Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Vino: hanging insight & room for improvement


Vino: hanging insight & room for improvement

Since I am a new member, I feel it’s appropriate to try and prove my knowledge on PE by providing somewhat of a history or a resume of when I started up to where I am right now. Unfortunately, because of my lack of confidence in the past, I have not written down any “precise progression measurements” but chose to base my progression on visual and once in a while the ruler. I felt that personally for me, it would mentally obsess me with the smallest numbers and I was already obsessed enough with my insecurities at the time.

My background needs to be discreet but I am aware that genetics, techniques and the tiniest detail can make the biggest difference in making others motivated so I will always try and be descriptive to a certain extent.

- I am 100% Asian, although I get perceived otherwise my genetics say 100% Asian.
- I am also uncircumcised
These are the biggest factors a beginner like me at the time would worry most since they have such a negative stereotype attached to the terms when it comes to having a dick.

When I first started PE I was 14-15 years old. My flaccid penis was around .8 ~ 2 inches depending on the temperature and erect I was 4~5 maybe higher but definitely not above 5.5 inches. Now being Asian, I knew puberty hit late but I was mentally weak and being in America, I felt like I was on the lowest class possible. I soon started searching and ended up finding the process of jelqing and stretching. I was on a shower routine daily for a good 3 years with only a few on and off moments because of the lack of motivation. Nevertheless, my size did go up. The constant jelqing made my penis blood flow harder and I was able to push my 4~5in + exaggerated 5.5 in to a definite 6in (when fully erect) but my flaccid remained the same.

After that I felt confident enough to lose my virginity, have a party lifestyle in high school and all that. I stopped the manual stretching for good once I was mid 17 yrs old. For some odd reason (probably because we are all human and fall back into human nature) my insecurities came back. Not as bad as before but greed got to me and I ended up finding out about hanging last year and since then I’ve made some crazy stretches to make hanging happen.

Before getting knocked for my method (cause I personally know its not safe which is why I’m here now looking for new perspectives) I feel I should let you guys know my current measure to keep the attention alive. In the beginning I was a 4~5 erect/.8~2 flaccid, after years of work I am currently 7.5~8 erect/2~5 flaccid. I could finally move up from ordering condoms online to rolling magnums down on my dick to the point of not having enough rubber left. BTC hanging actually covers all my ass crack + more and my girlfriend moved from the smallest tampon size to the super plus which I feel bad for her cause of the negative stereotype behind it but at the same time, a sense of pride constantly kicks in haha

Anyways my hanging progress was within a matter of a year, I obviously had to hang low weights but my lifting weights was all I had and the lowest was a 10 lb. Currently: 15 lbs
- The method of hanging: Tieing a wife beater to my dick and the weight on the other. Currently: Upgraded to using two baby socks for support on top of wife beater and a shoe lace to tie instead of the wife beater
- Always been 6 o clock LOT
- Angle: Straight down, Between the Cheeks. Upgraded and added somewhat of a bootleg fulcrum
- Time: 1 hr total a day *including one to two 5~10 min breaks.
- Routine:
1. Straight down, lean back, swing forward and back.
2. Between the cheeks, lying back on table, feet higher than the ass, make sure your dick credit cards you
3. Upgraded: Added fulcrum theory into the mix, all I do is place a stick under my dick and let the weight bend and stretch my dick even more as I move the stick up and down for force of impact.
4. Traction wrapping, usually have to unwrap because of blood flow

My two cents: After experimenting with hanging I can confidently state that although most hanging theories differ from person to person, the concept of plastic deformation seems concrete to me. From then on it’s cognition and creativity. If you put 10 lbs in a plastic bag sure it’ll stretch but it can be stretched even more if you swing the plastic bag, keep dropping the same weight to further stretch with impact, physics, etc. Most of my visual gains came from going 15lb while using somewhat of the fulcrum method (targeting areas to stretch)

The answer I desperately search for is the line between progress safety and efficiency. The homemade hanger has caused 3 black spots near the hole on the head of my dick after realizing blood came out of there during hanging. I found out I was overworking the front side of my dick so I reversed the tieing process and it seemed to stress my dick a lot less now that the focus is on the back side. Taking breaks are a mental killer and such a frustrating and depressing phase. I have only took 2 days off max but I’m currently back on hanging.
Back to my question: how can I keep maintaining ALL my length without hanging if I had to put a break on it? Traction wrapping seems like the right answer but there are too many frustrating factors for me to think straight right now.

This is possibly also a question for the future too since I don’t believe I would continue hanging for life if I had kids.

Thank you for letting me share my story, hope someone with knowledge on this can help me out as this injury is kinda freaking me out in terms of health but mostly not being able to continue PE

I have an hard time understanding the kind of hanger you are using and your question too. If you are searching for a cheap clamp-style safe hanger, the AFB is the best choice. A few days of rest will not cause any loss in length. To preserve your gains, you just need to perform a couple of short PE session per weeks.

I guess I assumed the answer required in-depth personal detail. The hanger is similar to the 2 sock theory found on this site. Its just that I’m starting to see multiple black spots on my penis so I was contemplating whether to quit or to improve the homemade device for better circulation during the hanging process.

Now when you say couple of sessions per week, what would you recommend? I assume this is similar to lifting and once a week for 20 min isn’t gonna preserve the gains.

You are comparing muscular gains with penile growth. Those are two different things. I don’t know the two sock theory to be honest, anyway the AFB hanger allows circulation; proper wrapping should also avoid this issues, you should start from the head and wrap toward the base. If still you are having black spots, cut down weight. Be aware that the fastesr you raise the weight, the faster your penis will strengthen and gains come to a stop.

