Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stuck after Newbie Gains


Stuck after Newbie Gains

I am not getting the gain I expected after 1/2 a month of continuing with my original routine that got me my newbie gains. I may have gained some slight girth, but I haven’t measured so I’m not sure.

My original gains were .5+ x .6+ inches. I started at 5.5 x 4.5 and am now a little over 6 x a little over 5.

My routine is all done in the shower:

Hot wrap
2-3 minutes worth of V-stretch/Rotate stretch
150-200 jelq squeezes
Hot wrap

I figure I am going to continue with this routine for another month and then I’ll measure, but if I don’t see any gains, I will need to change it.

Any tips on what excersices I should look into?

Dude! you gained .5 inch in lenght and .6 in girth. Be happy with the results. Its your penis that you are trying to grow, are you not? Give it time man. you cant expect half an inch every few months. Stick to the routine. It looks good to me. Maybe you can stretch for additional 2-3 minutes.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

First be glad with your gains, most guys would want to trade with you. To answer your question, I’ll first need to know your goals.

9 x 7 ish.

I’ll settle for 8 x 6.5

That’s your long term goal, and with your current size it will take awhile. I’d set a short term goal first. I’d add in different stretches and increase the amount of time you are doing the v stretch by 30 seconds. Your routine is simple enough I just don’t believe your are doing enough manual stretching. I do about 25 to 30 minutes worth along with 15 minutes of jelqing with each session.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

yea yea…

but I plan on being at least 7 x 6 by New years

I know a lot of people here half-ass it, that’s why they don’t gain like I did.

Shoot for the moon.

Originally Posted by Makemelarge
yea yea…

but I plan on being at least 7 x 6 by New years

I know a lot of people here half-ass it, that’s why they don’t gain like I did.

Shoot for the moon.

Start clamping, Ulis and horses to amplify your girth gains and start serious stretching, like goal driven has suggested. Adding regular stretching, JAI stretches and the two way stretch will be a good idea. Add some jelqing time and finally add amazing isometrics. Doing this has given me constantly good gains.

Hoping to get an inch in length and girth in just under 5 months is pushing it. Some have done some haven’t. I hope to have an inch in each direction in 5 months too, but I’m not going to over-train and risk causing problems. Bird2 has great advice and I’ve listened to him look at his gains they are impressive to say the least.

What’s with the yea.. yea…? To me that’s just seems rude. Like you’re blowing me off. I may be wrong but when I hear it from somebody that’s the impression I get. If you don’t want our advice fine continue with what you were doing, but blowing off somebody trying to help out is uncalled for.

Current measure ment 8-2-06 EL- 5.5, EG- 5.25, BPEL-6 7/6, BPFSL-7.25

Short term goal EL- 6.0, EG-5.5

Long term goals EL- 7 to 7.5, EG- 5.5 to 6.0

Originally Posted by Makemelarge
Any tips on what excersices I should look into?

Try laying off for a week or two, and then returning to the routine that gave you your growth. If de-conditioning doesn’t work for you, then consider a more hardcore routine. If one can continue to gain from the quick, safe and easy Newbie Routine what’s the point in extending the duration and exposing oneself to more dangerous exercises?

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Originally Posted by Goal Driven
What’s with the yea.. yea…? To me that’s just seems rude. Like you’re blowing me off. I may be wrong but when I hear it from somebody that’s the impression I get. If you don’t want our advice fine continue with what you were doing, but blowing off somebody trying to help out is uncalled for.



Realise that we invest a lot of time helping people to the best of our ability. Speaking for myself, if I had all the time that I helped people here invested in learning German and French, I would have spoken it fluently by now.

The same counts for other vets. They, of course, choose consciously to spend time here helping others. We don’t necessarily have to get a “thank you”, but being respectful to a guy who takes the trouble to answer your question and is trying to help you is the least thing you can do.


Originally Posted by Makemelarge

Shoot for the moon.

Be careful. You may even shoot some blood trying to shoot for the moon. An inch in 5 months is a big deal. Not that you wont grow. Thats pushing it though

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Okay, it’s obvious you don’t want to hear the best method of slow and steady to get the best gains.

Here is an accelerated method you should be interested in: Get a loan so you don’t have to work until New Years. Then invest in a hanger. Start with 5 pounds and wear it 24 hours a day taking a 5 minute break every hour. At night, set your alarm clock every hour so you can still accomplish this. You may feel very irritable and groggy but that is because you will no longer get stage 4 and 5 sleep. You should get used to it although your face will show signs of fatigue and stress. After every week, add 5 pounds but continue the same routine. Two days before New Years, stop hanging. Take a rubber mallet and start mashing the shit out of you dick. This is for girth. Now realize that you will be impotent from all the excessive hanging and pounding, but you will be fucking HUGE! If sexual activity is necessary, try this. Grab a bag of ice and place it on your penis until it’s numb. Sterilize a BBQ skewer and slowly insert it down the urethra. Now buy some extra strength crazy glue and glue your pee hole to the tip of the skewer. Voila! A monster dick you will have without feeling the guilt of half-assing it!

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

Gut ! Thats a frigging crazy idea dude. Im laughing. Its good to see some humour amidst so much confusion

Walk slowly but never backwards.

That’s a pretty good gain for a short period of time!

Originally Posted by Gut Scrambler
Okay, it’s obvious you don’t want to hear the best method of slow and steady to get the best gains.

Here is an accelerated method you should be interested in: Get a loan so you don’t have to work until New Years. Then invest in a hanger. Start with 5 pounds and wear it 24 hours a day taking a 5 minute break every hour. At night, set your alarm clock every hour so you can still accomplish this. You may feel very irritable and groggy but that is because you will no longer get stage 4 and 5 sleep. You should get used to it although your face will show signs of fatigue and stress. After every week, add 5 pounds but continue the same routine. Two days before New Years, stop hanging. Take a rubber mallet and start mashing the shit out of you dick. This is for girth. Now realize that you will be impotent from all the excessive hanging and pounding, but you will be fucking HUGE! If sexual activity is necessary, try this. Grab a bag of ice and place it on your penis until it’s numb. Sterilize a BBQ skewer and slowly insert it down the urethra. Now buy some extra strength crazy glue and glue your pee hole to the tip of the skewer. Voila! A monster dick you will have without feeling the guilt of half-assing it!


I say yea once and I’m fine, but if I say it twice I’m rude?

I wasn’t trying to be rude.. It’s like when someone says kk or something.

Last edited by Makemelarge : 08-12-2006 at .
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