Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gone from 6.5" to 7.7' BPEL' in 8 months and size queens still aren't happy

Why bother wasting your time with them via talking,texting,having sex etc ?

These shallow, low IQ women are time wasting, better save your energy for a nice girl, that will respect you at your size and appreciate you, for who you are.

Start | Nov 2018 | NBPEL: 16 CM & MEG: 12 CM |

Now | Nov 2020 | NBPEL: 19 CM & MEG: 12.5 CM |

Even with your way more than adequate size you’ll never impress a size queen. Trying to impress someone who can’t be satisfied will drive you nuts. Why not focus on the 99% of women out there who aren’t size queens and don’t select companions based on dick pics.

Starting: (3/1/20) BPFSL 6.75" NBPEL 6.5" MSEG 4.9"

Now: BPFSL 7.5" NBPEL 7.0" MSEG 5.0"

Goal 8" NBPEL 6" MSEG

Originally Posted by 114life
I never thought about it until I read this thread a few days ago. I was just digging through the forums out of boredom. Interesting read. My pictures here from now on are going to be with a ruler.

How to Make Your Dick Look Bigger

My suggestion, take a picture that makes it look big. Then really give it to em. IME, most girls don’t know or haven’t really had what they’re talking about, anyway. Let alone able to take it. They’re just talking. If they’d ever really opened their legs to such or not.

I read an article the other day; females in porn have a staggering attrition rate, 90% or more, simply because they can’t handle the meat. They flat drop out. Which explains the month, and one shoot, maybe careers. Now how many actually try porn compared to those that don’t/won’t? The group that can actually take a big’un is really small.. The group that can take it, and enjoy it.. I think we’re unlikely to ever meet one, but they do exist, if she even knows she can.

How many monster cocks are out there for them to compare? 9+ NBPEL.. Out of the few hundred thousand active members here, there’s only one monster I can think of. Doubt he’s running around giving them all a whirl and leaving them in tears.

The fact you know more than one chick with this opinion, there’s either one guy they’ve all been with, or they’re all full of shit.

What kind of chick asks for a dick pic anyway? If you haven’t met them face to face, I’d suspect a pic harvester.

I think a chick that asks for a dick pic isn’t really having orgasms. I mean, she sees it before she’s even hot for a penis, on a phone of all places, so its kind of a moot point for her.
Totally agree with your point on porn chicks dropping out. One chick did anal with some huge black dude and (I’ve seen the scene) when she makes the guy stop, that was the moment her career ended, she was DONE. If you are too big, sex for her is not that good. Case in point: me! I’m not that big girth-wise, in fact I’m pretty thin compared to what most guys seem to have. Yet, my 5.25" girth is most of the time way too much for my wife. She’s dripping wet, swollen, red, clit standing strong and hard, and I push it in gently, with lube, and it can tear her pussy a little. Can’t have sex every day anymore, she can’t handle it. Even if we only fuck for 10 minutes or less, hell even just 5 minutes is too much and she’s begging me to cum already. I don’t fuck her too hard or fast, but slow and gentle a lot of the time too. Thankfully my length makes up for what is perceived to be "not a lot of girth" and she likes that a lot :)

My thought is any chick that "requires" a "big dick" hasn’t been with one enough. She’s just being trendy. Any man can fuck the shit out of a pussy regardless of dick size; I can make what I got feel like 9+ inches too because I know how to use it so well ;)

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

Originally Posted by Mike1111
Why bother wasting your time with them via talking,texting,having sex etc ?
These shallow, low IQ women are time wasting, better save your energy for a nice girl, that will respect you at your size and appreciate you, for who you are.

Yes, I love this: “save your energy for a nice girl” that’s the way to go. A nice girl. That’s what is most desirable. Sex is so much better with someone who is really into you, not just what sticks out in front of you.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

I guess it depends on what you’re looking for, but any girl that asked for a dick pic would be sent to the trash where she belongs. I mean, if you’re just looking for meaningless sex and that’s what it takes to get the hookup, then I guess you do it. However, you can’t go complaining that the girl is unimpressed by a 7”+ dick. The funny thing is that these are the same whores who complain they can’t find “nice men” and everyone’s a “fuckboy”. You reap what you sow.

I don’t think many women can tell the difference between 7” and 9” in a pic. A woman will consider a 7x6 larger in both length and girth than a 7x5, although the length is the same.

I believe a woman compares your dick pics to others that she’s seen, not necessarily that she’s had. I presume that the statistics are right because if that many guys were 8+, they wouldn’t need to share one.

Start: BPEL: 7” MSEG: 5" | Current: BPEL: 8.25” MSEG: 5.75" | Goal: BPEL: 8.5” MSEG: 6"

1st Goal: 7.5" x 5.5" | Achieved: 01/15/2021 | 2nd Goal: 8.25 x 5.75 | Achieved: 05/19/2021

Progress Pics: Road to 8x6 | My Log: Daros PE Notes and Progress Reports | Routine: Hanging with FIRe

Originally Posted by pumpedmember
I think a chick that asks for a dick pic isn’t really having orgasms. I mean, she sees it before she’s even hot for a penis, on a phone of all places, so its kind of a moot point for her.
Totally agree with your point on porn chicks dropping out. One chick did anal with some huge black dude and (I’ve seen the scene) when she makes the guy stop, that was the moment her career ended, she was DONE. If you are too big, sex for her is not that good. Case in point: me! I’m not that big girth-wise, in fact I’m pretty thin compared to what most guys seem to have. Yet, my 5.25” girth is most of the time way too much for my wife. She’s dripping wet, swollen, red, clit standing strong and hard, and I push it in gently, with lube, and it can tear her pussy a little. Can’t have sex every day anymore, she can’t handle it. Even if we only fuck for 10 minutes or less, hell even just 5 minutes is too much and she’s begging me to cum already. I don’t fuck her too hard or fast, but slow and gentle a lot of the time too. Thankfully my length makes up for what is perceived to be “not a lot of girth” and she likes that a lot :)

My thought is any chick that “requires” a “big dick” hasn’t been with one enough. She’s just being trendy. Any man can fuck the shit out of a pussy regardless of dick size; I can make what I got feel like 9+ inches too because I know how to use it so well ;)

She must have a really fragile pussy. I have been with around 50 woman and not one of them had any problem with my size.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by c3ifador
Why send yours? Search on the internet some nice dick pic and send to her.