First off, congrats on the gains - very impressive!

As for your hanger, there are threads here with directions for cheap, simple hangers that will take you to the next level.

Your hanging method sounds pretty painful and dangerous and I would definitely change it. I have the same black spots on my head near the opening. This came from too much pressure due to having too much blood in the head while hanging. Do a search in the homemade hanger thread and find one or a couple that you think will work. I tried a couple before I made my own, then I bought a Bib hanger.

As far as preserving your gains, PE weights would serve you well, as well as light maintenance hanging, several times a week.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

By the way - I was always told to do my weight swinging side to side. I always did them front to back and I feel that’s where a great portion of my gains came from.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Mr. Schlong - Thank you for the compliment and for the advice, I’m greatful that someone with the exact same injury stopped by to help a new member out. I guess it’s only right that I pushed my device to it’s limit since it was homemade in the first place. I will search on the forums for other possible methods including the previous mentioned AFB hanger by marinera.

I have always done my swings front to back, occasionally side to side and you would feel a decent stretch but it was never enough to be considered the point of focus in my opinion.

Are the black spots permanent in your case? If not, how long would you say it would take in order to heal.

Marinera, is there a Thread on “Post your Wrapping/Hanging Pics Here”, I think there should be, I’ve seen alot new member’s posts confused in the proper way to wrap/hang. Me included!

Originally Posted by vino7on8
Mr. Schlong - Thank you for the compliment and for the advice, I’m greatful that someone with the exact same injury stopped by to help a new member out. I guess it’s only right that I pushed my device to it’s limit since it was homemade in the first place. I will search on the forums for other possible methods including the previous mentioned AFB hanger by marinera.

I have always done my swings front to back, occasionally side to side and you would feel a decent stretch but it was never enough to be considered the point of focus in my opinion.

Are the black spots permanent in your case? If not, how long would you say it would take in order to heal.

If you don’t have the money or don’t want to spend it, by all means - go for the AFB or the Chicken Choker 3.

I’m going to keep doing the front to back and see if it brings me anything new. I always liked the stretch it gave.

As for the black spots - mine have been permanent for the most part. I’ve had them since 2009 and they’re still here, though they are either fading or going away as I am hanging again. I had developed a black ring around my circ scar from improper hanging. Fortunately, with proper wrapping and hanging technique, I was able to get rid of that. As for the rest of the blackened areas, I am going to try some stuff called Arnica Montana Gel. Apparently it’s good at removing spots and minimal scars.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Originally Posted by marinera
You are comparing muscular gains with penile growth. Those are two different things. I don’t know the two sock theory to be honest, anyway the AFB hanger allows circulation; proper wrapping should also avoid this issues, you should start from the head and wrap toward the base. If still you are having black spots, cut down weight. Be aware that the fastesr you raise the weight, the faster your penis will strengthen and gains come to a stop.

Marinera, is there a Thread on “Post your Wrapping/Hanging Pics Here”, I think there should be, I’ve seen alot new member’s posts confused in the proper way to wrap/hang. Me included!

There are tutorials on wrapping and hanging; in their private pics threads members can post pics of their wrapped units and ask if they are doing right.

Originally Posted by Mr. Schlong
If you don’t have the money or don’t want to spend it, by all means - go for the AFB or the Chicken Choker 3.

I’m going to keep doing the front to back and see if it brings me anything new. I always liked the stretch it gave.

As for the black spots - mine have been permanent for the most part. I’ve had them since 2009 and they’re still here, though they are either fading or going away as I am hanging again. I had developed a black ring around my circ scar from improper hanging. Fortunately, with proper wrapping and hanging technique, I was able to get rid of that. As for the rest of the blackened areas, I am going to try some stuff called Arnica Montana Gel. Apparently it’s good at removing spots and minimal scars.

This is the first time I’ve took a break from hanging for more than 2 days, its actually day 5 now and the black spots have turned white/grayish? I don’t know if this is the healing process or if its infected. The random itching/pain on the head of my penis has gone away so I’m leaning towards this being a good thing but eventually I need to start hanging again. I don’t want to take too long of a break. Any thoughts on this based on your experience?

Originally Posted by vino7on8

This is the first time I’ve took a break from hanging for more than 2 days, its actually day 5 now and the black spots have turned white/grayish? I don’t know if this is the healing process or if its infected. The random itching/pain on the head of my penis has gone away so I’m leaning towards this being a good thing but eventually I need to start hanging again. I don’t want to take too long of a break. Any thoughts on this based on your experience?

I’ve honestly never experienced that before. Are they just spots, or were they raised bumps? I personally wouldn’t stop hanging - just reduce your weight. You need to make sure to squeeze the blood from your head before hanging and if you see it swelling again, unhook and squeeze again. If you were itching, I’m inclined to believe you broke skin.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

It’s day 6 on the break and the white/grayish spots are turning back into skin color. I am paranoid that if I keep hanging with my homemade hanger that this injury will return. Besides, I’m seriously contemplating the bib hanger, I’ve heard excellent reviews. Other than manual stretching in the shower, constant sex, and taking a break from hanging, I can’t think of anything else that will help others with the same injury. Maybe I was lucky to be aware enough to take a break just in time before it turned permanent or my sperm from having sex has some magical healing powers lol who knows? I’ve always heard people on these forums say that the human body has incredible powers to heal itself.

I love my Bib and would recommend it to anyone who is interested in hanging.

As for the spots, definitely have no idea what they are, but glad to hear they’re healing. And yes, the human body is amazing!

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

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