this non-sex active recovery.
Once length gains have decidedly waned, I may add light squashes, and mild bends for a brief period (in lieu of pumping, for now). After no more than 30 days of this, I will return to my dormancy - taking a year or more off, while still (hopefully) kegeling on a regular basis.
The Conundrum(s)
I spent a lot of thought to even get to these questions, if you find yourself compelled to contribute I thank you.
Does the newbie gains phenomenon of very suboptimal routines that regularly yield plentiful gains suggest that the most important aspect of a successful PE career is unconditioned tissues? Is the deconditioning break the greatest hope at long term (multiple ‘newbie’ phases) gains?
What loading method to use? Like mentioned, manuals yielded the only results in my career, but I did not even attempt vac hanging until almost a year into PE.
What heating method to use? US has a steep learning curve coupled with some disconcerting pinching sensations, along with suboptimal equipment readily available. I’m considering doing US in the bathtub, or maybe constructing a standoff. I’ve also been looking for a decent machine with totally waterproof soundheads - if anyone happens to know of one available without prescription I’d greatly appreciate it.
Alternatively, MIR/FIR seems at least as effective as a CVS conductive heating pad - I’ve considered TDP and other, more focused wavelength lamps. Using an IR lamp would also afford me total freedom for both hands, as well as having, potentially, more effective heating for potential girth sessions. If anyone has good readings on IR theory around here I’d be very appreciative if you were to share it here.
Has anyone tried Bryan Johnson’s kegel seat? Seems like a shoo in for the equipment used around here.
Thank you all, once again. Quite a bunch of obsessives - I appreciate each of you for it.
Why do the newbies get to have all the gains?
As a favor, I ask that you share your favorites.
Goal: 21x15cm
Last edited by Yamb : 08-11-2024 at .