What happens when I turn up though and pull mine out? :/

Originally Posted by kyle2612
I’m nearly in the same boat as you. Started out at 7” NBPEL and have used the Penimaster to gain an additional 3/4” in length. I don’t know how you manage 5-6hrs a day without blistering your glans. But good on ya. I think girth from a practical sense, makes more of a difference. But just visually, it’s sick the idea of whipping out a long schlong. I feel ya.

As far as girls being hornier these days, totally agree with you. Biggest misconception ever that men have a higher sex drive. Total falsehood. And I believe this extends to infidelity in relationships too. Society and culture has changed, gender equality, the “live your best life” movement, etc. An overemphasis on inclusivity and acceptance has depreciating returns.

My girlfriend is Japanese and talks all the time about how much she loves my big white dick. She plays into that Fetish I think or something. Interracial domination. But I know she watches porn regularly and masturbates at least 2-3 times a day right now cause we’re doing long distance. Hate feeling dwarfed by these fricken monstrous dicks she’s drooling over. But it is what it is right.

Congrats dude, you’re carrying around a baseball bat! I’m assuming you’re Pushing the 9” BP these days then! Not sure how your gf could be drolling over bigger! Lol. I reckon your size is my goal and probably the point at which I’ll give up PE! If those measurements aren’t impressive to a woman and also myself when I look in the mirror, then I’m totally suffering from dysmorphia! Haha.

As for the penismaster, my trick is this 2x 3hr sessions per day and take it off for halfway through for 5mins during each session (for a toilet break etc). I’ve had blisters and rough skin as you mentioned as well but I’ve found with the aforementioned approach, I’ve hit the ‘sweet spot’ for my cock at least! BTW I use Vaseline moisturizer cream for my glans, maybe it helps! You could try easing up on the tension a bit? Might help. Glad to see you’ve experienced these horny chicks I mentioned, at least I know I’m not hallucinating!

Originally Posted by Accro
I wouldn’t call that spefically lying, more like not being realistic or really want to sound like a size queen when they aren’t. Women suffer from performance and size anxiety just like us, I learned it with the years.

Some have shown me videos they made with them! They were big dudes.

Originally Posted by Mike1111
Why bother wasting your time with them via talking,texting,having sex etc ?
These shallow, low IQ women are time wasting, better save your energy for a nice girl, that will respect you at your size and appreciate you, for who you are.

Bro as I mentioned I’m not looking to get married! A quality woman requires time and effort to get the lay! I have neither! I’m not into lying to women also, just to get their panties off! ‘Decent’ women aren’t my thing right now, until I’m looking for something more serious that is! I also find the sex is more likely to be boring with ‘better women’. Freaks are fun, you can live out your fantasies porno style, you only live once. Thanks for your input though :)

Originally Posted by ronjon
Even with your way more than adequate size you’ll never impress a size queen. Trying to impress someone who can’t be satisfied will drive you nuts. Why not focus on the 99% of women out there who aren’t size queens and don’t select companions based on dick pics.

I’m not focused on size queens, just naughty chicks! It just so happens they tend to go hand in hand! BTW I was laughing about her being unimpressed, I’m 42 and too old to even attempt to impress people anymore, it’s not my thing, It’s an exercise in futility, I definitely agree!

Originally Posted by ObiWan77
I guess it depends on what you’re looking for, but any girl that asked for a dick pic would be sent to the trash where she belongs. I mean, if you’re just looking for meaningless sex and that’s what it takes to get the hookup, then I guess you do it. However, you can’t go complaining that the girl is unimpressed by a 7”+ dick. The funny thing is that these are the same whores who complain they can’t find “nice men” and everyone’s a “fuckboy”. You reap what you sow.

Not complaining brother, just pointing out how the world seems to have gone these days! Women seem to want ridiculous size dicks more these days than ever. Yes I’m looking for ‘meaningless sex’ no commitment etc. You’re right about women being hypocrites, I guess we all are on some level, I’m just doing me, not over thinking it too much. :)

Originally Posted by damianromante
I don’t think many women can tell the difference between 7” and 9” in a pic. A woman will consider a 7x6 larger in both length and girth than a 7x5, although the length is the same.

I believe a woman compares your dick pics to others that she’s seen, not necessarily that she’s had. I presume that the statistics are right because if that many guys were 8+, they wouldn’t need to share one.

You’re probably right, when I was 6.5” they used to ask if I was 8”. There’s always the chance that this particular chick was just feeling a bit snotty and just wanted to bring a man down! You know how some of them are!

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
She must have a really fragile pussy. I have been with around 50 woman and not one of them had any problem with my size.

Yeah I’m 6” at the base and 5.5” MEG and never had an issue with my girth (which of course isn’t that much thicker than the ‘average’). But then I’ve never bottomed out on a chick either and I must have been with a couple of hundred at this point as I’m in my 40’s. I was with a 146cm tall chick the other day, she took it all like a champ and had a cave for a vagina! I couldn’t feel a thing. I suspect she had a kid at some point :(


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