Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




This thread is primarily for myself to chart my progress and my routine. Anyone can read it and comment at will to question what/why I am doing something to benefit myself, themselves or others.

I have done PE (hanging and jelqing) in the past and really had no success. Probably because just when something started to work I would consistently change routines. I began in 2001 and lasted through 2005, again, no success just better erections.

My primary focus will be on hanging. In the past I bought both the BIB hanger and the BIB Starter. I got so frustrated after about a year of trying to figure out the toe out/in stuff I just threw them both away. The pain was unbearable.

Frustrated (and depressed) I just faded away sometime in 2005 with my hopes and dreams crushed. And I was crushed.

No PE whatsoever had been done since then until sometime in March of this year I bent over and my cock actually turtled up inside me. We could call that the turning point.. The motivation.

So it was in late March 2014 I began to jelq and stretch manually. By June 2014 I realized I was not able to maintain a pull for extended periods of time so I entertained the idea of hanging with the idea that I had done something incorrectly in the past. Boy was I dead on with that mindset. Here is/was the primary problem that I experienced with hanging.. The wrap.

All forms of wrap potentially can and will give you excruciating pain, they are all against you and your goal at some point. The reason? They bunch and then you tighten that bundled mass down and then hang.

The solution? As you are tightening down your hanger, the wrap will bunch up primarily on the top of the shaft. Grab the hanger (regardless of model used) and locate the bunched up area of the wrap, usually on the very bottom layer. Now pull the wrap gently towards your stomach area. This will loosen and smooth the wrap out.. Tighten down your hanger, checking for more bunching.

This part takes patience and time but it really fixes the pain problem.

Next post will be about my current hanging routine.

With all the time I had spent hanging in the past, the most comfortable hanger was the little PVC modified BIB hanger that you make yourself using a hose clamp. That is what I settled down with this time.

I began hanging around July 15th of this year, straight down while standing up. Again, the wrap has been the limiting factor but this time I am aware of the root of the problem.. The wrap continuously bunches.

I will post pictures of the hanger I am using (for reference purposes) sometime this week. It’s all homemade but credit goes to BIB for giving us the blueprints.. Thanks BIB.

One thing I found VERY interesting was a contraption called the "saddle tee". It is used to repair sprinkler systems and (brace yourself) costs about $1.25. I bought one today at a used hardware store for 25 cents.. Pictures soon. I will take pictures as I modify it for future reference.

Just google "saddle tee". Here are a couple of links which I have no relation to.

Orbit 3/4 in. x 1/2 in. Plastic Saddle Tee 37120 - The Home Depot … ing.php?id=4664

Forgot to add my routine.

Monday thru Friday mornings, weekends off pretty much.

Currently hanging 15 lbs straight down while standing for 3 sets of 20 minutes. Also hang BTC for 3 sets of 20 minutes but only using 5 lbs. Skin still stretching obviously. I will stay at these weights for sometime I imagine since the base of my cock is pretty sore.

Sometimes (often) I will wet jelq for 10 to 15 minutes after a hanging session for blood flow.

Update 8/7

Used my current 2 piece PVC hanger with hose clamp

1. Warmed up with 5 lbs hanging straight down while standing as I got all my reading material set up.

2. Set #1 hung BTC with only 2.5 lbs for 30 min straight.. Long set because low weight doesn’t seem to affect blood flow too much

3. Set #2 hung 15 lbs straight down while standing for about 18 min.. Serious pull on ligs in pubic bone area. Noticed it as soon as I put the weight on

4. Set #3 hung straight down while standing but could only use 10 lbs for 20 min

5. Set #4 hung BTC again with the 2.5 lbs and for 30 min to end the session

I am noticing a serious pull/stretch in the ligs on/around the pubic bone. I coughed while hanging and really felt the ligaments. So there we go. That was today’s session.

Also, after each set I would remove the hanger and rest for about 5 to 10 min doing squeezes for increase blood flow.

Hung Saturday night.3 sets of 20 min with 5 lbs BTC.. Experimented with hanger positions and moved the hanger closer towards the glands and that made a tremendous difference in comfort.

Hung Sunday night.1 set of 25 min and 1 set of 20 min with 5 lbs BTC in new hanger position.

Hung 3 x 20 min Monday morn.. Only got 2 sets 20 min of 5 lbs BTC

Hung today (Tues).2 sets of 20 min with 5 lbs BTC.2 sets of 20 min with 7.5 lbs BTC

So, today I increased the weight by 2.5 lbs and what a difference in feeling. Very important to get the wrap adjusted correctly before laying back and hanging the weight down. Also had to use Vaseline on the shaft and pubes because skin stretch was extremely painful.. After I put the Vaseline on it was all good.

Hung one set today due to schedule and zero privacy. Gonna have to get that under control.

1 x 20 min with 15 lbs standing up, straight down.. What a stretch in the ligs (I really don’t even know if I’m feeling it in the right place but I definitely feel a major stretch along with a good soreness on pubic bone)

BTW, I went to Home Depot and bought 4 of these "saddle tee’s" and some extra screws to replace the existing ones. The cost was $8.50.

One thing that’s cool about these is that the side that is getting screwed into (we’ll call that the female side) has a nut already sunk into it. The male side is the one I want a butterfly nut on ideally.

It may not work at all because of its size but I’m gonna give it a try.

Orbit 1 in. x 1/2 in. Plastic Saddle Tee 37121 - The Home Depot

Uh, so I took some measurements today and to my pleasant surprise, this stuff really works!

