Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Great to be back



Just got back from a business trip.

Had my own room so I was able to get in a couple solid nights of PE. Felt great! I am fully recovered from my injury the other week.

I haven’t measured yet, I feel like I might be a little bit bigger. My flaccids have been pretty awesome lately as well. I did add a flaccid measurement today to my statistics so I can keep track of those as well to see if they are improving. Based on my statistics it looks like my flaccids have increased as my BPEL did. I did not measure BPEL or MEG, I simply copied my measurements from the last time I measured over.

I skipped workout yesterday, I did a couple jelqs and some edging that was about it.

I was on the holy grail of cum load increase supplements for three weeks, took my business trip for 4 days and so could not take the supplements. Across the 3 week period I saw no increase in volume in a significant way. When I got back after a 4 day break I started the supplements again. I blew easily twice the load i usually do the following day. I usually have about 3 good spurts, then some dribbles. Yesterday I had at least 6-7 really good spurts and way stronger muscle contractions. I still continued to have more after the initial 7 but not as strong. I was simply amazed! So this does work but it takes patience for some people. Follow the routine at 3 weeks on 1 week off and it will start working eventually. I have been taking twice the dose he recommended for Lecatin and L-Lysine.


I have really hard erections, they seem to be getting slightly bigger.
Ejaculation is a bit harder to reach now, probably due to working PCs a TON, also a lot of edging.
No discomfort or sign of discoloration
No change in arousal levels

Did my workout today, had pretty low motivation because I kept getting a rock hard boner while doing my stretches. It was super annoying but a good reminder that I am getting bigger again. I edged for about 10 minutes and It went away allowing me to continue my stretches, jelqs, Horse440s, v-stretches, orange bends, and Uli’s.

I cannot wait to measure at the end of the month, I’m really hoping for some girth increase’s this time around. I have implemented a lot more girth exercises into my routines than in the past. Length, I would be really happy for a quarter inch growth, not sure I will get that much though. Girth I would be happy with a one-eighth growth just to show the girth routines are working.

Your thread is inspiring! Keep going and updating it! Hope you can have massive gains.

Originally Posted by lipe
Your thread is inspiring! Keep going and updating it! Hope you can have massive gains.

Thanks!! I really hope to have massive gains as well! Good luck to you in your journey.

Size Updated:
BPEL: 7.1875
MEG: 5.125

I saw some growth!!! about 1/8th of an inch in each measurement. I will have my next measurement post at the end of October. Hoping for another 1/8”!

Other measurements;
head size: 4.625”
FL BP: 5.00”
FG: 4.625”
BEG: 5.3175”

Not sure on girth there, I might not have had the measurement close enough to my body. Head size seems right, I wanted to document that because ULI’s are supposed to increase head size which I would really like to do.

Goal this month:
BPEL: 7.25”
MEG: 5.25” <— I had a false positive a couple days ago measuring girth which read 5.25”. This was after about 50 ULI squeezes, 400 Jelqs, and 20 Orange Bends. Not to mention the hand clamping. Its good to know I am expanding past 5.00 though so I know by the end of this month I will be at 5.25”

Routines the last week:
Same as previously noted, Tuesday I took off. I did do light stretching and a couple jelqs.

Wednesday I hit it hard, I had 3 workouts and in each workout I completed my stretching routine. I did about 400 jelqs throughout the 3 routines and did Orange Bends and ULI Squeezes. Horse 440s I only did in the first workout.

In total I did about 2 hours of PE. (little shrinkage afterwards, I supplemented with fowfers for about an hour + very light long duration stretches 5+ minutes.)

No pain
No discoloration
Good flaccids
Morning wood strong
feel stretched out

Personal Notes:
I’m getting bigger, it is very nice to have results like this after only about 2 weeks of PE. I am beyond excited about that!

Holy grail cum load: It is working for me, but I am going to stop taking it for a couple weeks. I want to get my body back into a normal routine. I would recommend it to anyone, It is cool to have a bunch of extra cum shoot out your dick when you are not used to it. That being said, I do not like taking 8 pills everyday. I am thinking a 2 week break will be a good time to get back to normal. After that I think I want to try experimenting with celery + the supplements.

Thanks everyone!

Hi all!

Just posted a pic thread today. I promised I would do this a couple months ago after reaching my short term goal of 7 BPEL. See the link below, I am not sure how to create hyper links here. If there are any mods will to help with that I would be forever grateful, thanks!

WangZ - Pullngrow picture

The link is pasted above.

Workouts this week:

I missed workout Tuesday, I got in a stretching routine once I was home but not the jelqing. I feel like I needed to get that off my chest. I am a disgrace to PE!


-feel great, flaccids have been not awesome but the weather is also starting to get colder here.
-feel nice and stretched/sore after workouts so I know they are intense enough
-morning wood was stupid ridiculous this morning. My boner wanted to feel like a teenager again apparently
-GOT A COMPLIMENT! Last night my wife had a few drinks and I randomly pulled it out to be funny and I was at say 50% erect, my dick was full length almost but still pointing straight at the ground. She said, “your dick looks big”
-Feel like I may be getting some girth, not 100% sure on that though.

