Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stuck after Newbie Gains


Ok, I continued my routine with the only exception of raising my stretching time 1 minute more per day, and an extra set of 20 jelqs.

I’m at about 7 minutes of stretching every 2 other days, and I’ve gained about a quarter inch length in a week. No girth though.

I’m @ 6.25 x 5.1 now, and may look into horses and JAI in the next week.

Originally Posted by Makemelarge

I’m @ 6.25 x 5.1 now, and may look into horses and JAI in the next week.

Horse440’s are an extremely aadvanced exercise: no newbie should even consider doing them.


K.. What would you advise for a stronger girth exercise for me?


Originally Posted by Makemelarge
K.. What would you advise for a stronger girth exercise for me?



I’ve gotten great results from pumping, and using a cockring. You also might try jelquing at a slightly higher erection level. There are a lot of clamping advocates on the board, but I feel that pumping is far more controlled, and therefore more consistent and safer. Who the heck knows what kind of pressure you’re putting on your dick when you clamp: with a pump, you can have a pressure gauge right there in front of you as you pump.


I’ll take your advice then, thanks.

In this coming week I’ll bump up erection levels and jelq a little more and see if that helps, then if nothing I’ll try pumping.

jelqs are good. Dont jelq too hard when you are at 100% erection.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Another week later.. I’m almost 6.5 x 5.25.. Is there any end?!

This is great lol

Congratulations bro. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t add more time or intensity to your routine again until you hit a plateau or else you may force yourself into one. Judging by your gains, you likely have a thin tunica, so consider yourself lucky and keep doing what you’re doing.

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.25 of an inch in a week? Awesome man. How many hours do you do PE?

Walk slowly but never backwards.

I got .5 of an inch in 2 weeks, just 8 minutes of stretching + 300 60% erection jelqs, 2 days on, 1 day off.

I do it in the shower, it takes about 35-45 minutes for me to shower + do my routine


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