Thunder's Place

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Back after an 8 year decon break...can I expect gains with the Newbie Routine


Back after an 8 year decon break...can I expect gains with the Newbie Routine

Hi everyone, and hey to anyone that might remember me. I have to say nothing’s really changed in my life accept my outlook and my attitude, but I’m grateful at least for the personal growth I have experienced.

I stopped daily PE around 8 years ago, so basically, I’ve had a decon break of about eight years.

When I was practicing P.E. I went from 5.5” bone pressed to 7.5” bone pressed using hanging and traction (I tried to jelq every now and then but just didn’t have the discipline to keep it up).

My goal was 8” bone pressed, and so now I’m back for the last half-inch.

Just wondering what people generally think of my chances of gaining 0.5” inches just with the exercises from the newbie routine?

I have a feeling a large part of those fast newbie gains probably come from pulling the root of the penis out from the pelvis, which I’ve already done and cemented, so I don’t think I have much, if anything, to gain there.

I’m wondering if I have as hard a road ahead of me as I think I have, because I don’t know if I’m a hard gainer or not but getting to 7.5 inches felt like I was trying to achieve the impossible, but I threw everything I had at it and it worked.

While you should start with the Newbie Routine, honestly you might to progress fairly soon to higher intensity exercises. As a hard-gainer pursuing that last half-inch, I find myself doing fulcrum stretches a lot.

Originally Posted by Don Logan
While you should start with the Newbie Routine, honestly you might to progress fairly soon to higher intensity exercises. As a hard-gainer pursuing that last half-inch, I find myself doing fulcrum stretches a lot.

Thanks, I was thinking it might actually be good for me to progress sooner rather than later but I have to say I’m curious about the gains I could potentially make just with the newbie routine. I think I might stick with it for a while longer and see where it gets me.

Also, when I realised P.E. worked I originally went straight to a Penimester and from there to a BibHanger without actually ever jelqing consistently, so I’m hoping there are gains to be had by consistent jelqing, but I guess that remains to be seen.

It takes 10 years to change all the cells in your body, so you can consider that after 8 years your penis is actually a new one.

Before : Bpel 5.6"

Now : Bpel 6.7"

can i ask how was your routine??

Starting 15/02/14 NBP 16,5 EG 12 Today BP 20 NBP 17,5 EG 12,7 Goal NBP 19,5 EG 14,5 DREAM NBP22EG15

Originally Posted by qntrnar
It takes 10 years to change all the cells in your body, so you can consider that after 8 years your penis is actually a new one.

I was thinking thinking something similar myself. I’m hoping it might mean relatively fast gains are possible. But also worried that if my tunica was strengthened by the exercise that it might have stayed that way permanently.

I’d love to think that I can expect something similar to newbie gains but I’m not sure it’s going to be that easy.

I don’t know what the thinking around the subject is now but I always assumed a big part of newbie gains came from pulling out the inner penis and cementing it so that it stays out. Which would mean growth through mitosis might be a pretty minor part of the whole thing.

I’m not sure if my thinking and my theories are obsolete but from what I’ve been reading I think things are pretty much the same?

When I was last here it seems that people thought the sky was the limit but coming back it looks like a 2” gain is considered more or less the maximum a guy can expect.

I was going to stick with just the newbie routine to see what it might get me, but I’ve since also been using a Penimaster for an ADS.

I’m basically going to be doing both the newbie routine and just using my Penimaster as much as I can at all other times. Mostly because I don’t have too much faith in being able to make any more gains, so I’m worried that using just the newbie routine might waste time when I could be using both.

If after say six months there’s no meaningful improvement, I guess I might start hanging again to see if that makes any difference. If not, I guess I’ll just call it and be on my way.

Originally Posted by morbo34
can i ask how was your routine??

Yeah, sure. When I joined one of the theories was that plasticity was the key to gains (which I’m pretty sure has been disproven) and as I had the time to do it, I just thought I’d use traction as close to 24/7 as possible. I figured if plasticity was the key I’d get the gains I wanted that way, and if not, then traction/hanging 24/7 should work anyway.

Unless I’m a super-hard gainer with an adamantium unit I can say the whole plasticity theory should be disregarded; it was on its way out when I arrived but I thought I’d give it a try because I had the time to do so. But it’s something to be discarded, if it had validity with the amount I hung, my dick should be dragging on the floor.