Worked out today, a little lighter on the stretching but i feel good. Same routine as last posted, I think I will stick with this one for a couple months because I feel like it is working really good for me.

Next measure: 10/30/2015

4/9/2014; BPEL: 5.75", MEG: 4.75"

10/6/2015; BPEL: 7.18", MEG: 5.125"

Goal: 7.5 X 5.5, Retirement: 9 X 6

Later yesterday night I added my full stretch routine in the shower before bed. I was also doing fowfers while sleeping last night. I am about to start my routine for today!

Also for some reason the like to my pics was messed up I’ll post it again here.
Pullngrow picture

Keep up the momentum guys, PE works!

4/9/2014; BPEL: 5.75", MEG: 4.75"

10/6/2015; BPEL: 7.18", MEG: 5.125"

Goal: 7.5 X 5.5, Retirement: 9 X 6

Wife said I am bigger!

I have posted in a few places the small instances when my wife said she thought I was slightly bigger. Last night was the first time where she basically said beyond a reasonable doubt that my penis is a lot bigger than when her and I where first together.

This all started by me grabbing my dick last night while she was sitting out the couch. I wiggled it, (while still in my shorts), and she told me to get closer. I got up and walked over to her and she told me to show it too her from the side, (while still clothed). I pulled it to the side and she said, “you are a lot bigger then when we first met”. I asked her why she thought that, she said “it hurts when we have sex, I was always sore, but not like I get now. Also, it just looks a lot bigger!”

I am a stealth PEr, she knows nothing of my past almost 2 years of PE. So I said to her that I didn’t think she was being truthful and was just trying to make me feel good because she knows I used to be a little self conscious when we first met about my size. She knows about my whole story with a chick that told all my friends I was small back when I was in college. Anyway, she looked at my dick again and said, “No seriously your dick is way bigger than it used to be”.

I told her that I’ve heard men do not stop growing until after age 25 so maybe I just had some late penis growth. I am almost 25 right now. She looked like she didn’t really believe me but later I got some fantastic head anyway. The whole time she complained that her mouth was too small but she was going to town so I know she really appreciates the size I am at now. I have never orgasm-ed from oral sex but she had me as close as I have ever been, she got tired after a really great effort though. We went back to the bedroom and she let me finish the job, regrettably, while on the throws of passion my dick decided it wanted to drive hard to the left side of her pussy. Damn PE and this raging wood I now get, I actually injured her… I feel really bad about it. She had to take a warm bath to get the knot worked out. I am hoping to make amends tonight with her, take it a little easier this time. I have never actually had this happen before.

I guess moral of the story is Thunders turns your dick into a weapon of “massive” destruction.

4/9/2014; BPEL: 5.75", MEG: 4.75"

10/6/2015; BPEL: 7.18", MEG: 5.125"

Goal: 7.5 X 5.5, Retirement: 9 X 6



Last week Mon. - Wed. I hit the stretches & jelqing really really hard. I was sore and actually lost morning wood for a few days so I took a break Thurs. and Friday. Over the weekend I did some very light stretching and jelqing.

My wood is back so I am ready to hit my usual routine again starting today.

Sizewise I have had some really great flaccids lately, I am talking about 5-6” around the clock. I think some of this may have to do with my new girth routine. I measured last week Wed. and my girth was at 5.375! so excited!!! I do not consider this an official measurement because as I said it was during a really intense routine time for me, but my penis is still expanding and I know soon It really will be that size! I will take an official measurement at the end of the month. Secretly I have a goal to not be able to fit in the end of a toilet paper roll, during last week when I measured at 5.375 I was there!! I could only fit the head in. Cannot wait to be 5.5 MEG!

Other notes, loving my PE experience in general. My EQ is great, sex life is picking up a little with the wife. I am overall very happy with my results.

Also looking to get a little freaky with the wife this week. She doesn’t know it yet but tomorrow Fedex will be dropping off about 70$ worth of toys. I decided to do this because Monday last week she mentioned having a fantasy of being tied up. I am not the dominant type, but she likes choking and being dominated so I have adapted to being the dominant type when we have sex. I think that the toys I ordered, (bondage stuff like handcuffs and restraints), will really help push us to the next level with our sex life. Like I said, I am not typically dominant so I think this will really turn her on.

Thanks guys, keep working at it! There are a lot of nay-Sayers out there but PE works. I have had nothing but positive results in my life because of it. Well with the exception of my last post, (poor wifey), but I plan on making up for that with a really good foot rub tonight and maybe a little attention focused only on her pleasure.

4/9/2014; BPEL: 5.75", MEG: 4.75"

10/6/2015; BPEL: 7.18", MEG: 5.125"

Goal: 7.5 X 5.5, Retirement: 9 X 6


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