Originally Posted by Bigupsplus9
I ran into the same exact type of situation not that long ago. I’ve been single for almost two years with very little action. The size queen that I met online wanted a “9” in prince” which I have after I’m done with a PE workout with mainly pumping; just need to cement those gains. I was thinking to myself alright let’s show her what I’ve got. Sent her a video after a workout and heard nothing; I was taken back. I kept thinking am I not big enough?! This type negative self talk and self doubt got me thinking the opposite! Personally, sometimes I’m not completely satisfied with my size which is so unrealistic. This type of mindset happens after watching porn. I’ve been doing PE for over a 1.5 years and have made huge gains that at times I’m really proud of but others times I’m greedy and want more. Porn is such a terrible thing to our confidence and I know this is why I still am not satisfied because I’m comparing myself to such a small demographic. These dudes are honestly freaks of nature being over 9 inches and there’s honestly not too many of them out there that’s why they use the same actors.
I guess where I’m getting to is on a deeper level. When we’re not confident or satisfied with our selves the universe reflects that energy back to us with people and situations. We normally encounter resistance to the things we want because we’re forcing certain expectations that honestly might not be the best for us. Time to say no to the porn and be compassionate to ourselves. I’m really grateful that this size queen crossed paths with me because I have a better outlook on it now. I am way bigger than most, I am huge, I am confident, I am grateful with the work I’ve put in, I am worthy, and I am glad to be able to share my perspective to all of my PE brothers!
Great post dude, yeah it really does put things in perspective! 9” post a pumping session deserves a standing ovation in my opinion!
A couple of quick questions for you if that’s okay as I’m curious..
*Is it just pumping you do or do you also do another form of PE?
*What’s your BPEL before and after PE?
*How much temporary length/girth do you get from the pump after a session and how long does the effect last? I’ve heard it takes a couple of months or so to get to the point where you get the edema stuff that lasts a couple of hours. The male stripper trick, so to speak.
I ask because I have an LA air pump but I only tried it a couple of times as I find it difficult to stay hard in it. I’m considering using it again but slightly worried that the girth aspect will interfere with the lengthening one (debatable), length is my primary goal at the moment!
I couldn’t agree with you more about self confidence, essentially it needs to come from within, as external validation is a complete mug’s game! I would love to give up porn and fapping in general, I’ve definitely cut down. As of the last while my boners aren’t what they used to be and I had a couple of floppies with a chicks as well, despite taking Cialis. Although I believe there’s more factors involved than just porn (stress, caloric deficit etc).
It’s just as well we don’t take these size queens serious, what an exercise in futility that would be!