But yeah, it was literally time and sheer pig-headedness. My approach was neither subtle nor nuanced, it was literally just to hang weights as close to 24/7 as possible only taking breaks when I was physically unable to continue.

I was trying to get to the goldilocks zone in terms of weight that the old-school hangers used to report but even though I was increasing the weight all I saw were slowing gains. I took decon breaks and they did seem to make a small difference but the gains I was seeing were still barely anything and slowed down again quickly.

Also, when I got to the much higher weights I found that the clasp on the hanger I was using wasn’t strong enough to hold the clamp shut at the weights some of the old school hangers were claiming and I started using a carpenters clamp to keep the hanger closed. That lead me to believe that, unless they were using modified hangers, maybe some of those guys were just bullshitting each other as to what they were hanging.

Long story short, when it comes to hanging less is more. Gains come slow and there’s no changing that, you can’t get faster gains by increasing weight, you just risk more injury and risk the whole collagen production that’ll stop your gains outright (or at least I believe that was the theory). If you start to gain through hanging, stick at that weight until the gains stop. Then either take a decon break and start again at that weight or maybe increase. I don’t know what the recommendation is with regards that now, as I just went all out. But this time around I’m going to be doing it the proper sensible way, steadily, consistently, a bit at a time and not trying to rush things.

Also, I should add I screwed my back up with all the hanging. I was in a lot of pain and couldn’t bend forward for quite some time. I had to do quite a lot of yoga and lots of split stretches and stretch routines to get my back re-aligned. I strongly recommend against heavy hanging. I don’t really think any kind of hanging is actually that great.


Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5

good! have a good gains Mr. F.

Starting 15/02/14 NBP 16,5 EG 12 Today BP 20 NBP 17,5 EG 12,7 Goal NBP 19,5 EG 14,5 DREAM NBP22EG15

Originally Posted by morbo34
good! have a good gains Mr. F.

Thanks so much :)

Wishing you good gains too. :)

Originally Posted by Mr. F
Thanks so much :)

Wishing you good gains too. :)

If I may ask what was your NBEL stat when you were 5.5 Inches in BPEL?

And Currently What’s your NBPEL stat after your’e BPEL became 7.5 inches?

What exercises did you use to achieve a 2 inch gain?

I’m asking you because I’m desperate as I’m currently struggling to increase my BPEL and NBPEL too as streching is not helping me a bit.

Start Nov/17/2016 BPFSL 5.31 BPEL 5.31 NBPEL 5.07 EHG 3.75 EMG 4.48 EBG 4.80

Now Dec/5/2018 BPFSL 8.04 Standing BPEL 7.64 Sitting BPEL 7.92 /6.7-7.2 Standing BP usable for sex /6.8-7.3 Sitting BP usable for sex / standing NBPEL 5.83 sitting NBPEL 6.03 EHG 4.61 EMG 5 EBG 5.12 EHG width 1.51 EMG width 1.66 EBG width 1.55

New Goal BPFSL 8.5 BPEL 8 NBPEL 6 5 EMG 5.5 EBG 5.6 EHG 5

Originally Posted by brown dick 6.5 x 6.5
If I may ask what was your NBEL stat when you were 5.5 Inches in BPEL?

And Currently What’s your NBPEL stat after your’e BPEL became 7.5 inches?

What exercises did you use to achieve a 2 inch gain?

I’m asking you because I’m desperate as I’m currently struggling to increase my BPEL and NBPEL too as streching is not helping me a bit.

Currently my NBPEL is 6.5

As for when I started, unfortunately I don’t have a record of that. I did write down my starting measurements but they got lost along the way.

I’ve since had to get my starting measurements by working backwards, starting with how I used to measure before I learned about bone-pressed measurements.

When I first started I didn’t have enough strength or discipline to use the newbie routine so I went straight to a penimaster and from that to a bib-hanger.

My routine had very little subtlety or nuance, I just tried to hang as much as I could for as long as I could and while it did get me to at least to 7.5” it was a miserable experience that left me almost impotent and with pretty considerable back problems form the hanging. I couldn’t bend forward or to the left because of pain.

I wouldn’t recommend what I did to anyone.

I wish I had some magic formula or some super special technique that I could share with you but all I did was brute force my way to gains, and as I say it was a miserable experience.