Did 4 x 20 min with 7.5 lbs BTC then 1 x 20 min with 15 lbs straight down while standing up. Those 5 sets took me from 10 am to 2 pm.. I have serious trouble adjusting the wrap before I do a set so it takes it awhile to get it comfortable..

Also, up to this point, I have been doing zero warm ups or cool downs with temperature. I usually do a single set of either 5 lbs BTC or 10 lbs straight down while standing for approx 5 min

Update.I haven’t been able to hang much this week, 3 sessions I think but things are definitely happening.

Last week I measured per the post above, and I can’t believe I didn’t annotate the measurement, and I was just a hair under 7.00” BPFSL. I measured several times during and after my hang session today and I am just a hair over 7.00” BPFSL.

I couldn’t believe it.

Today I hung standing for 1 x 20 with 10 lbs then 1 x 12 with 15 lbs then 1 x 18 w/15 lbs. Next I sat down for BTC with 5 lbs 1 x 20, all using the T-shirt wrap. That wrap consistently gives me trouble with bunching and pinching.. Painful to say the least. It is the single biggest obstacle to hanging comfortably.

I then used used some blue theraband I have - cut it just the same size as the T-shirt and then wrapped tightly, but not too tight for circulation. Now I have had bad experiences with thereband in the past but I never wrapped tightly. Today was different. This was pretty awesome.

I then sat down and did another set of BTC 1 x 15 with 5 lbs and 1 x 7 min with 7.5 lbs.. Amazing to say the least. Then I did 1 x 20 with 10 lbs standing up, straight down with no discomfort from the wrap. FINALLY.

By the time I began to use the theraband my skin was very sore so I couldn’t go heavier but tomorrow should be a nice test after my skin calms down.

Also, I had sex the other day with the wife and something cool happened that has never happened before. While I was pushing I could feel my ligs big time in the pubic region. It’s unusual to me because all of my hanging is done down but my erection (obviously) is up.

Anyway, this stuff is definitely cool.

PS The hanger I am using is the basic homemade BIB modified version that is 2 parts made out of PVC - works great.

Last edited by elvis51 : 08-22-2014 at . Reason: spelling

Man I’ve been thinking about my session today when I finally used the theraband correctly.

If you can make the skin a non-factor, hanging becomes very productive and enjoyable. Comfortable even.

The way I was wrapping, the T-shirt hindered the hangers ability to grab the internals/cord. It seems the skin was grabbed first even if I tightened down enough to be able to hold the weight.

So what I did in the past while using theraband was to wrap it too loose. When I would tighten the clamp, the theraband would bunch. Today I placed the theraban wrap on tight but loose enough I could take a leak with it on. But that sucker was on tight. I never needed to make an adjustment while tightening down the hose clamp.

Here’s the link to correct wrapping from BIB.

Wrapping drawings

wrap second page.jpg

Are you cut mate? this wrapping instructions are clear if you are I think.

You seem to be doing everything correctly. Why dont you go to the Bib’s forum and get advise?

It is stranged… I thoughe the best hanger was the bibstarter, even bib assures so.

I dont hav emuch privacy to hang but the starter is a device i want to buy and have it for the future

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

Hi quim

Yeah I’m circumsized and I have gone to Bib’s site but it won’t let me join for some reason. That’s okay though as I am getting this dialed in through trial and error.

Today I did the following:

Hung one warm up set of 1 x 8 min with 10 lbs straight down

Hung 1 x 12 min with 15 lbs.. Then 1 x 20 with 15 lbs both standing straight down. Final set 1 x 20 min with 5 lbs BTC

I only used the Thera-band wrap and it would not allow me to go heavier due to skin stretch (I think). The Thera-band definitely does not bunch or bind but either the skin was stretching or I had the hanger too close to the head. I may have needed to pull the excess skin from the glans before putting on the weight but the Thera-band would not allow me to pull it back as I was wrapping.. Maybe some baby powder before I begin to wrap.

One things for certain. I am definitely attaching to the “internals” much more and that may be the whole problem that I’m not used to as of yet.

Oh man am I excited.

I got home from work and tried to adjust the wrap. I wrapped with Thera-band first then I wrapped my T-shirt over the Thera-band. That is the best wrap I have ever felt.

Using just the Thera-band by itself removes the bunching/binding issues but causes my cock to be very thin creating the need to really clamp down on the hanger to hit the internals. Adding the T-shirt allows the hanger to adjust easier somehow, just a thicker wrap set up. Hard to explain it but it feels great, almost like nothing is on my cock. Only thing I feel is pressure in the gland.

This is what I did.. All sets were done standing while hanging straight down.

1 x 20 min with 10 lbs.. Consider this a warm up set

2 x 20 min with 15 lbs

FWIW, I wrap pretty tight but loose enough to take a leak if I needed to to.

Last edited by elvis51 : 08-25-2014 at . Reason: grammar issues


Just woke up and reflecting.

Last night was my best hang session ever. Majority of the session the ligaments were the focus with very little energy going to the skin. No hanger issues, no tightening of the hanger issues.

No pain at all. Usually there is some pain with the skin in some facet but not last night. It was all due to:

1. Wrap first layer with Thera-band very snug

2. Wrap second layer with T-shirt

I guess a test of pain/no pain presents itself when you try to walk around while hanging. Usually I try to remain absolutely still because I get those screeching pain signals telling me not to move because of some skin related issue. Last night - I could navigate freely.

Last edited by elvis51 : 08-25-2014 at . Reason: added title for reference
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