Hillclimb's First Year Stealth PE Progress
Hi peen pullers!
I’ve been lurking for almost a year now and have learned so much from so many members here. My stealth PE journey started in January of 2023 with the purchase of a Phallosan Forte. After placing that order I found Thunder’s, and by the time my order arrived, I had been doing manual stretches for a week or more.
I’ve done a lot of reading here at Thunder’s and worked out a routine that has been very good for me. My routine has been adjusted throughout the year and is far from perfect due to privacy and time restrictions. It is based on the research and routines of 5.5 squared, Kyrpa, and many others. Thanks guys!
Unfortunately, I haven’t kept much of a log, but I have updated my stats page periodically with detailed notes on my routine and progress. Posting my results and routine here will help keep me accountable and more consistent in my next phase.
1/6/2023 First 3 months:
Started TRT 1/6/2023
Beginning measurements- 5.5 BPEL +/- .25 length - 4.75 MEG +/- .1. Reasonable accuracy but not 100% (pre thunders research)
Routine: Ramped up for 2 weeks-
-ADS (PF) for 10-13 hours a day @ 6+ days a week.
-Bathmate Hydromax7 pumping 5 days a week for 1 set of 15 minutes working up to max pressure.
-5-10 minutes of jelqs and Ulis after pumping as time allowed. Manuals averaged 3 days a week for the first month and became less consistent in months 2 and especially month 3 (1 x week).
Results: 1/6/2023 - 4/19/2023
6.5 BPEL - 7.125 BPFSL - 5.1 MEG - 6 BEG
Max pressure pumping in the Bathmate (14-ish HG based on research not measuring) resulted in significant growth but decreased EQ on pump days. No lasting desensitization or discoloration occurred. A switch was made on 4/1 to a 1.75x9 Leluv cylinder with a brake bleeder pump. The new cylinder is pumped to 5 HG for 1 set of 20-30 minutes as time allows. Girth expansion is down compared to the Bathmate but EQ has returned to above baseline and length in the tube is up significantly. The 1.75 cylinder is a little tight for my base girth but I also purchased a 2.125 that is too large. With length being the primary focus at this time, I will stick with the 1.75 and upgrade to a thick walled Leluv 1.9 if necessary.
Phallosan Forte results were noticeable within the first month but no measurements were taken until mid April. Growth seems fairly steady throughout and started to slow around the time of measuring.
New Routine: 4/17/2023
Started vacuum hanging SD with the PF. Started at 2.5 lbs for 1 hour total including a 15 minute 1 lb warm up. IR heat pad for 30 minutes in the middle with 15 minute cool down. First day resulted in no BPFSL change I increased the weight to 3 lb and then 3.5 lb for next 2 days. 3 month ADS must have conditioned me for hanging. 3.5 resulted in a strain of 1.5% so the weight was upped to 4 lbs on day 4. Strain increased to 3.4% and felt great.
ADS continues. Low pressure pumping continues for blood flow and EQ but will discontinue if a plateau comes early
Results: 4/20/2023 - 9/8/2023
BPEL 6.875 BPFSL 7.875 MSEG 5.25 BEG 6.125
Hanging consistency suffered in late June, July and early August but April through early June saw dramatic improvement in BPFSL from 7 1/8in to 7 7/8. I worked up to 5.5 lbs on cool down and was showing signs of a needed decon. Bathmate pumping frequency increased during the unplanned decon but pressure was kept to a reasonable level. Occasional pumping in a leluv 1.75 as privacy allowed.
Since starting back in August, I have slowly worked up to 6.5 lbs at cool down with strain around 2-3%. I will continue riding the strain rate until November or until I hit 7.5 lbs then another decon until January. Low pressure water pumping is still going on for EQ.
I suspect that my BPEL may be slightly longer than 6.875 but I’m almost never fully erect unless with a partner. This can be said about my initial measurements too. It’s not an ED issue (I think) because my sexual erections are now excellent. I just don’t get much above 85-90% erect without a woman.
Goal for the next 8 weeks in to gain .375 in BPEL and BPFSL. Girth increase is not the focus.
Results: 9/9/2023 - 10/25/2023
BPEL: 7 1/8 BPFSL: 8.25 I haven’t checked girth to avoid chasing girth numbers right now
Hanging frequency has been pretty consistent at 3-4 days per week, although I try for 5 on 2 off. I’ve been using an ADS for 8+ hours at 3-4 lbs tension on days that I should be hanging but cannot make the time or find the privacy.
Hanging weight has increased to 6.5 lbs with an FIR heat pad followed by 7.5 lbs for a 10 minute cool down. I’ve been using an ADS for 1- 3 hours (sometimes as much as 8 hours) for a gradual stretch before adding weight and heat.
The results have been terrific with the ADS warm up and the increases in weight from 5.5 lbs to 6 lbs and then to 6.5 lbs under heat. I plan to continue with this weight until the strain slows and then take a 6 week decon break sometime in November.
I’ve been doing sporadic light pumping when I have time and sometimes before sex. I’m consistently hitting 7 1/4 in the tube and as much as 7 1/2.
I haven’t been checking girth recently but the Phallosan Medium cup is now sometimes too small. The large works for a while but will usually start to slip after an hour or so. I sometimes use tape to seal the base of the large condom to prevent slippage. This has to mean I’m gaining girth, at least in the glans.