Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Attempted an evening session…attempted.

I did a water bottle warm up and that felt good. Then I did 1 x 10 min with 10 lbs - super sore in the ligs, hammered through it although I was noticeably sore.

1 x 5 min with 15 lbs and said screw it. My ligs were so tender so I ended the workout. Can you say fatigue?

I figured if I was that sore with the initial 10 lbs maybe some rest was in order. So I jelqed for 6 or 7 minutes and did 50 Uli’s - man did that feel good. I will consider getting back into my jelqing/Uli routine for both the blood flow and the girth.

Last edited by elvis51 : 09-05-2014 at . Reason: added

I hate to come off like some stinkin whinner but, WOW, I am sore!

Didn’t even entertain the idea of hanging this morning so I jelqed for 10 min and did 50 Uli’s…threw in 4 really good bends to address mid-shaft girth. Erection level was about 90% so I got really good expansion. Funny thing was that when I initially started my jelqing session, my tissues along my shaft sort of popped…felt like I had 1,000 little bubbles under the skin. In accupressure I believe they call them crinkles.

Bib used a term called “crinellations” where the body fills in (repairs) the tissue. In order for the tissue to not heal in a shorter conditions you must hang weights and allow these crinellatons to break apart - at least that is my understanding. I have to believe this is PRECISELY what is taking place because when I hang for the first 5 min I need to go as light as possible as the rat b*stards break apart…and it is somewhat painful even after using heat.

Tonight I hung for 2 sets, well, really one.

1 x 10 min with 5 lbs and 1 x 10 min with 10 lbs for the initial warm up set.

1 x 20 min with 15 lbs…I couldn’t not go any higher and called it a night.

Last night I just did manual stretches due to lack of privacy. Not that I lack the privacy but I just can’t have an incident where the weights accidentally slip off and crash to the floor at 3 AM…so quietly, I did manual stretches.


1 x 10 min with 5 lbs then 1 x 10 min with 10 lbs…one big 20 min warm up set to get the tissues ready for the main weight. Release the crinellations.

2 x 20 min with 15 lbs

Jelqued for 10 min with 50 Uli’s. I would really like to discipline myself to get back on my twice per day jelquing/Uli program.

BTW, the soreness continues and I am happy with it.

In a hurry today

Warm up with hot water bottle

1 x 8 min with 5 lbs, 1 x 5 min with 10 lbs, 1 x 10 min with 15 lbs…all one laddered set for a warm up and breaking up the crinellations and whatnot

2 x 20 min with 15 lbs…I don’t even consider adding the previous weight right now due to plenty of soreness

Jelq for 10 min with 50 Uli’s…veins are really becoming “permanent” and I like it

Measured BPFSL and it was a solid 7 and an eighth so growth is slow but steady.

Man lack of privacy can really hinder your workouts.

Today, finally, got to do my routine again.

Warm up: 1 x 10 min with 5 lbs, 1 x 10 min with 10 lbs…no hot water warm up today

3 x 20 min with 15 lbs…stretch - O - rama

Jelqed for 10 min + 50 Uli’s

Took stinkin 3 hrs start to finish and I thought I was pretty good about breaks after hang sets.

Yesterday…all straight down

1 x 10 min with 10 lbs, then 1 x 10 min with 15 lbs

1 x 20 min with 17.5 lbs

1 x 20 min with 15 lbs

10 min dry jelq

Time/privacy seem to be the major limiting factors to this endeavor, don’t they?

Warm up set:

1 x 20 min with 10 lbs standing straight down

The work:

1 x 20 min with 17.5 lbs standing straight down…….and that was an awesome set because I wasn’t watching the clock so my tissues are adapting

1 x 20 min with 5 lbs hanging BTC and I mean really BTC. Changed chairs so I can really lean back.

1 x 10 min with 7.5 lbs BTC…I would’ve gone for 20 min but time/privacy issues…but this feels very doable

What I did differently today…changed the chair, really tried to pull the skin back (away from the head and towards the pubic area) as I was wrapping.

Don’t forget, if you don’t have any privacy, manual stretches are better then nothing!

Originally Posted by Dinosaur
Don’t forget, if you don’t have any privacy, manual stretches are better then nothing!

Thanks man. That’s what I did when I got home from work last night. Just sat there and did manual stretches for about 10 min. I do it pretty much every night while looking at the computer, but I never count that as part of my routine just more of breaking up the “repairing the tissues process” so my cock doesn’t somehow heal shorter.

Thanks for the encouragement Dinosaur!


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