Have you made gains at all?

How long have you been stretching for?

Are you manual stretching?

Originally Posted by Mr. F
Hi everyone, and hey to anyone that might remember me. I have to say nothing’s really changed in my life accept my outlook and my attitude, but I’m grateful at least for the personal growth I have experienced.

I stopped daily PE around 8 years ago, so basically, I’ve had a decon break of about eight years.

When I was practicing P.E. I went from 5.5” bone pressed to 7.5” bone pressed using hanging and traction (I tried to jelq every now and then but just didn’t have the discipline to keep it up).

My goal was 8” bone pressed, and so now I’m back for the last half-inch.

Just wondering what people generally think of my chances of gaining 0.5” inches just with the exercises from the newbie routine?

I have a feeling a large part of those fast newbie gains probably come from pulling the root of the penis out from the pelvis, which I’ve already done and cemented, so I don’t think I have much, if anything, to gain there.

I’m wondering if I have as hard a road ahead of me as I think I have, because I don’t know if I’m a hard gainer or not but getting to 7.5 inches felt like I was trying to achieve the impossible, but I threw everything I had at it and it worked.

How much length and girth do you have today?

Originally Posted by djrobins
How much length and girth do you have today?

BPEL: 7.5 (19cm)

5.75” (14.7cm) Base
5.00” (12.5cm) Mid-shaft
5.25” (13.3cm) End of shaft (below glans)

I asked because after some time off youll lose a luttle bit. Going in with the new technology vacuum hangars and vacuum extenders are the way to go for length. For girth its pumping or clamping. I still have a bib, but with the more comfortable stiff out im not so sure i want to worry about nerve damage or skin damages.

Back to the point someone out a year or more can lose .25-1” iItll regain quickly.

Any method of PE you neglected in athe past represents an opportunity for “new growth”.

My max was 8.75” after extreme extending and hanging. Ive been maintaing with pumping only but my length is 8.25” consistently. To get that .5” back id have to do more extending and stretching.

Figure out what you difnt do before and work that angle.

Im not a fan of jelqing, i dont hate it i just dont think its good for anything except shifting in fresh blood after pumping or clamping.

Originally Posted by djrobins
I asked because after some time off youll lose a luttle bit…

For the moment I’m stuck with my “classic” (old) Penimaster, but it is difficult to wear consistently over time because it seems to be stressing the dorsal nerves behind my glans, which is the main reason I have to remove, rest and re-apply. I’m not sure I’m actually getting a good fatigue through my member at the lower tensions because of that: due to having to remove it early to rest things. At the moment, for me, that’s the limiting factor in my ADS routine.

I think I must have been lucky with regards loss of length. I did a lot of cementing with extreme hanging before I quit so maybe that’s why? Although it sounds like you did similar, and still experienced a retraction, which I’m sorry to hear. It’s so difficult achieve gains that losses like that can be pretty demoralising.

When I started I went straight to a Penimaster and from that to a Bib Hanger and didn’t really ever do manual P.E. consistently. I did buy a jelqing device but was never really consistent with it. Sorry to hear you didn’t get much from jelqing; I’ve always thought it was the gold-standard exercise for P.E. It is one of the areas I don’t think I maximised gains in, so I’m hoping it’ll help me gain at least a little. Also, I’m incorporating ballooning into my strokes to increase my mid-shaft girth.

I’m really hoping the long break will mean my tissues will give me (relatively) easy gains. I’d be content with slow consistent gains at a low tension just with ADS. I’m not in any rush to make things harder for myself.

Also, I’m reluctant to do any more hanging as I really screwed my back up hanging so intensively the last time I was here. I had to do lots of yoga and stretching to compensate. I think if I do do any of that again, it’s got to be a limited number of sets rather than trying to use hanging as a kind of ADS. That’ll change the shape/alignment of your spine etc. faster than it’ll add length to your unit. :/

I’ve got a couple of cable clamps on their way to me also, to try and use Xenolith/Sparky’s clamping technique to promote gains in the mid-shaft area, although I’m not sure at what point I’m going to incorporate those into the routine.

My 7.5 needs me to be absolutely fully engorged and then I brush it. It would be nice if I could measure that consistently without so much effort. If I can achieve that at least then it’ll be worth it for me.

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