Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie Routine Gains


Newbie Routine Gains

I keep reading about newbie gains being the easiest to achieve. I’m on my third day doing PE. If a newbie uses the Newbie Routine suggested on the site, will these gains mentioned more likely be length, girth, or both?


It depends a great deal on your physiological makeup. In simple English, it depends on your tissue makeup. Length is easier to get than girth. Be patient, be persistent, be dedicated. And welcome to the forum.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by uslspct15
If a newbie uses the Newbie Routine suggested on the site, will these gains mentioned more likely be length, girth, or both?

Length/both in as much as most guys gain length more easily that girth. Most common in my opinion is a teeny bit of girth and enough length to go ,”Oh sweet! this PE stuff actually works!”

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Iamaru your avatar.. Hahaha :D

do they still have Quisp in Ozz or are you just old? They stopped making it in the US long ago.


Running a Massive Co-Front.


GO EASY! I was three weeks into the newbie and got thrombosed veins, so I have to lay off for a while. Within that, I measured right after getting them and I was ever so slightly bigger in BPEL. Now, I have to wait a couple weeks and get back at it.

GO EASY! That cannot be said enough. I got excited during the third week, so I was pulling a little more on the stretches and squeezing a little more on the jelqs, which meant injury. You don’t want that.


Vermont beat

3/2/2008 16cm BPEL 11.2 cm EG (3 weeks into the newbie routine, may have grown slightly, but...)

3/16/2008 16.5 BPEL 11.2 cm EG

Goals: 17.8cm BPEL 12.7 cm EG

Remeber that this isn’t a race. The gains will come if you put in the time. Good luck!

Just take your time and see what happens.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I don’t post often and well I basically only started about a week and a half ago. I started doing a variation of the newbie routine where I do 5 mins or more of a warmup, then 10 mins manual stretch to the left then 10 to the right, then 50 dry jelqs 2 days on 1 off and I’ve already gained (even though I know I shouldn’t get to excited with the measuring) 1/8 in length and girth. Now to me those are pretty decent gains.

Originally Posted by soopernam

I don’t post often and well I basically only started about a week and a half ago. I started doing a variation of the newbie routine where I do 5 mins or more of a warmup, then 10 mins manual stretch to the left then 10 to the right, then 50 dry jelqs 2 days on 1 off and I’ve already gained (even though I know I shouldn’t get to excited with the measuring) 1/8 in length and girth. Now to me those are pretty decent gains.

Excellent gain, all gains are worth getting excited about.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I started in early March, using the newbie routine modified to fit my schedule. Basically I stretched in the shower in the morning and did my jelqing at night. I threw a few horse 440’s in there too just to get a feel for how to do them. I started out at around 15 cm NBPEL and 11 cm EG. After less than a month, there is definitely a difference. I’m going to measure at the one month mark (almost there) and see how I’ve gained. Just by eyeballing it I would say it’s about 1/4 to 1/2 an inch in length at least. So for me I gained a length easier. I agree with iamaru though, it’s enough length to go “Hey, this PE stuff actually works!”. I’m a sceptic turned believer. I try to do morning stretches and evening girth exercises every day, but it usually ends up being 5 on 2 off cause of red spots. Make sure you warm up before and after, I think it does help make them go away. This is my first post, so all this was kinda word vomit, a bunch of stuff I wanted to get out, my next posts will be a bit more structured.

Welcome to the forum absintheminded,

Sounds like some good gains.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks mem, I got the split routine idea from you, so big thanks to you, I feel like that is going to be the best workout for me.
Here is some more concrete info on what I do.

Morning: Hot shower, I have a plastic cup that I can fit my whole unit into. I fill that with warm, almost hot water and soak the little guy for about 5-10 minutes, depending on what time it is and weather I’m running late for work. I change the water once if it gets too cold. I then do a good 20 minutes of stretching. I don’t structure the plan down to every second, I just hit as many angles as I can for as long as I can for 20 minutes.
I then soak again depending on how much time I have. I wrap my boy up in an ace bandage to keep him from turtling and then drive to work. When I get to work I check on him, make sure he isn’t blue or purple or escaping from the wrap. I usually take it off when I get to work anyways, because it gets a little uncomfortable sitting with an ace bandage around your dick all day.

Afternoon: sometime after lunch I usually take a 10-15 minute break in the bathroom to do a little more stretching, taking it easier than the morning session because I can’t really warm up. I wrap him up again to keep from turtiling, and remove that about half an hour later.

Evening: This is a girth workout only. I warm up and watch some porn and get a 80-90% boner and jelq, sometimes dry sometimes wet depending on my mood. I jelq at a really high intensity, just enough to NOT get those red spots (it takes some practice to realize where that threshold is). I throw in a Horse 440 every 5 mins too. This is basically a routine posted by memento not too far back, but I think it is a great routine and worth mentioning.
I try to do this every day, but when I start getting spots on my head, I can’t help but stop for a few days, usually they start to appear after the 4th or 5th day.

I’ really in a mood to type right now so this is my introduction story to PE.
I have been dating this girl for a little over 3 years now, we recently decided to take a year break before we get married and live a single life for a while. We are both young (I’m 25 and she is 23) and really want to have some more life experience before we take the plunge. We are best friends and insanely in love, but neither of us had many partners previous to each other. It’s really funny how ironically things play out, I found thunders on a whim, and decided to give PE a try. I have a great body, I’m in shape and really healthy, but my cock was always pretty average, even on the low end of average. I HATE AVERAGE. So after about a week of PE, my girl and I are talking about a guy she slept with who was “thicker” than I was. Not bigger she says but thicker. All the guys here know that when she says thicker, she means bigger :) . She said she enjoyed the sex a lot, which makes my endeavour to have a bigger dick that much more valid, and gives me that much more motivation to stay consistent with this. We have made an informal pact not to have sex for a year, just to renew that spark we had when we started dating. I want to come back in a year and have a bigger dick. That’s my current goal in life. I am shooting for 7”-7.5” EL and at LEAST 5.5” EG by next year. Wish me luck and thanks to everyone here for making this seem like a real possibility!

You hate average. A LOT of men only have an average. A very small percentile have “big” penises.

I realize that, my mistake I should have clarified. I don’t hate average.I hate BEING average. I think it’s some sort of obsessive complex I have with being the fastest, smartest, most in shape, biggest. My life mostly consists of trying in some way to improve myself. Not saying this is a negative thing, but sometimes it takes over. Penis size is one of the things I thought a person could NEVER change. I now realize, through pictures and personal experience I was wrong.

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